I started San Da



i couldnt find a forum section for this but i joined san da. i took an intro class and i got hooked on it :D its very modern.. they dont have you bow, wear uniforms, learn parts of another language, or follow traditional methods just because theyre tradition. to me it looks like a mix between kickboxing and muy thai but more on the kickboxing side :p
which part? i was only able to find that it was started by the chinese military
The kickboxing/ Muay Thai mix. In San Da comps, you can't elbow & knee (I think...). But you throw, punch, kick like mad.

San Da wasn't started by the military per se, it just means (bad translation) "free fight". It's the Chinese version of kickboxing. It has rules & regs/do's & don'ts for competition, but it's basic kickboxing with throws included. It's good stuff if that's what you're after.

Here's some vids of a TCMA used in amateur san da (sanshou) bouts. http://www.floridakungfu.com/sanshou.htm
In the San Shou events I've participated in, knees were allowed, and used quite often actually. Its alot of fun, the throws are great, not neccessarily realistic as far as self defense, but very fun.

Glad to here you started!!! Keep us posted on your training, i love to swap ideas and not enough people do San Shou/Da.

I also have participated in events where knees were aloud and one where they weren't... either way its a good time.

Good Luck
Glad to here you started!!! Keep us posted on your training, i love to swap ideas and not enough people do San Shou/Da.

I also have participated in events where knees were aloud and one where they weren't... either way its a good time.

Good Luck
clfsean said:
The kickboxing/ Muay Thai mix. In San Da comps, you can't elbow & knee (I think...). But you throw, punch, kick like mad.

San Da wasn't started by the military per se, it just means (bad translation) "free fight". It's the Chinese version of kickboxing. It has rules & regs/do's & don'ts for competition, but it's basic kickboxing with throws included. It's good stuff if that's what you're after.

Here's some vids of a TCMA used in amateur san da (sanshou) bouts. http://www.floridakungfu.com/sanshou.htm

when i watched others train, i saw a lot of kneeing and elbows being used
jkdhit said:
when i watched others train, i saw a lot of kneeing and elbows being used
Maybe it's a promoter/organization specific thing... I dunno. At my school when we spar (San Da) it's all out. Only directed joint attacks with strikes aren't allows. Pretty much everything else is a go.
so heres what my ideas are so far.. the workouts are pretty intense, most days its plain workouts in different areas of fighting and just physical stuff

as for the actual fighting, i like it a lot.. it's not everyday that you get to do some moderate sparring with people trained in martial arts other than the usual taekwondo and karate
oh i forgot to mention.. i'm having a few concerns also about the training because even though most of the training and sparring seems great, i'm pretty hesitant to go to the normal training classes because it's too routined so i'm building up a quick tolerance to it physically and mentally

ive been going a few classes almost everyday since i joined and i'm not enjoying the workout as much. however the sparring is at a more intense level. other than that, i don't know how long i'd be keeping an interest in the classes
-Sounds like you're on the path to "burnout" city. Are you giving yourself a chance to relax, take time off between clases? A person can certainly train everyday, but maybe not go to class everyday. Do you train outside of class, on your own or with a few friends? They say for every hour you train in class, you should train 2-3 on your own. But you always need some downtime, regardless of the activity. Whether you're watching TV, sleeping, hanging out with a book, whatever, its important to rest your body.

-I'm sure you know all this, just from your last post sounds like you maybe doing too much, but please correct me if I'm wrong;-)

im taking breaks but the same routine all the time just didnt hold my interest :(