Barr: Coverage of ballot access victory in PA

Clark Kent

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Here are a couple media reports on our ballot access victory in Pennsylvania. The first comes from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:

The state Supreme Court says Libertarian Party candidate Bob Barr can join Barack Obama and John McCain on Pennsylvania presidential ballots.

Cumberland County Republican Chairman Victor Stabile sued to keep Barr off the ballot. The Commonwealth Court denied Stabile&#8217;s complaint, and the Supreme Court affirmed the decision on Friday, according to Barr&#8217;s campaign.

Some Republicans have feared that Barr, a former Republican congressman from Georgia, could siphon votes from McCain. The number of votes likely wouldn&#8217;t be large, but some fear it could make the difference in a tight race.

The second story comes from the LegalNewsline:

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has said Libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr can be on the Keystone State&#8217;s Nov. 4 ballot, alongside Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama.

The high court issued its one-page per curiam order Friday, rejecting a challenge filed by Cumberland County Republican Chairman Victor Stabile, who sued to keep Barr off the ballot by urging the courts to set aside the substitution certificate of Barr as the Libertarian Party nominee.

The Commonwealth Court denied Stabile&#8217;s complaint; the Supreme Court affirmed the decision.

The lawsuit was filed amid fears that Barr, the former Republican congressman from Georgia, could take votes from McCain, which could affect the outcome of a tight race.

&#8220;It is disappointing that such a prominent member of the Republican Party would undertake this effort to limit the choices of Pennsylvania voters,&#8221; said Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Michael Robertson.

&#8220;The citizens of our Commonwealth deserve better than the misinformation offered by the Republican leadership during this episode,&#8221; Robertson added.

Elsewhere, Gov. Sarah Palin says she believes &#8220;that anybody that would try to thwart a fair and clean election is not following American principles because part of being an American is protecting and being able to rely on free and fair elections.”

We here at Barr HQ fully expect Gov. Palin to condemn the actions of McCain supporters in Pennsylvania and to deem their activities as &#8220;un-American.&#8221;



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