In my opinion - The most impressive demonstration of Kung Fu on Youtube

Any evidence of this? links, sites, biography, etc.?

By the way, I didn't even have to get that. By simply googling "Shi Xing Hong Taekwondo", this picture came up:


Apparently he's been teaching and doing demonstrations all over Europe for years.

And exactly how did you find that out?

There's this thing called the internet...
Then how come I just found out that his name is Shi Xing Hong, and he is a Shaolin warrior monk from the 32nd generation, and that his birth name is Wang DeQing?
Your original post was "In my opinion -The most impressive demonstration of Kung Fu on YouTube".
As others have pointed out the guy is obviously skilled but it is a demonstration and it, IMHO, wasn't a great demonstration. I have seen the Shaolin monks on tour and I have seen them in China. They put on an impressive show, especially in China.

The Shaolin demonstrations are spectacular but they don't make me want to race out and learn Kung Fu. I would be far more impressed if they were demonstrating the fighting applications of their forms. :asian:
Your original post was "In my opinion -The most impressive demonstration of Kung Fu on YouTube".
As others have pointed out the guy is obviously skilled but it is a demonstration and it, IMHO, wasn't a great demonstration. I have seen the Shaolin monks on tour and I have seen them in China. They put on an impressive show, especially in China.

The Shaolin demonstrations are spectacular but they don't make me want to race out and learn Kung Fu. I would be far more impressed if they were demonstrating the fighting applications of their forms. :asian:

I'm not talking about the original post. I'm talking about the fact that I said it's a monk and was immediately corrected. Whenever I tried to suggest that it might be, it was met with ridicule and contempt because "we know about CMA and you don't".

You said that I was a "kindergarten kid arguing the point with a bunch university graduates", and what do you know? I was right. He is a monk. The "university graduates" were wrong.

I'm not claiming to be a Wushu Guru, but is it so hard to admit that I was right on this point and everybody else, who ridiculed me about thinking he's a monk, were wrong?
Then how come I just found out that his name is Shi Xing Hong, and he is a Shaolin warrior monk from the 32nd generation, and that his birth name is Wang DeQing?

And did you know for a donation of about $,$$$ & a week or two training at one of many wushu guans around Dengfeng & the temple, you too can become a bonafide Shi named disciple as well?
And did you know for a donation of about $,$$$ & a week or two training at one of many wushu guans around Dengfeng & the temple, you too can become a bonafide Shi named disciple as well?

Oh I see... So now we have a mini conspiracy theory goin' on. He bribed them for it. OK. Then explain this:

And this:

How did he learn that? From a pamphlet in a cereal box?

And how about this:

How much more evidence do you need before you admit you were flat out wrong and lil' ol' me was right?
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Oh I see... So now we have a mini conspiracy theory goin' on. He bribed them for it. OK. Then explain this:

Easy... he learned it at a wushu guan. Never said anything to the different. He didn't bribe anybody. He paid his fees for training, just like everybody else except for you I think. But you can too... if you cough up the $$$$$ you can learn too!!!

How much more evidence do you need before you admit you were flat out wrong and lil' ol' me was right?

As soon as you prove that he's a monk & not a paid performer.
You mean he lived a life of violent conflict then retired as a monk, as was often the case?

It means that he's been in the Shaolin temple since he was a kid, and has become proficient enough spiritually, mentally and physically to be certified and known as a warrior monk of the 32nd generation.

Plus, the discovery channel seem to think he's a monk:

Then again, maybe he paid them off too...
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It means that he's been in the Shaolin temple since he was a kid, and has become proficient enough spiritually, mentally and physically to be certified and known as a warrior monk of the 32nd generation.

Oh... it does, does it?

Please explain Gene then...
Please explain him then....

I mean these two have been accepted in the order... both have generational names... neither have been there since little kids, yet... hmmmmmm....
I'm disappointed at all the people out to show the original poster what an idiot he'd been to be impressed by the martial arts demonstrated by the two practitioners. He was just sharing, and I for one appreciated the video - I don't understand the need to tear it apart.

Oh... it does, does it?

Please explain Gene then...
Please explain him then....

I mean these two have been accepted in the order... both have generational names... neither have been there since little kids, yet... hmmmmmm....

You seem to have trouble understanding what I'm saying. I didn't say he became a monk because he was a kid. I said it's a part of his story and that he has been a monk of the 32nd generation, which is true.

And I'll take the word of the discovery channel researchers before I take yours. If they say he's a monk, he's a monk. Your inability to accept this is baffling, to say the least.
I'm not talking about the original post. I'm talking about the fact that I said it's a monk and was immediately corrected. Whenever I tried to suggest that it might be, it was met with ridicule and contempt because "we know about CMA and you don't".

I didn't comment on whether he was a monk!

