I wanted karate and I got.....


Senior Master
My 16 birthday was coming, and I wanted to study karate, a girl friend of mine who was blue belt in Tae Kwon Do asked me to train Tae Kwon Do. -What's Tae Kwon Do? I asked - it's Korean Karate Manny-.
Well - if it's karate- let's go- I said.

My dad gave me as birthday present the money for the incripcion fee, the month fee and the karate uniform, my first lesson was hard, I ended so tired and with my feet soles with bloodl blisters, the floor was a woden one.

The next day I had to perform a bully in a play in the teatre of my high school, I had to wear cowboy boots and my feet were torn, I was in tears trying to put that boots, the play was very good.

That's was my begining in the Karate Koreano back in october 1983.


I was 13 when the karate bug bit me. I got into the ninja craze during the eighties, but I never seriously thought about studying until a school opened up near my home; it was about a 5 minute ride by bike. I begged and pleaded with my parents to let to join. Money was tight at the time, but they enrolled me on the condition that I up my chores around the house.

As it turned out, it was tae kwon do, but I didn't know the difference back then. The uniforms were the same as karate and they punched and kicked... So it's all the same right? :)

With almost 30 years in the martial arts, I'm almost overcome with the fact that such a big part of my life came entirely by chance. And thanks, Dad. With Father's Day coming up, I wish my father was still around to share his wisdom and love with me, particularly since I have my own son now. 'Karate' is just one more thing I owe Dad for.