in the way of danger

painstain said:
whats his face that i was argueing with is just trying to look like some great guy that wouldn't risk his own neck, ANd hey, thats fine, i'm just sayin i will. like i said to begin with i don't expect many martial artists to agree with me. doesn't matter. if it was your mom or daughter or wife or sister anyone would be thanking me. i thank you for your concern. its much better than say you wish i got stabbed.

Tricky thing,that reading comp. I don't think anyone reading this would hesitate to protect themselves or their loved ones from harm.

What I think people are having problems with is someone actively going out to look for trouble while leaving a wife and children behind,possibly forever. Other then that, this is all I have left to say...:feedtroll
whats wrong with feeding trolls, they watch my back. if i went out saying yes i'm ganna get killed then i would agree with you. but i don't gop out thinking i'm leaving anyone. i'm not one to assume failure before i've gon far byound it.

with respect

Just a thought: All the martial art training in the world does not make anyone invincible. One well-placed blow could potentially cripple you - or lead to your early demise. Think about your children, for crying out loud.
painstain said:
i know not to many will share this opinion. however i know there has to be a few.

who will actually put themselves in harms way just to fight or protect yourself??

not that fighting is good, but who actually likes it. i take traditional tkd with a twist of kung fu, hapkido, and judo. and i actually put myself in the way of danger just to fight. i don't know what else to say. i like to fight when i'm not the one starting it. i like getting punched at and actually getting punched gives me an adrinaline rush. i wish i could say i train so i don't have to fight. but with all honesty, i set myself up to get picked on and i put myself in positions to defend myself. i don't know why. i'm almost thirty with 4 children. but to me is a great rush to find a bad spot in town and wait to get messed with. i don't start trouble, i just encourage trouble makers to mess with me. i suppose thats just as bad. but i like it.

am i the only one out here who likes to challenge todays style of punks!?

I definetaly have to say that although fighting is bad I wouldn't excalty going around instigating. also the adrenaline rush you get from hitting and getting hit is amazing but I'm just not sure if it would be worth it if something were to escalate out of control especially having a family. I'll admit that I have instigated myself but I only did it once because I realized that it could have gotten out of control.

JC2005 said:
I definetaly have to say that although fighting is bad I wouldn't excalty going around instigating. also the adrenaline rush you get from hitting and getting hit is amazing but I'm just not sure if it would be worth it if something were to escalate out of control especially having a family. I'll admit that I have instigated myself but I only did it once because I realized that it could have gotten out of control.


At least you realized it and adjusted accordingly.

If there are people who like to fight *THAT MUCH*, my only advice is: be smart enough to get *paid* for it. *shrug*
SWORDLADY, i am thinking about my kids, and yours, and you, and your sisters and your mothers.
thank you for your concern.

i don't mind being wrong, i just want to now if there are others out there that feel like standing up to these guys is better than backing down. i appriciate all the comments, even from whats his face. keep em coming

with respect
hey andy, i have had a guy put up 20 bucks before we got into it. and i made 20bucks in 40 seconds. is that bad?
painstain said:
SWORDLADY, i am thinking about my kids, and yours, and you, and your sisters and your mothers.
thank you for your concern.

i don't mind being wrong, i just want to now if there are others out there that feel like standing up to these guys is better than backing down. i appriciate all the comments, even from whats his face. keep em coming

with respect

So this is kind of a "karmic fair trade" thing? You have it somehow figured in your head that if *you* face the bad things then you hope that, in exchange, maybe those for whom you care won't have to?
Andy Moynihan said:
At least you realized it and adjusted accordingly.

If there are people who like to fight *THAT MUCH*, my only advice is: be smart enough to get *paid* for it. *shrug*

lol I suppose that if it were going to happen one way or another try and make a couple bucks off the deal;-) lol

painstain said:
i am thinking about my kids, and yours, and you, and your sisters and your mothers.

So which is it? You want to show everyone how tough you are, or you are trying to prevent crime?

Either way, there are safer and more effective options than deliberately getting involved in street violence.

I only have three things to say, I understand your attitude I'm from the so called "wrong side" of town myself. So I have been through some nasty **** in my day, I've also seen sunny down town Bagdad (yes I know I misspelled it ;) ).

