IMAF Schea site

It should be noted that Datu Inocalla has established schools in South Africa as well as Brazil. It should further be noted that the IMAF Philippines has established minimum standards for their instructors to travel abroad and teach

This was all I was asking for. It was a shame that we had to do so far to get the information. For those who don't know me. When I ask a question, I don't mix words. I type the way I talk. I don't mix my words. This is nothing new. The Modern Arnis players who hung around Remy know who I am and how I am.

There are more questions I have that will have to wait. I leave Sunday for a two week tour threw Denmark and Sweden. I will have very little access to the net.

Don't mistake some one who is being direct for being a prick. I know the difference. When I'm pushed I can be the biggest prick you ever met!

Guro Dan McConnell, a member of the IMAF Board of Directors, will be traveling in the future to his ancestral homeland, Ireland to conduct Modern Arnis seminars.

I would also like to congradulate Dan on his up coming seminar. Good Luck.

Originally posted by Mao

Perhaps aonther IMAF voice will help.

I agree. The fact that so few IMAF Schea people take part on Martial Talk makes it hard to share information and get answers.
Originally posted by stick-i-bunz

Please permit me to apologize for any underhanded comments regarding Mr. Hartman's weight, literacy, or other inconsiderate aspect not pertaining to the issue at hand made by myself in my previous post. I readily admit to my own hypocrisy in complaining about shameful displays and bickering while allowing myself to participate as well. My actions were extremely unprofessional, unappealing, and unjust in that regard. I will not claim my impulsiveness as an acceptable excuse.

Very well stated and very proper.

Thanks for stepping up to see your own behavior and correcting it.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Hi All,

I have to correct one impression I might have put forth and that is that Dr. Shea has not responded to emails I have sent. He has sent me several long replies to queries I sent him.

What I have never got were substantive replies to direct questions about what my role in IMAF, Inc. would be.

I queried him (and a number of the MOTT's) and got very generalized answers which, in effect, said nothing but "glad to have you aboard."

Those, to me, are "no answers." It's like asking, "How's the weather today?" and getting, "Well, you know, it's the weather."

Dan Anderson
Originally posted by

A few things now, we'll get some other issues later.
First, complements to Datus Dieter and Tim for keeping things professional. Everyone should note that both men are skilled players who have contributed a great deal to te art. we should also remember that both are also professional martial artists in that they make a good portion of their living from the martial arts, specifically Modern Arnis. Obvioulsy it is in the interest of both men to have their credentials and accomplishments accurately portrayed for public view. (an that, in essence, is what this thread is about).
Second, stick-i-bunz; you might take a lesson from the protocols on the WMAC forum; sign a real name if you are going to start flaming. You don't sound like anyone I know personally, and since I was an instructor at Tulane Martial arts for nearly ten years, head instructor for five, remain a technical advisor, was the first person to introduce Modern Arnis to the Tulane curriculum (circa 1994), watched ALL of the current Modern Arnis black belts/brown belts at the club now earn their rank, and issued those same individuals their dan rankings under Mr. Dillman I have some strong feelings about throwing that program's name around.
Or if you are trolling for the other member of this board who is involved with Tulane you might get your history and facts right first.
Chad Dulin

Well, at last, a new piece of information. Chad, please tell us more about the program at Tulane. Do you know of any other college/university programs that give academic credit for Modern Arnis instruction. The program at Tulane and mine at Erie Community College are the only ones that I know of at this time.
Looking forward to hearing from you and anyone else who has the requested information; Thanks in advance.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
I just wanted to comment on how much I admire Dr. Barber for integrating Modern Arnis into College programs that give academic credit.

I don't know if you started the program in Tulane yourself, Chad, but if you did then I admire you too! :D

Since this Thread is more focused on the IMAF, Inc. Website, I would like to start a brand new thread on this subject; I do find it really interesting.

I don't know how to attach the thread to here, but if someone could please do that for me I would appreciate it!

