I no longer care about Jeet Kune Do

i do recall posting sources. I mean solves for Jesse Glover lying...you guys seem to have reading issues
There are "issues" all right. But not where you seem to think.
When did I say I decided? Now yoyre just turning this into a dick measuring contest, not even going to engage you further
Your first post, the OP, you specifically wrote "the point of this post is the following, a true martial artist should keep an open mind..." You're deciding what is a "true martial artist" and you don't get to. Other people believe "true" martial arts is about fighting. Other's believe it is about experiencing the history of the art. One person might think the true essence of being a martial artist is Aikido style "bunnies and light" blending, while another might think it is Silat style "stab them in the back while they're peeing." What is the definition of a "true martial artist?" There is none. Personally, I reject bunnies and light, open mind, and most "higher" philosophic ideas about what a martial art/artist is. Martial comes from "Mars," the Roman god of war and fighting. Not all goals of fighting is the same across all regions and time periods. Civilian self defense in the U.S. from the early 20th Century was different from 18th Century dueling in the Carpathian mountains, which was different from ceremonial Swahili fighting from mid-19th Century, which was different from 11th Century Chinese military combat, which was different from 12-th Dynasty Egyptian wrestling. They had different goals and therefore different vehicles to achieve those goals. So while the mechanics and basic foundations of fighting are generally pretty much the same, balance, timing, etc., the goals, expression, vehicle, the whole point of what is a martial artist vary wildly even in the same time and place.
I mean you can keep being silly and obfuscating the point I guess you want to fit in. At 36 I honestly don’t care If I fit in.
Wow. 36 whole years, huh?

arguing otherwise is pointless unless you can show it’s not true...theres no public AAU judo championship list. There’s articles saying Jesse was a judo champ I guess we ignore those but go with the ones of Lebell? Ok lol...
Again, as has already been mentioned, you don't seem to understand what "primary sources" means.
There are "issues" all right. But not where you seem to think.

Your first post, the OP, you specifically wrote "the point of this post is the following, a true martial artist should keep an open mind..." You're deciding what is a "true martial artist" and you don't get to. Other people believe "true" martial arts is about fighting. Other's believe it is about experiencing the history of the art. One person might think the true essence of being a martial artist is Aikido style "bunnies and light" blending, while another might think it is Silat style "stab them in the back while they're peeing." What is the definition of a "true martial artist?" There is none. Personally, I reject bunnies and light, open mind, and most "higher" philosophic ideas about what a martial art/artist is. Martial comes from "Mars," the Roman god of war and fighting. Not all goals of fighting is the same across all regions and time periods. Civilian self defense in the U.S. from the early 20th Century was different from 18th Century dueling in the Carpathian mountains, which was different from ceremonial Swahili fighting from mid-19th Century, which was different from 11th Century Chinese military combat, which was different from 12-th Dynasty Egyptian wrestling. They had different goals and therefore different vehicles to achieve those goals. So while the mechanics and basic foundations of fighting are generally pretty much the same, balance, timing, etc., the goals, expression, vehicle, the whole point of what is a martial artist vary wildly even in the same time and place.
I think when you keep ignoring what I’ve said you def have reading issues

Again you’re spouting irrelevant nonsense...what’s this to do with you n others calling glovers training partners and students liars?
There are people who have referred to me as an expert in Karate. Some of them you'd expect to know the facts. I've been introduced (in front of an audience) as a black belt in Karate. I have less than a year of cumulative training in Karate, and have never earned any rank.

People are often mistaken about things, which is why we often want to find documentation of some sort to determine what the reality is.
Yes that doesn’t make you an expert...I mean there’s a definition of what an expert is

You’re not saying people are mistaken you're saying a whole group of people lied lol...I think you just want to fit in with the site
Yeah 36 wow huh lol

you mean people who knew Glover and his students lol...
No. That's what's called a Secondary Source. One example of a Primary Source would be a direct witness to the event(s) in question.

I think when you keep ignoring what I’ve said you def have reading issues
This is what you've got when I directly quote you? Do you need a link back to your OP?

Again you’re spouting irrelevant nonsense...what’s this to do with you n others calling glovers training partners and students liars?
What, that you tried to tell me what a "true martial artist" is? If it is irrelevant then why did you spout it in the first place? Just because you are also talking about what Glover may or may not have done doesn't mean that you didn't also make a pronouncement about other stuff as well. If you don't like what you said, then rescind your your statement about what a "true martial artist" is.
No. That's what's called a Secondary Source. One example of a Primary Source would be a direct witness to the event(s) in question.

