You truely have no understanding of the KKW. Though a piece of paper will not help you hit harder or move faster, it is a lot more than just a bunch of guys patting each other on the back. With that example that you gave, why train in any martial art at all? You can learn to hit harder and move faster by just going on the street and "doing".
I take it your school or your instructor's school or his instructor's school never belonged to an association?
You would take it incorrectly. My kenpo professors have included guys who started or headed national or international level organizations, and I myself have been kicking around starting one for kenpo orphans with an affiliative need. Costs? Nothing, or darned next to it.
I spent several years in TKD, under a lineage not affiliated with the KKW. Some fun stories in that histroy, but maybe another time or in another thread. My niece, who is a 1st degree black in TKD, is unable to test for her 2nd...too costly. To the studios credit, they list the fees, how much stays in the studio owners pockets, and how much gets shipped off to Korea. Good chunk of change going off to people she's never met, in a land she's never been to, ro register her shnizzle with a group that's done nothing with her except collect fees. Glad I stayed out of it: I'd have been pissed.
I have offered to assemble a panel of local TKD folks for a test...regional black belts who will evaluate critically, sign her cert if (and only if) she passes, and vouch for her in years to come. Because that's really the function of an support members by vouching for quality concerns. Total costs if we do it this way? Whatever it runs for the lunch after. BBQ at her place, if she wants to keep costs minimal (brand new college student, and all), potluck in the park we test in, if it needs to be.
The point of conglomo-level orgs eventually becomes financial. If they are there for quality and support purposes only, why don't we see more from them than the sucking vacuum sound so many disenfranchised practitioners and teachers refer to? What does one actually GET as a result of membership, other than a membership card and some benefits of affiliation that ould be met in other ways?