Off topic, but since the question was asked....
I became head instructor of Tulane's martial arts club in (I believe) 1993. Shortly thereafter the primary curriculum switched from taekwon to ryukyu kempo. At the advice of several of my seniors in DKI I tool advantage of the fact that Professor taught in the gulf south a great deal.
Modern Arnis was initially integrated because I needed training partners in order to learn the art.
Brett Salafia came along at about this time; Brett is my senior in Modern Arnis, my junior in ryukyu kempo, and one of my best friends in or out of the martial arts. When I left Brett took over the program, brought the Arnis portion to the next level, and hosted the first seminar with Professor in New Orleans.
The program was and remains, non-credit as Tulane has no phys ed requirements.
Just a few points about Tulane's Program:

It functions under Club Sports, a non-credit recreational student activities program open to the university community. It is funded through the student activities fee structure. This allows for the purchase of equipment, travel expenses to seminars, or the hiring of guest instructors. The club charges a nominal ($25/year) dues to help sustain a small endowment.

The program began as a TaeKwon Do Club, prior to Chad Dulin's functioniong as head instructor. SInce that time, the club has been an ecclectic melting pot of martial arts, centered around a curriculum of basics for members without previous training. During Chad's tenure, the club was heavily influenced by his studies in Ryu Kyu Kempo under George Dillman and Ed Lake.

Chad and I trained each other privately in our respective styles and the flavor of the club shifted towards Modern Arnis and Ryu Kyu Kempo, and the significant interplay between these styles in actual application.

In 1997, I took the helm of the club, shifting the focus toward a Modern Arnis curriculum. I hosted seminars with Professor Presas in 1997 and 1998 in New Orleans drawing participants from all over the gulf south. These were Professor's first visits to Louisiana.Guro Rob Alexander and I can claim to be the only students to have a private lesson with the Professor on a New Orleans riverboat, while travelling down the Missisippi

After my departure from New Orleans in 1998, Rob Alexander(Lakan), Doug Bock(Lakan), Denise LeBlanc Bock (Dayang) and Mike Johnson(Likah) continued to teach the Professor's art. All of these instructors are dan ranked through Dillman Karate International as well. They continue to influence the club as their time allows.

The club frequently invites Chad and I back as guest instructors. We both enjoy training, eating and drinking New Orleans style as often as possible

Most recently the club's core curriculum has turned back toward TKD and also American Kenpo. Jeff Dake, one of the current instructors has a kenpo lineage under a student of Professor Lee Lowery who is incidentally a Modern Arnis 6th degree.

The club serves as a place for serious martial artists to train, exchange ideas and explore their own arts in the context of diversity. Through the hard work of Chad, myself, and the other instructors named above, the Professor's notion of the Art Within Your Art lives on at Tulane.


Brett J. Salafia

IMAF, Inc. Board of Directors

West Hartford Connecticut
Hi Brett,
Nice to see you here! It's also good to hear a little of your m.a. history. Will you be at the Michigan camp this year?

warm regards,
Dan McConnell
IMAF, inc. board of Directors
Modern Arnis of Ohio
<<<Will you be at the Michigan camp this year?>>>

Hey turd, did you mean "Chicago camp" ?


Brian Johns
IMAF, Inc. Board of Directors
Columbus, Ohio
Hey!! Did the Great and Mighty Whoopass just call me a turd??

Yeah, I meant the Chic. camp. Thank you for your correction.

See? Thats how we should communicate. I posted, Whoop corrected and I thanked him for it. Thats comminication. :D
Originally posted by modarnis

Just a few points about Tulane's Program:

It functions under Club Sports, a non-credit recreational student activities program open to the university community. It is funded through the student activities fee structure. This allows for the purchase of equipment, travel expenses to seminars, or the hiring of guest instructors. The club charges a nominal ($25/year) dues to help sustain a small endowment.

