Started Community Police Academy yesterday.

Sounds like you had a good time man. :)

Interesting about the SWAT teams not being full time members. Maybe it's too much hollywood, but I would think you'd want those people to be working together all the time so they form a cohesive unit. /shrug. just 2cents from an outsider. heh
OUMoose said:
Sounds like you had a good time man. :)

Interesting about the SWAT teams not being full time members. Maybe it's too much hollywood, but I would think you'd want those people to be working together all the time so they form a cohesive unit. /shrug. just 2cents from an outsider. heh

I had such a blast. We got to do so much that most people never get a chance to and I learned a lot along the way.

I think the SWAT thing had to do with budgeting most of all. It's hard to justify a five full-time city paid positions for a group that only really gets utilized 30 times year for a 6 city area. The officers still gain a good bit of comradere' and teamskills just by being on standard patrol together.

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