

Master of Arts
I am currently revising our association's Student Handbook, and a more detailed Black Belt booklet. While in school, I had a few friends who were Korean that helped me learn some Hangul. I am posting what I have so far, hope this helps some people out here.. . Also I'm hoping some of you who are better versed in these areas may provide some criticism.

Chapter 4:

Dojang Terminology

Class CommandsMyong-nyong-o (명령어)

About Face 돌아to-ra
Again 다시tas-hi

At Ease 쉬어she-o
Attention 차렷cha ryut

Begin 시작shi-jak
Bow 경례kyung-ryet

Face the Instructor 사범님께sa-bom-nim kke
Kneel/ Sit Down 앉아ahn-jo

Line Up 줄서chul-so
Ready Stance 준비jhoon-bi

Return 바로pa-ro
Stand Up 일어섯 ye ro sut

Examination 심사 sim sar
Analysis/Dissolution 분해boon hae

Ranking System

  • 관장님Kwan Jang Nim Head of Tae Kwon Do Academy; Grandmaster Sok Ho Kang
  • 사범님Sah Bum Nim Instructor, above Sa Dan Ja
  • 부사범님Boo Sah Bum Nim Assistant Instructor, Ee and Sam Dan Ja
  • 조교님Jo Kyo Nim Junior Instructor, Il Dan Ja
  • 제자Je Ja Pupil
  • 단Dan Degree (Black Belt Rank)
  • 급Gup Class (Colored Rank)
  • 유급자Yu Gup Ja Junior Rank Holder (Colored Belt)
  • 유단자Yu Dan Ja Black Belt Holder
Belt Rank

