in the way of danger

Hi Painstain,

I tend to agree with the folks advocating a safer alternative ... but not just for your sake. Many, many people have been killed accidentily in fights no one would consider lethal. The problem is the unpredictable nature of how bodies move in, and come into contact with, the immediate environment.

Say, you hit the bad guy hard ... he falls ... hits his head on the corner of a brick building and he dies. This would be an enormous problem for you. You didn't use lethal force, but someone died anyway. If it comes out in court that you have been acting as a vigilante ... your problems are compounded.

Play safe.
I agree with everyone here mentioning to side with safety. I know all too well the **** you can run into and survive, I also understand the attitude " When the crook messes with me and I win , I get his wallet" Been there done that. Pain seems to still want to advocate his "In the way of danger attitude" anyway. Let him suffer his own consequences. Just sounds like he wants to talk tough, "I kick ***!, anyone else want some?" Yeah, in my younger days I would have told him to prove he had his wallet, look for a watch and jewelry on him before I took him. But now I do have much to live for, so he may call me ****! if he wants. I'm not the one possibly headed to the grave. Have your fun Pain ( You really want the name PUNISHER don't you?!) After all this discusion he has not shown much concern for himself (SAVING YOURS & MINES) or the wellbeing of his family, I can no longer feel compasion for him. Go on fool, HELL AIN'T HALF FULL! Southeast DC needs saving too, when you are done with your neighborhood. Gotta love those vigilaities! (I hope the moderater realises the cynicism I was using) He's too tough for me! PEACE oh I mean Please no, don't hurt me! lol!
painstain said:
i know not to many will share this opinion. however i know there has to be a few.

who will actually put themselves in harms way just to fight or protect yourself??

not that fighting is good, but who actually likes it. i take traditional tkd with a twist of kung fu, hapkido, and judo. and i actually put myself in the way of danger just to fight. i don't know what else to say. i like to fight when i'm not the one starting it. i like getting punched at and actually getting punched gives me an adrinaline rush. i wish i could say i train so i don't have to fight. but with all honesty, i set myself up to get picked on and i put myself in positions to defend myself. i don't know why. i'm almost thirty with 4 children. but to me is a great rush to find a bad spot in town and wait to get messed with. i don't start trouble, i just encourage trouble makers to mess with me. i suppose thats just as bad. but i like it.

am i the only one out here who likes to challenge todays style of punks!?

Wow, just wow. Hmmmmm.....Well I would defend a kid. I would defend my family. I would defend the helpless. Yeah, that about covers it. Other than the above I will use hapkido, tae kwon do and judo for self defense.
Jimi said:
Pain seems to still want to advocate his "In the way of danger attitude" anyway. Let him suffer his own consequences. Just sounds like he wants to talk tough, "I kick ***!, anyone else want some?" .......

Have your fun Pain ( You really want the name PUNISHER don't you?!) After all this discusion he has not shown much concern for himself (SAVING YOURS & MINES) or the wellbeing of his family, I can no longer feel compasion for him.

Pain, please realize that this is not the movies. Playing a vigilante will only lead to pain and suffering for yourself and your family. Also, please consider the person that you kill or maim because you are so wrapped up in being an adrenalin junkie that you can't distinguish between a real bad guy and someone who is all talk (or just in the wrong place). Don't talk about how you are defending freedom. You are so busy being a bada**, that you can't ensure that your family is safe. The police are the ones protecting your family, now they have the added burden of protecting others from you.

No reputable police force would have you. I was a soldier for 24 years. If by some chance you had been assigned to one of my units, with your attitude I would have either gotten you kicked out and/or confined.

Grow up.
Oh good grief. Are you the Badass that Jenna was talking about in the self defense thread? I completely understand the adrenaline rush thing - It was the main reason I stayed a bouncer so long despite knowing it was a bad idea.

