I'm Engaged!


Apr 17, 2002
Reaction score
At an OP in view of your house...

I just got engaged over the weekend. I asked my Girlfriend of over a year and a half if she wanted to get married. Gave her the ring and everything!

Believe it or not she said yes! Miracles do happend!

So next time your out, toast one for me and my new fiance' Kate!

:D :cheers:
Congratulations Paul!!!!!! oh by the way next time I'm out I'll definitely toss one back for you, and Kate, and Kaith, and Arnisador, and........

:drinkbeer :drinkbeer :drinkbeer :drinkbeer :cheers:
I am very happy for you. In fact, so happy I'll raise my glass, repeatedly, to toast your happiness.


Kate is a fine Irish name- :D Good thing you're a martial artist ;)
You're a braver man than I am. Congrats, and best wishes to the happy couple-to-be. :cheers:

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh
My condolences! ;)

Married people love to rag, but I couldn't have a better life being
a husband and a father. All the best to you, and the happy
bride to be.
Congratulations!!! I wish you both the best! Is she a martial artist too? If not, here's a chance for you to get her started, I mean if ya gonna get partnered up and all... ;) :D

Cheers! :cheers:

I wish you both the best :D
She will be your best friend...and your worst nightmare (at times).
She will be your support...and knock out your crutch when you're not looking...(ouch).
She will be your staunchest supporter...and your most difficult contestant.
She will be your lover...and your frustrator.
She will share her most intimate secrets, expecting you to hold them dear...and then embarrass you with your own in public.

The road that we call marriage is ever-winding with many of steep hills and valleys that sometimes seem endless...but it is still worth it.

Congratulations...and if anything I posted turns out to be wrong, please let me know in three years.

Congrats......And just so I know, whens the wedding so I can gatecrash ;)
Originally posted by Seig
That's what you think, farnsworht and I will be working the door.

:EG: Smiling....(rubbing my hands together) There's no way MOB's will be getting in to crash anything.