In my opinion - The most impressive demonstration of Kung Fu on Youtube

I don't see how it was scripted, as they seemed to attack at random timings, but even if it was, it still takes a considerable amount of skill to perform the moves the way he did.

I never said there wasn't skill involved. Actually I think I said it or intimated it directly.

With the risk of sounding like a troll - How do you know that?

Because this from the way they carried, was a demo... nothing more. Loss of face would've occurred on both sides for 1) smacking the other guy, and 2) the other guy getting smacked.

Meaning what?

Meaning (from the wushu guy only) would've waded in like gangbusters. There'd be nothing flashy or showy. He would've moved in chopping trees to destroy the base, dropping bombs from on high to the body & trying to throw him to the ground.

Just before you wrote that, you quoted me asking a question. How do you go so quickly from quoting a question to saying: "if you'd ask"? Are you trying to feed the troll? (That's what I am, right?)

Yep... there's a difference in asking a directed, sincere question and not.

As far as feeding the troll... oh, I can bait you right along. But I was trying to offer you some advice, move away from playing with you & trying to get you some real, factual info... but if you don't want it, just say the word Sunshine.
It looked like they were going back and forth in a very linear fashion, and not exploiting any angles or trying to control the distance of the fight. It almost looked choreographed to me. From my beginner perspective, I think it is important to use angles and distance in various attacks. I saw very little of this in the original post video.

Overall, I was not impressed.
If you want to believe in a fantasy and want him to be a monk...ok...abracadabra...POOF he's a monk.

As to what is meant by sanshou applications of wushu

Wushu is the real live Chinese word for Chinese martial arts, it is not Kung Fu. Kung Fu means hard work.

Sanshou is one of the many wushu styles therefore he would use sanshou applications and since sanshou is wushu it is sanshou applications of wushu, not Shaolinquan applications of wushu because they don't teach those anymore at Shaolin.

Make your mind up is he a poof or a monk?

Experienced martial artists with many sparring bouts, fights and competitive bouts under their belts can tell quite easily what is real and what is cheoreographed. Demonstrations like this one are good for showing what an art can do, it takes skill to to spar in such a way you can show off your moves without hurting your partner.
I don't know that much about Chinese martial arts but I know more than I did and am still learning thanks to the excellent posters here and if they are telling you something believe them, they know what they are talking about from experience, practice and usage not from watching online videos.

Like the professional wrestling, which I like watching, videos like this are done by good athletes, like pro wrestling though if they really struck each other there would be blood, guts and broken bones all over the place.
Interesting thread, sort of, with a nice video. To me it is clearly two skilled practitioners displaying their art for a demo, who are actively not trying to hit each other and simply trying to make each other look good for the sake of each others arts, such as is normally the case when performing a demo.

As for the colours of the robes, a bit of a silly argument but hopefully this will help clear it up and not start it raging again:

Years ago the Monks simply made up their robes from any rags they could find, eventually when they started making proper or decent robes the lower level or disciples wore robes that were varying shades of grey, starting normally from a darker blue-grey and moving into a flat grey over time. They would eventually progress onto a yellowy-orange colour (almost saffron) as they gained experience and eventually the most experienced would don the orange robes (in all honesty though from what I have read, they keep all their robes, as they are not wasteful and in all honesty probably wear the one that doesn't require cleaning, so my statement may not be 100% accurate, and probably isn't lol).
However, legitimately women were not allowed to wear the orange or saffron coloured robes (nuns etc) and most female students would wear the blue/grey robes regardless of their level. However, in more recent times and probably with the access to different fabrics being a little easier, women have taken to wearing more different colours, normally muted, but mainly the greys with some white and yes pink and because of this and the above, you will never find a monk wearing pink robes.

Hope that helps, just some of the info I had to had, so please don't take it as gospel.
Sorry, while it looked pretty, it wasn't a fight. It's never a true fight until at least one guy gets punched in the face. :D

Chuck that "Monk" into the UFC or K1 and let's see how good his "demonstration" of Kung Fu really is. :)
Sorry, while it looked pretty, it wasn't a fight. It's never a true fight until at least one guy gets punched in the face. :D

Chuck that "Monk" into the UFC or K1 and let's see how good his "demonstration" of Kung Fu really is. :)

Nah, he'd have a right monk on if you did that!
Sorry, while it looked pretty, it wasn't a fight. It's never a true fight until at least one guy gets punched in the face. :D

Chuck that "Monk" into the UFC or K1 and let's see how good his "demonstration" of Kung Fu really is. :)

What's the old saying?? "It's all fun & games until somebody gets punched in the mouth"??
Because this from the way they carried

Strictly speaking, that's an evaluation. It might be a high probability one, but it's still an evaluation.

Meaning (from the wushu guy only) would've waded in like gangbusters. There'd be nothing flashy or showy. He would've moved in chopping trees to destroy the base, dropping bombs from on high to the body & trying to throw him to the ground.

What if a monk is a specialist in crane or mantis style? Wouldn't he fight with that?

there's a difference in asking a directed, sincere question and not.