You said that I was a "kindergarten kid arguing the point with a bunch university graduates", and what do you know? I was right. He is a monk. The "university graduates" were wrong.

OK. I was wrong. I should have said Grade Three. Happy now? :)

I'm not claiming to be a Wushu Guru, but is it so hard to admit that I was right on this point and everybody else, who [ridiculed me about thinking he's a monk, were wrong?

Why do I have to admit you were right? I never said you were wrong!

Comments like the following leave me cold and they give the impression that you are trolling. If you are not trolling, and you wish to be part of this community, I think you need to be more thoughtful in your posts.

I want more videos like this. A minute of that kind of fighting is a lot more impressive to me than hours of MMA and UFC. It's not sporty. No gloves. No points. No rounds. No countdown. Just a referee and an unscripted fight (Not that I think that UFC and MMA is scripted, mind you). Really beautiful stuff.

"However, that was a demonstration, not a fight."
Maybe, but it wasn't scripted. It showed grace, agility and composure, and did so with great technique. They both seem highly skilled.

I bet that the monk would have reacted with the same composure if attacked in a real fight.

"There's a difference in asking a directed, sincere question and not."
So now I don't only have to ask, I have to do it in a way that pleases you. You're a high maintenance forum participant.

"But I was trying to offer you some advice"
You were being snippy.

Mate, I haven't a dog in this fight. I think that your assessment of the OP video was wrong. It is a poor demo that was all flashy high kicks that I happen to think are nothing to do with RBSD. I have seen some fantastic performances from Shaolin monks and this was nothing like the Kung Fu I have seen them demonstrate.

My Kindergarten comment refers to your attitude, not your knowledge, although with little or no martial art training your knowledge in unlikely to be encyclopaedic. :asian:
Let's try to remember that this is supposed to be a friendly sort of place, OK? Hounding each other to give in and say the other guy was right doesn't come across as very friendly...
It means that he's been in the Shaolin temple since he was a kid, and has become proficient enough spiritually, mentally and physically to be certified and known as a warrior monk of the 32nd generation.

For what its worth, 'warrior' monks were warriors who retired as monks. Monks generally werent and arent warriors.
How much more evidence do you need before you admit you were flat out wrong and lil' ol' me was right?

Right about what...him beinng a monk or that being most impressive demonstration of Kung Fu on Youtube?

Let me repeat, and then I am done becuase it is pointless..... no monks at Shaolin train Shaolin Kung Fu as a Martial Art these days. They train it for show and they train sanshou for martial arts and what you have in your video is not sanshou

By the way, I didn't even have to get that. By simply googling "Shi Xing Hong Taekwondo", this picture came up:
And why would I go and google it? You're the one posting about who it is, I have no idea how tough it will be to find him, and honestly don't want to go out of my way to help you out with your (mainly unrelated) point


Apparently he's been teaching and doing demonstrations all over Europe for years.

The picture showed up, but not anything verifying who he is, and what he is a master in. Also, that website, as far as I know, failed to say what his ranking was in his style, whats considered a master in that style, or even WHAT style it is he studied, just that it is shaolin, and kung fu (which is a pretty broad category, and could be stretched to include things most MA'ists wouldn't consider kung fu. if you look on the wiki for shaolin kung fu (, there is a whole list of them, and also many others that claim relation to the temple, with no actual relation. There's also tai chi, which I've heard you can learn at the shaolin temples, and similar arts. Odd he didn't mention what art he practiced in that little bio-site of his.
So, i googled Shi Xin Hong Taekwondo. I saw that screenshot of a monk in pink.
I also saw this:

And this:

I'm disappointed at all the people out to show the original poster what an idiot he'd been to be impressed by the martial arts demonstrated by the two practitioners. He was just sharing, and I for one appreciated the video - I don't understand the need to tear it apart.

You need to see more of his history here before thinking we're off .
You seem to have trouble understanding what I'm saying. I didn't say he became a monk because he was a kid. I said it's a part of his story and that he has been a monk of the 32nd generation, which is true.

Right ... ok... please explain again how it makes any difference in the world? I gave you two instances of a couple of visits, some training time & $$$$$ got two non-Chinese citizens ordained into the order & given generational names.

And I'll take the word of the discovery channel researchers before I take yours. If they say he's a monk, he's a monk. Your inability to accept this is baffling, to say the least.

Oh.... I see. Discovery channel. Well, that explains every thing don't it?

Well since you're stuck on being right, you can be right. You also are a troll & an ignorant little one at that. Enjoy yourself.
Let's try to remember that this is supposed to be a friendly sort of place, OK? Hounding each other to give in and say the other guy was right doesn't come across as very friendly...

But daaaaaadddd...... he started it!!!! :bangahead:

Doesn't matter... he's made my ignore list.

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