Inconsistent Examples

Best quote heard recently: "Don't preach in my school, and I won't think in your church."

Boy I hate it when my monitor slants to the left like that! Funny how folks always equate "preaching" with religion and don't label it as such when practiced by those they agree with.

Oops, there's another one: A tolerant liberal.

Bill Parsons
Triangle Kenpo Institute
Musicians who urge higher taxes to fund philanthropic ventures while living in a country that exempts taxation on artistic endeavors. And then, when said country ends that exemption, move all their money to a tax haven in Amsterdam.
Hey, now! Them's fightin' words! :lol:

Computer techs who can write code but can't use standard applications

I can build a computer - hardware
I can tell you all about the computers that run your car's engien and transmission and other parts

I have problems with some applications in particular the ones that have to deal with graphics. :~) :D

NOTE: I can use excel and powerpoint and word and lotus and other such applications. ;)
Musicians who urge higher taxes to fund philanthropic ventures while living in a country that exempts taxation on artistic endeavors. And then, when said country ends that exemption, move all their money to a tax haven in Amsterdam.

I really liked a recent south park epsiode that I think showed the true Bono. ;)