The program began as a TaeKwon Do Club, prior to Chad Dulin's functioniong as head instructor. SInce that time, the club has been an ecclectic melting pot of martial arts, centered around a curriculum of basics for members without previous training. During Chad's tenure, the club was heavily influenced by his studies in Ryu Kyu Kempo under George Dillman and Ed Lake.

Chad and I trained each other privately in our respective styles and the flavor of the club shifted towards Modern Arnis and Ryu Kyu Kempo, and the significant interplay between these styles in actual application.

In 1997, I took the helm of the club, shifting the focus toward a Modern Arnis curriculum. I hosted seminars with Professor Presas in 1997 and 1998 in New Orleans drawing participants from all over the gulf south. These were Professor's first visits to Louisiana.Guro Rob Alexander and I can claim to be the only students to have a private lesson with the Professor on a New Orleans riverboat, while travelling down the Missisippi

After my departure from New Orleans in 1998, Rob Alexander(Lakan), Doug Bock(Lakan), Denise LeBlanc Bock (Dayang) and Mike Johnson(Likah) continued to teach the Professor's art. All of these instructors are dan ranked through Dillman Karate International as well. They continue to influence the club as their time allows.

The club frequently invites Chad and I back as guest instructors. We both enjoy training, eating and drinking New Orleans style as often as possible

Most recently the club's core curriculum has turned back toward TKD and also American Kenpo. Jeff Dake, one of the current instructors has a kenpo lineage under a student of Professor Lee Lowery who is incidentally a Modern Arnis 6th degree.

The club serves as a place for serious martial artists to train, exchange ideas and explore their own arts in the context of diversity. Through the hard work of Chad, myself, and the other instructors named above, the Professor's notion of the Art Within Your Art lives on at Tulane.


Brett J. Salafia

IMAF, Inc. Board of Directors

West Hartford Connecticut

Hello Brett,

I want to thank you and Chad for the info on the Tulane program.
This is a lot more of waht i wanted to see when I joined this group - good information exchanges.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Originally posted by Renegade

I agree. The fact that so few IMAF Schea people take part on Martial Talk makes it hard to share information and get answers.

Well guys and girls, after all of the heat and smoke, I have to conclude that you folks have given yourselves the best example of why the proposed 2003 Symposium is a great idea. Talking face to face, clearing up impressions and getting good, factual and correct information or finding contacts to get the correct information. It happens best in face to face sessions. Add to that the opportunity to train with other instructors; to see the wide variety of Modern Arnis stylists who trained with Professor Presas and to have the best of both worlds. Segregating ourselves from one another and argueing over a "dead space" and a computer monitor is really unnecessary.

So let's talk about meeting in Buffalo, NY on July 11, 12 and 13.
It will be an awesome show! It will be the highest level of talent assembled in one place for one event since the passing of the late GM, Remy A. Presas. It would be so easy to stay away, but you would miss so much!

Shishir Inocalla
Bram Frank
Tom Bolden
Dan Anderson
Kelly Worden
Tim Hartman
Dieter Knuttel
David Ng
Demetrio Presas
Mary Ann Presas
Remy Presas, Jr.
Peter Vargas
Dawud Mohammad
Bruce Chiu
Dan McConnell

All of the above people have indicated that they want to present seminars at the 2003 Modern Arnis Symposium. It just isn't going to get too much better than this for the art. Now it's your turn to help change a negative into a positive. How many people want to attend this event? Who's ready to make a tentative commitment just as the instructors have done already? Many people have spoken in discord, several have asked for unity, now who is ready to step forward to make that peace and unity a possible reality. Remember, the goal of the Symposium is to bring us together to view the rich diversity of talent within Modern Arnis.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Shishir Inocalla
Bram Frank
Tom Bolden
Dan Anderson
Kelly Worden
Tim Hartman
Dieter Knuttel
David Ng
Demetrio Presas
Mary Ann Presas
Remy Presas, Jr.
Peter Vargas
Dawud Mohammad
Bruce Chiu
Dan McConnell

Hi Jerome,

this is an impressive list of instructors for the symposium 2003.
Please let me suggest the following:

Not everybody of the potentional intersted partitioners might know every instructor on the list. So I am think it would be a good idea, if everyone of these instructors sends a short profile, something like 6 lines or so, with the most importanf facts to his MA career. This would give everybody a good impression about the instructors.