RANKLevel and Belt ColorMin Time Required for Test

10th Gup Beginner/no Doe Balk N/A

9th Gup White Belt N/A

8th Gup Yellow Belt 3 Months

7th Gup Yellow Belt Green Tip 3 Months

6th Gup Green Belt 3 Months

5th Gup Green Belt Brown Tip 3 Months

4th Gup Brown Belt 3 Months

3rd Gup Brown Belt Red Tip 3 Months

2nd Gup Red Belt 6 Months

1st Gup Blue Belt 1 Year


# Sino-Korean Native Korean
1 일il 하나ha-na
2 이i (ee) 둘tul

3 삼sam 셋set
4 사sa 넷net

5 오o 다섯ta-sot
6 육yuk 여섯yo-sot

7 칠ch’il 일곱il-gop
8 팔p’al 여덟yo-dul

9 구ku 아홉a-hop
10 십ship 열yul

11 십일shi-bil 열하나yul-ha-na
12 십이shi-bi 열둘 yul-tul

13 심삼ship-sam 열셋yul-set
14 십ship-sa 열넷yul-net

15 십오shi-bo 열다섯yul-ta-sot
16 십육shim-yuk 열여섯yul-yo-sot

17 십칠ship-ch’il 열일곱yul-il-gop
18 십팔ship-p’al 열여덟yul-yo-dul

19 십구ship-ku 열아흡yul-a-hop
20 이십I-ship 스물su-mul

21 이십일I-shi-bil 스물하나su-mul-ha-na
22 이십이I-shi-bi 스물둘su-mul-tul

23 이십삼I-ship-sam 스물셋su-mul-set
24 이십사I-ship-sa 스물넷su-mul-net

25 이십오I-shi-bo 스물다섯su-mul-ta-sot
30 삼십sam-ship 서른so-run

40 사십sa-ship 마흔ma-hun
50 오십o-ship 쉰swin

60 육십yuk-ship 예순ye-sun
70 칠십ch’il-ship 일흔il-hun

80 팔십p’al-ship 여든yo-dun
90 구십ku-ship 아흔a-hun

100 백paek *Native Korean numbers
1,000 천ch’on only go up to 99

10,000 만man
100,000 십만ship-man

1,000,000 백만paek-man

Ordinal Numbers

# Sino-Korean Native Korean
1st 제일che-il 첫째ch’ot’tchae
2nd 제이che-I 둘째tul-tchae

3rd 제삼che-sam 세째se-tchae
4th 제사che-sa 넷째ne-tchae

5th 제오che-o 다섯째ta-sot-tchae
6th 제육che-yuk 여섯째ya-sot-tchae

7th 제칠che-ch’il일곱째il-gop-tchae
8th 제팔che-p’al 여덞째yo-dul-tchae

9th 제구che-ku 아홉째a-hop-tchae
10th 제십che-ship 열째yul-tchae

Tae Kwon Do Principles and Theory

Balance 중심chung-shim
Concentration 기합ki-hap

Equilibrium 균형kyun-hyong
Flexibility 신축shin-ch’uk

Force 힘him
Mass 질량chil-lyang

Movement 동작tong-jak
Speed 속도sok-do

Wisdom 지혜chi-hye

Locations and Directions

Back 뒤dwi
Downward 내려nae-ryo

Front 앞ahp
High Section 상단sang-dan

Inner 안- an-
Inward 안으로an-u-ro

Left 왼- oen-
Low Section 하단ha-dan

Middle Section 중단choong-dan
Outer 바깥pa-kkat

Outward 밖으로pa-ku-ro
Right 오른- orun-

Side 옆yup
Upward 올려ol-lyo


Cat Stance 후굴자세hu gul jaseh
Cross Legged Stance 교차료자세kyo cha rip jaseh

Front Stance 전굴자세chun gul jaseh
Horse Stance 기마자세kee ma jaseh

Free Fighting Stance 대련준비 Dai ryun jhoon bee
Crane Stance 한발수키자세Han Bal Soo Kee Jaseh

Intermediate Position 중간자세choong gan jaseh
Ready Stance 준비jhoon bee

Front Kicking Stance 앞차기세ahp cha gi jaseh
Side Kicking Stance 옆차기세yup cha gi jaseh

Hand Techniques

Kwon vs. Soo:
Soo denotes a hand in the anatomical sense
Kwon denotes a hand in reference to a weapon, i.e. fist, etc.

Fist 정권chong kwon
Back Fist 갑권kap kwon

Bottom Fist 유권yoo kwon
Knife Hand 수도soo do

Ridge Hand 역수yuk soo
Inside Circle Ridge Hand 본역수bon yuk soo

Palm Strike 장권jang kwon
Spear Hand 관수kwan soo

One Finger Spear Hand 일지관수il ji kwan soo
Elbow 팔꿈치pal kum chi

Attack 공격kong kyuk
Block or Defense 막기mahk kee

Middle Front Punch 중단앞공격choong dan ahp kong kyuk
Front High Punch 상단앞공격sang dan ahp kong kyuk

Side Attack 중단옆공격choong dan yup kong kyuk
Horse Riding Punching Attack 기마자세공격kee ma jaseh kong kyuk

Front Block to the Down 하단앞막기ha dan ahp mahk kee
Front Block to the Up 상단앞막기sang dan ahp mahk kee

Cat Motion Block to the Middle 중단옆막기choong dan yup mahk kee
Knife Hand Block to the Down 수도하단막기soo do ha dan mahk kee

Knife Hand Block to the Up 수도상단막기soo do sang dan mahk kee
Inside-Out Block 안에서밖으로막기ahneso pakuro mahk kee

Outside-In Block 밖에서안으로막기pahkeso ahnuro mahk kee
Two Fist Low Block 쌍수하단막기sang soo ha dan mahk kee

Two Fist High Block 쌍수상단막기sang soo sang dan mahk kee
Spear Hand Attack 권수공격kwon soo kong kyuk
Ridge Hand Attack 역수도yuk soo do
Knife Hand Attack 수도공격soo do kong kyuk

Palm Strike 장권공격jang kwon kong kyuk
Reverse Punch*역진공격yuk jin kong kyuk
*First move is typically a block, every subsequent move is a reverse punch, until you turn, then it is block punch again

Foot Techniques
Tae vs. Bal
Bal denotes a foot in the anatomical sense
Tae denotes a foot in reference to a weapon