However, this whole "save the women and children" thing is WAY beneath contempt. Call it what it is, pal. You like fighting. You like hurting people, and the street thugs (which I seriously doubt are as tough as you make them out to be) are your "willing" victims. I find it much more likely that you pick fights with loudmouths at pubs or wherever you find them. Cause I know for DAMN sure that you're not out cleaning the streets of organized crime and gangs.

but to me is a great rush to find a bad spot in town and wait to get messed with. i don't start trouble, i just encourage trouble makers to mess with me. i suppose thats just as bad. but i like it.

am i the only one out here who likes to challenge todays style of punks!?

Tee hee. Bad part of town. Where's that? In my bad part of town fights start and end with guns. Funny I've never seen you there.

todays style of punk? Is that the 21 year old kid who just got drunk? Or is it the kid who just saw Sid and Nancy for the tenth time? Maybe its the obnoxious businessman, but I know what it isn't - a career criminal, gangbanger, or any other type that would really be a threat to law abiding citizens.

In short, you're a joke. The punchline is 4 children without a father when he finally picks the wrong fight. Not funny.
I teach my students that they should avoid violence whenever possible and that using their martial skills should come only as a last resort. If i found out that any student was trolling through the unsavory parts of town and engaging in needless violence, I'd expell him immediately from my school.
Moderator Note.

Please keep the discussion at a mature, respectful level. Feel free to use the Ignore feature to ignore members whose posts you do not wish to read (it is at the bottom of each member's profile).

Thank you.

Lisa Deneka
MartialTalk Supermoderator
first of all i thank all of you for your concern. i made it soundlike i do this every day. its more just when i'm by myself. having four kids doesn't leave too much time for myself. when i say i put myself in the way of danger, i mean that i present myself as a target. i don't start fights with anyone. i am not taking too much more of a risk than anybody that goes to a store in a bad neighborhood. when something does happen, i'm not trying to be some show off ninja as i take my self defense seriously. other then that, i like to fight. just like you may liketo go hiking or swimming, i enjoy fighting. my instructor says the same things as many of you and i really do appriciate everyones concern. one other issue i wanted to address was the proving to be tough comments. i proved that a long time ago to the only people it would matter to and at that time it had nothing to do with martial arts. i didn't join martial arts to go out and fight i joined it to spend more time with my wife and children.

with respect,
Let me guess, your hero is Motobu Choki?

Sooner or later your "hobby" is going to cost you more than you can afford. The choise is, of course, yours.
all the rediculous sarcasm is completely disgarded!
i read and take every serious coment seriously, those who wish harm upon me, i wish blessings on you!

with respect,
All in all I wish you the best of luck and hopefully that you will be safe-ish ;) when you make yourself a target. There is a alittle piece of advise I would like to give and please take it to heart. For every ten guys you beat there will be three, one who will learn, one who will change and one will be praying to find someway to hurt you. Chances are when they can't do alone, or with their buddies or even with some sort of weapon they will have two choices, to shoot you or go after your family. Sometimes they do both...

I'm not trying to scare you or be all high and mightly, but most of these punks your talking about are cowards and they all wonna be the next "monster" to walk the streets. All I'm gonna say is be careful and watch your back

thanks for your friendly advice.
i do take it to heart and feel the same way you do. i think what most don't understand about what i'm doing is only what i feel like a person should do. i am a christian. i feel like the definition of that is to help people. i didn't mention that i do volunteer work for the childrten of my community. and i didn't mention that i was a teen parent counsilor. all i do is what i feel compelled to do, in many different ways. but what i told these people is that i seem like a bully i guess. i explained it the wrong way maybe. somebody needs to do these things though. when there is a group or an individual meaning to do harm to someone, shouldn't it be someone who stands a fighting chance? or someone who won't lose it and still be able to call 911.

i don't think 911 is the best choice but thats just me and the experiance i've had with the police. they sure as hell won't say thank you when you are the one apprehending the bad guy. but thats beside the point.

most who read this will not put themselves in harms way in order to keep it from happening to someone they don't know. thats where i agree with police. they will eventually show up. but will any of the martial artists. that answer is no! but i will, no matter what criticism i get.

with respect,

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