You might also send a short questionaire that they shall answer like: when started in Martial arts, what arts, when Modern Arnis, who else they trained besides with the Professor, when did they train with the Professor (which Period of his teaching), which rank in Modern Anrtis or other styles, what other achievements they had like teaching seminars, publishing books, videos writing articles or anything else worth mentioning to get an idea about this person.
I am sure you know better than I what would be important to know about the instructors.

Then one could put it together and would have a great agenda about the "Who is Who" of the symposium.

Just a thought.

Best regards from Germany

Dieter Knüttel
Datu of Modern Arnis

BTW, any ideas of the price for participants for the symposium yet?
Originally posted by stick-i-bunz

7. The IMAF has established international presence worldwide: Canada, Philippines, United Kingdom, Europe, South America, and Africa

Mr. Hartman,

I guess they don't speak or comprehend the English language very well up there in Buffalo. Does anything in that statement say that the IMAF, Inc. has an affiliated school in these locations? Answer: no it doesn't. Words mean things. And "presence" is not a synonym for "school" in any thesaurus I can find. My Merriam-Webster tells me an acceptable translation would be "bearing," which the IMAF would have estiblished in the above-listed sites simply by the organization having hosted a seminar or conducted students in the location in the past. With the school year starting up, Barnes and Noble is offering a discount on dictionaries, may I suggest you invest in one?

You allege that you don't want to start a flame war, but you and your drone Paul go out of your way to trash any other group. I recall some drama in Michigan a few years back when you gave the Professor back your belt...a year later, you tested publicly for your 6th....Your actions are so contrived, it's like a radio station promotion.

Your whole crew needs to consider what a shameful display they put forth online. From your continual self promotion as the highest tested practitioner, to whining Paul's cries of injustice that nobody in the Presas family called him when the Professor died, it makes me sick.

Sad part is, you actually have some skill at teaching along with a base of knowledge to share. Its a shame your ego is so big that nobody else fits in the room with you to train.

If your people spent as much time training as the rest of the Modern Arnis world, they would have more useful and insightful information to post. Immature actions such as yours will surely not win over arnis practioners who want to do just that- practice! Kudos to those organizations who are concentrating on training and not bickering. From my experience with the Professor, that's what he would have wanted.

ps by the way.... looking at your picture from the awards banquet... may I suggest the Atkins diet, I hear it does worlds for shedding away those unwanted pounds the last few years appears to have put on you.

My Apologies if this has already been addressed in completion, but I would like to ask some Questions?

Since I have been to: Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan, and the Bahamas, besides all over North America.

Here is the Question!

Does this mean that since most of the time I did this travelling and I always practiced and worked out with friends or locals, Modern Arnis has a 'Presence' in all these locations?

For you see, not only do I have a dictionary, I LOVE! to discuss philosophy and logic.

So, by your own argument, there would be no location on this planet that does not have a Modern Arnis 'Presence'. And, if we can get one of the Astronauts to admit to knowing Modern Arnis and maybe practicing 'going with the Flow' while in space we could also include 'space and even the 'Moon' in this subject.

I am only taking your statement to its' natural conclusion if you follow the logic you (Stick-i-bunz) presented.

Now, the next step would be that one could argue that if anyone from any location 'viewed' a website - and practiced a move from a camp photo or from a technique demonstration, then that would imply by your logic that a 'Presence' has been established.