1- You wanna teach these young punks on the street a lesson, I understand your point on this. I've even shown a few pups whats its like with the "old dogs" but there a point to testing yourself and teaching others. If wonna teach the pups then lead by example and if you want to test yourself get in a ring, cage, backyard whatever you are less likely to get jumped by 4 to 8 people, get stabbed or shot.

2- I just have to ask why do feel the need to test yourself? I'm not gonna tell you your being stupid, but on allot of levels you are. Now I'm gonna point this out to you, we both know everytime you fight you take a chance, a serious chance, if you have no "safety net" you are looking at serious pain and possible trouble.

3- You enjoy the excitement of it, that are two things which this generally can relate, either your just now getting a taste of the excitement and have started craving it, or you have lived rather dangerously before and now you are having to feel the void so to speak. I've seen this third option with guys who went to Iraq and after living in constant edge were having trouble taking that edge off. I seriously hope this isn't the case because you are on the way to a mental breakdown at some level.

As far as anything else goes, I say have fun. Allot of people won't learn until they get hurt and most will never learn. Do as you do brother, but be safe or as safe as possible doing it...
painstain said:
the way i see it is alot of these punks out here are just waiting for a victim. most victims wont even try to defend themselves. why not surprise them. i guess i do express such impractical behavior but its better then being caught off guard

with respect

People like you are welcome in my gym any time. I don't see anything special about fighting people that don't know how to fight.
painstain said:
SWORDLADY, i am thinking about my kids, and yours, and you, and your sisters and your mothers.
thank you for your concern.

i don't mind being wrong, i just want to now if there are others out there that feel like standing up to these guys is better than backing down. i appriciate all the comments, even from whats his face. keep em coming

with respect

Sir, you may want to re-read your post that started this thread; where you went looking for trouble and purposefully put yourself 'in the way of danger.' That is much different that thinking about your kids and others, as you are trying to defend your actions now.

Wouldn't it be ironic if your next fight was with a like-minded good samaritan that was defending his family from you?

Best Wishes!
Hello, To painstain...One day you will find yourself fighting the wrong person! Bang,bang or a silently knife stab unexpected, or the other person friend hits you will a club/something from behind.

Today so many people have a family and kids...what about being a good role model. Everytime you get into a fight..brings you closer to Jail or a morgue...your choice? National average is approx 30,000 people kill in street fights.

Growing up.. means being a good person/respected/honest/role model for others to follow....NOT a BULLY

One day you will understand passive thinking over aggressive thinking..which one works best and most times. (yes there are times we need to fight back).

We are trying to help you see you ways are no longer acceptable and long life is not going to happen if you don't change!

Trying to help you see..your lifestyle of getting into fights...UM? ...NOT good...Please try other peaceful methods to settle things...Yes some people do need to kick there A---kick. Let others(there kind do it)...Just my thoughts and feelings here........Aloha
hey i just finished reading this thread, really interesting... to painstain: i hear what ur saying about the adrenaline rush, helping others and all that, and i'v gotta admit iv also placed myself in a position to get into a fight. differance is im 19 and have no responsabilities to any kids, etc. YOU DO. So b4 u go out to save the world think about ur kids... who's gonna help them when ur gone?
knifeboy said:
hey i just finished reading this thread, really interesting... to painstain: i hear what ur saying about the adrenaline rush, helping others and all that, and i'v gotta admit iv also placed myself in a position to get into a fight. differance is im 19 and have no responsabilities to any kids, etc. YOU DO. So b4 u go out to save the world think about ur kids... who's gonna help them when ur gone?

Don't you know that most every parent's worst nightmare is to bury their own child? It is downright foolish of you to deliberately put yourself in harm's way just for kicks. Please think carefully about how your family would feel if God forbid you don't survive the next "thrill-seeking" adventure.
Swordlady said:
Don't you know that most every parent's worst nightmare is to bury their own child? It is downright foolish of you to deliberately put yourself in harm's way just for kicks. Please think carefully about how your family would feel if God forbid you don't survive the next "thrill-seeking" adventure.

hmmm... i hear u, guess m/b im being just as selfish... s/t 2 consider...
knifeboy said:
hmmm... i hear u, guess m/b im being just as selfish... s/t 2 consider...


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