So now I don't only have to ask, I have to do it in a way that pleases you. You're a high maintenance forum participant.

But I was trying to offer you some advice

You were being snippy.
Strictly speaking, that's an evaluation. It might be a high probability one, but it's still an evaluation.

It's accurate. Way beyond what you put up as an opinion.

What if a monk is a specialist in crane or mantis style? Wouldn't he fight with that?

With sanshou/sanda application representative of that particular style. Bottom line is it wouldn't look scripted & hands off. Somebody would've gone down, possibly from either side.

So now I don't only have to ask, I have to do it in a way that pleases you. You're a high maintenance forum participant.

*sigh* ... no, I'm very low maintenance. But I'm running very low right now in tolerance to people who when pointed out as incorrect, think they have to buck up to not be seen in error. In other simpler words so it's not perceived as high maintenance, my BS meter is set to 1... you've rung about a 5.

You were being snippy.

I'm being old, crotchety & yes, correct ... you're being petulant like my step kids used to when I counted their age on one hand.
Let me think about this....we have some very experienced CMA people on here who are telling us one thing and we have a non martial artist (no style at all) who is telling us what he's learnt from watching videos...who I shall I believe.... wait one..oooh, that's right it's the very experienced martial artists of course...duh!

What if a monk is a specialist in crane or mantis style? Wouldn't he fight with that?

NO!!! For crying out loud do you read anything that is posted.

Let me break this down for you

There are no Shaolin monks who fight with any shaolin forms (Shaolinquan) in the 21st century, it is all performance wushu and they do not specialize in anything. They are trained to fight and that is with sanshou, not shaolinquan and not animal forms. Stop fantasizing and face the reality here. Shaolin today is mostly a tourist trap and big martial arts school in modern CHina. That big martial ars school will train the hell out of you and assuming you make it through you will be in great shape, rather well trained in "PREFORMANCE WUSHU" and "SANSHOU" the sanshou bits are for fighting.

Now of all the people, mostly kids, that go to Shaolin and train at Shaolin a very small number of those go on to be actual Monks.

Now if you want to pretend it is different or fantasize about the great fighting skills of the shaolin monks using shaolinquan then go ahead but stop asking silly questions and trying to figure out a way to support your fantasy.
Let me think about this....we have some very experienced CMA people on here who are telling us one thing and we have a non martial artist (no style at all) who is telling us what he's learnt from watching videos...who I shall I believe.... wait one..oooh, that's right it's the very experienced martial artists of course...duh!


You know you have just come up with the best response to this whole thing

:banghead: :hb: :banghead: :hb:
*sigh* ... no, I'm very low maintenance. But I'm running very low right now in tolerance to people who when pointed out as incorrect, think they have to buck up to not be seen in error. In other simpler words so it's not perceived as high maintenance, my BS meter is set to 1... you've rung about a 5.

I'm being old, crotchety & yes, correct ... you're being petulant like my step kids used to when I counted their age on one hand.
You are sooo polite.

I'm sorry. I'm not buying into this thread as my BS meter broke right near the beginning of the thread. But it is interesting .... like watching a kindergarten kid arguing the point with a bunch university graduates. I was going to take a different route, but when I came to the first bridge, there was this big sign ......


.... and I'm scared of trolls. :)
Why did they stop?

The Chinese government "encouraged" Modern, performance wushu to the exclusion of martial application. So that is what happened to the Chinese forms.

There are still legitimate traditional martial artists in China, but those would be small, independent groups who probably practice in the parks or in the home courtyard or garage, quietly by themselves. At Shaolin, it's pretty much all Modern performance Wushu because it's great for tourism, it puts on a good show (yes, they are tremendous Athletes, but not fighting martial artists) and that's what the government wants. They are ambassadors for Chinese cultural and performance arts, as defined by the Chinese government. And the government gives them financial support so they live a life of comfort above what most people live. But they do train very hard for it.
Then how come I just found out that his name is Shi Xing Hong, and he is a Shaolin warrior monk from the 32nd generation, and that his birth name is Wang DeQing?

And exactly how did you find that out?

Did you go to Shaolin and they showed you the records...which of you being unknown to them is highly likely :rolleyes: and of course they are written in Chinese so I am assuming you are literate and fluent in Chinese. Or did you as the guy in the video who likely speaks only Chinese and would likely benefit a lot outside of China being known as a Shaoliin or did you as a pal who is as much as an expert as you appear to be

My first sifu told everyone he was trained by the Chen family too....that is until one of the Chen family showed up and told him to stop it.
He also claims to be trained by Wudang..... has pictures to prove it....he wasn't trained by Wudang either.

And the whole thing here is that if in fact he is a monk form Shaolin, he is not trained to fight with Shaolin forms... those are for show, much like a dance....he is trained to fight with SANSHOU!!!!

Now since you obviously know little to nothing about real Chinese martial arts, but you seem to want to deify the guy in your link video as being a kung fu god there is not really much of reason you will listen tooÂ… but I have to say this is getting rather silly and bordering pathetic so you go with the fantasy and I will stick with reality

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