Now, Personally I do not think that Dr. Schea or anyone else from his organization, meant it this way. But you see, I thought out what would be the logical meaning. I agree that a seminar might be their meaning, but I would expect that Dr Schea and the rest of the leaders would expect further contact to continue their presence. I believe that the questions asked may have been presented in an 'unclear' tone, but if a discussion had occurred, such as this is a work in progress, the schools, or seminars are in the works but are not available to public knowledge at this time.


I apologize for droning on and on and on, but that is the nature of me, who loves to 'argue' (Please Look it up, Definition number one within Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary 1996(c) ) the finer points of philosophy.

Hmmm I am ranting again. Oh I how I just love to argue these points.

Have a nice day - and Respect to all

Gotta watch who you indiscriminately hammer. It looks like you got hoisted on your own krispy cream by Rich.

What the hell does that mean at the end of your post? Wnd when are you going to order a hard copy of the book?

Dan the author
Originally posted by Dan Anderson

Gotta watch who you indiscriminately hammer. It looks like you got hoisted on your own krispy cream by Rich.

What the hell does that mean at the end of your post? Wnd when are you going to order a hard copy of the book?

Dan the author


I just got back in from Japan (* work Related, and I apologize to everyone I was supposed to call and see, but I worked 16-18 hours a day in a plant every day I was there. I had time to eat and shower if I did not sleep much. :) *)

As for the book I just read in another thread that it was out and available for order at your website. I have not gotten there yet. :D If not today the 13th then the 14th I will pull out the Credit Card and order away.

Thank you sir.


The song in my signature, is that 'In The End' all the arguing and all the bickering and all the name calling does not matter. It also means, no matter how hard you try to hold it all together and/or ignore a problem/person it does to matter, what will be will be. No matter what you do it will be wrong for someone. It will be ok for others and good for some others yet.

So, if you do what you the individual has to do, then 'In The End' you will know you did what you had to do, no matter if it changes anything.

e.g. 1) Paul's search for an answer to a question that lead to a 'heated' discussion. In the real big picture did it matter?? To Paul yes, but to me and others maybe not? Those that had read the answer elsewhere saw the answer while Paul was still searching. Someone directed Paul to an answer. It helped get Paul an Answer, but did it change how Paul asks questions? Did it change how the Dr. Schea IMAF Inc Organization responds?

e.g. 2) MAO had answered Paul's question elsewhere, but not directly here. Maybe he assumed he had answered it?? He knew he had ( somewhere ). Also, he may have not seen the reason for the question from Paul.

Yet, in the end does it really matter. Paul will do what Paul does and MAO will do what MAO does. I believe that maybe communication has improved for now, but I could foresee the same discourse occurring again on another subject.

These two examples from different points of view are mentioned, not to be insulting to the parties, but as a recent argument (look it up) that took place. Yes, An answer has been given and Paul is happier, but I still contend that Paul will do what Paul's does and MAO will do What MAO does.

Just my opinion right now in life.
repjr :asian:
I really like that song. Your post made perfect sense to me. My major in collidge was psychology, so maybe we think a little alike at times (you mentioned you liked to talk philosphy and stuff). I understood your logic. Thanks.

Guro Dan McConnell
IMAF, inc. Board of Directors
Modern Arnis of Ohio
Originally posted by Mao

I really like that song. Your post made perfect sense to me. My major in collidge was psychology, so maybe we think a little alike at times (you mentioned you liked to talk philosphy and stuff). I understood your logic. Thanks.

Guro Dan McConnell
IMAF, inc. Board of Directors
Modern Arnis of Ohio


Thanks, for the positive feedback, now to get some from that lazy PAUL :rofl: who is still moving and unpacking. Just Kidding PAUL. I thought I would bust your chops a little since, if anyone has every meet PAUL they would now he is anything but LAZY.
I think Hyper would be a better term. :D

Look, I got another Jab in while backing out of the first one.

See everyone around


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