This is what you've got when I directly quote you? Do you need a link back to your OP?

What, that you tried to tell me what a "true martial artist" is? If it is irrelevant then why did you spout it in the first place? Just because you are also talking about what Glover may or may not have done doesn't mean that you didn't also make a pronouncement about other stuff as well. If you don't like what you said, then rescind your your statement about what a "true martial artist" is.
can you find a primary source say the AAU records for any champion? I can’t, just news articles. If you could why haven’t you?

this isn’t my thread...so I don’t have an OP per say.

because I can? Actually I’m just repeating what experts say...not what Rokas or a Ramsey Dewey says who have no real ranking in anything...

as I’ve stated many a true martial artist learns from several arts from aikido, wing Chun, judo, karate etc. am I Judging that? No just looking at guys who actually teach or fight like Anderson Silva, Roy Nelson, Gokor, Dan the Wolfman, hell even many of Lee’s students beat each other up sparring.
Yes that doesn’t make you an expert...I mean there’s a definition of what an expert is

You’re not saying people are mistaken you're saying a whole group of people lied lol...I think you just want to fit in with the site
Yeah, I think you have simply failed to understand the issue. I'm pretty much done trying to help you out. Angry ignorance suits you well.
Yeah, I think you have simply failed to understand the issue. I'm pretty much done trying to help you out. Angry ignorance suits you well.
you brought up having no rank yet being thought of as an expert, not me.

You’re posts have no relevant to what I was discussing
"Prior to meeting Bruce, Jesse studied Judo primarily. He excelled as a Judo player, winning many tournaments against higher ranking belts due to his superior technique." Jesse Glover.
Hmm, in his book, Jesse doesn't claim to be a national judo champ. On the Seattle Non Classical Gung Fu website, he doesn't make that claim in his autobiography. Was he a judoka? Yes. Did he win tournaments? Yes. Was he a national judo champ? Apparently he doesn't think so, nor have we seen anything from his contemporaries saying he was. But the word of someone who wasn't born when he was competing should be taken as the gospel truth.
can you find a primary source say the AAU records for any champion? I can’t, just news articles. If you could why haven’t you?
Good God Almighty! Direct witnesses ARE considered Primary Sources. Good gravy, you can't honestly be this dense. You must be just arguing to argue at this point.

this isn’t my thread...so I don’t have an OP per say.
This thread here:

because I can? Actually I’m just repeating what experts say..
I'm an expert and that's not what I say.

hell even many of Lee’s students beat each other up sparring.
So do children on the playground. It doesn't make them good sources to support your claim.
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Yes that doesn’t make you an expert...I mean there’s a definition of what an expert is

You’re not saying people are mistaken you're saying a whole group of people lied lol...I think you just want to fit in with the site
Fascinating comment. says everybody else can't read, tells a moderator and staff member he(GP Seymour)just wants to fit in with the site.
what made you think bruce was worthy of worship ?

, i mean dont get me wrong i thought he was pretty ace when i was 14, but then i sort of grew up and realised he was just a movie actor like john Wayne and mr Eastwood

it seems an odd thing for a grown man to spend decades of his life worshipping,
I agree that Bruce lee should not be worshiped, but, no man should. You do have to give credit to his skills, I grew up as well studying his form, I started out with Kung Fu/Wing Chun then went to JKD, and then back to Wing Chun. I personally, would not compare him to the actors as you state, He was a real MA. I did see however, his JKD essentially in many ways follows the same principal as Wing Chun.
Ramsey Dewey once said in a podcast that he believes he could have beaten Bruce Lee.

To the Bruce Lee fanboys and, hell, probably to even the average person... that sounds like blasphemy.

Of course, reality has to set in: we've all seen Ramsey Dewey win fights. We can't say that about Bruce Lee.

As to why he never entered the tournaments or any combat sport... I've sure he explained it in a way that's designed to sound like Far East ancient wisdom-babble. And unless you've got more charisma than a cult leader, it would've been unwise to publicly deconstruct and challenge it... because you'd end up looking bad in front of the world, even if you were right.

BTW, I remember reading somewhere that he got a CCP everywhere he could possibly get one; because he knew people would try to challenge his reputation as "the man no one can beat."

Any claim that Bruce Lee could "beat anyone" can be destroyed in three words: show me proof.
I agree that Bruce Lee's full potential is questionable, but the fact that he did not do any real competition does not truly say anything about his abilities. There are many MA that have no concern or interest in competing or proving ones self through competition.

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