Foot 발bal
Kick 차기cha gi

Front Kick 앞차기ahp cha gi
Roundhouse Kick 돌려차기dollyo cha gi

Side Kick 옆차기yup cha gi
Back Pivot Kick 뒤돌려차기dwi dollyo cha gi

Front Stretch Kick 앞으로차기ahp ol lyo cha gi
Side Stretch Kick 옆으로차기yup ol lyo cha gi

Inside-out Crescent Kick 안에서밖으로차기ahneso pahkuro cha gi
Outside-in Crescent Kick 밖에서안으로차기pahkeso ahnuro cha gi

Spinning Back Crescent Kick 뒤안에서밖으로차기dwi ahnseo pahkuro cha gi
Back Swing Kick/Back Hook Kick 뒤후려차기dwi hye ri cha gi

Jump Front Kick 이단앞차기edan ahp cha gi
Jump Roundhouse Kick 이단돌려차기edan dollyo cha gi

Axe Kick 내려차기nae ryo cha gi
Flying Inward Scissor Kick 이단안으로까위차기 edan ahnuro ka wi cha gi

Flying Outward Scissor Kick 이단밖으로까위차기 edan pahkuro ka wi cha gi
Side Hook Kick 옆후려차기 yup hye ri cha gi

Knee Kick 무릎차기moo roop cha gi

Short Stick 탄봉 Tahn Bong
Middle Staff 중봉 Jung Bong

Long Staff 장봉 Jang Bong
Double Stick 쌍탄봉 Ssang tahn bong

Cane 지방이 Ji Pang E
Dagger 단도 Tan Do


One Step Sparring 일수식대련il soo sik dai ryun
Three Step Sparring 삼수식대련sam soo sik dai ryun
Free Sparring 자유대련jae yu dai ryun
Additional Martial Arts Terms
Begin 시작si jak
Continue kye sok
Return 바로ba ro

Rest 쉬어she o
Breaking Technique 격파kyuk pa

Forms 형hyung
School Motto: Loyalty to Family 충성chung sung

Uniform 도복do bok
Main School 본관bon kwan

Branch School 지관ji kwan
Training Hall 도장do jang

Sit Down 앉어ahn jo
Stand Up 일어서yi ro sut

Turn Around 돌아to ra
Yell 기합ki hap

Tae Kwon Do 태권도 The Way of the Hand and Foot
Moo Duk Kwan무덕관 The School of Martial Virtue

Conversational Terms
Good Morning 안녕하십니까? An-nyung ha-shim ni-kka?
Good Evening
Good Afternoon
How Are You?

*Note: An-nyung ha-shim ni-kka is a formal greeting, and is the proper greeting to be used in the Dojang. Typically Koreans today do not use such formal greatings, An-nyung Ha-seo replacing An-nyung ha-shim ni-kka. The difference is similar to “hi” versus “hello, how are you?” There is a supreme formal greeting that is seldom ever used: Pyung ahn ha-shim ni-kka, meaning “Are you at peace?”

Fine, and how are you? 예, 안녕하십니까? Ye an-nyung ha-shim ni-kka?

Good Bye (to those leaving) 안녕히가십시요An-nyung-hi ka-ship-shi-o

Good Bye (to those staying) 안녕히계세요An-nyung-hi gye-ship-shi-o

Goodnight 안녕히주무십시요An-nyung-hi chu-mu-ship-shi-o

Thank you 감사합니다Kam-sa ham-ni-da

*Note, there is a more formal way of thanking someone: Kam mop sa ham-ni-da, which is appropriate in thanking senior ranks.

Pardon me 실례합니다Shil-ye ham-ni-da

I’m Sorry 미안합니다Mi-an ham ni-da

That’s alright 천만에요Ch’on ma-ne-yo
You’re welcome
Not at all

Please -십시요 -shipsio
Great reference! Thank you very much.

Also, I encourage you to stop by the Meet and Greet section of the site to introduce yourself.

It is great to make more Moo Duk Kwan here, even if it is Tae Kwon do! :)

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