I no longer care about Jeet Kune Do

well yes it has an element of both, which makes it superior to a fixed device,

it also gives you concentric and ecentric contraction, wonderful device

its very hard to tell the differance between very slow isokinetic( isotonic) and a series of isometic holds in varying joint position
Rubber bands are also good but still...will never give you development like a Good bench, squat stands, barbell Dumbbells. I still have a bullworker will make a photo tomorrow it´s in my basement. I even have old school iron boots !
i also when youger used gravity boots for sit ups but i now use a steep incline bench. It´s fixed so it´s similar just not so extreme. 54 now so not so extreme as before.
Rubber bands are also good but still...will never give you development like a Good bench, squat stands, barbell Dumbbells. I still have a bullworker will make a photo tomorrow it´s in my basement. I even have old school iron boots !
straight back to the beginning, development at what, ? restance is resistance, you body nether knows nor cares what it is providing the resistance

isometrics, provided your actually using max effort and not half arsing it will make you mind blowingly strong, very quickly, if thats stronger/ faster than a bench press is difficult to say for definite, they are both good, one you can do sat in your arm chair, that gets my vote, if i could have one peice of equipment and no other it would be a cable pull machine, but i use bike innertubes instead, net savibg of 2k
i also when youger used gravity boots for sit ups but i now use a steep incline bench. It´s fixed so it´s similar just not so extreme. 54 now so not so extreme as before.
are you clampibg your feet under some thing, if so stop it immediatly and do them clean, when thats easy, put your feet on a box
straight back to the beginning, development at what, ? restance is resistance, you body nether knows nor cares what it is providing the resistance

isometrics, provided your actually using max effort and not half arsing it will make you mind blowingly strong, very quickly, if thats stronger/ faster than a bench press is difficult to say for definite, they are both good, one you can do sat in your arm chair, that gets my vote, if i could have one peice of equipment and no other it would be a cable pull machine, but i use bike innertubes instead, net savibg of 2k
problem with isometrics is are you pushing the same poundage every time can you increase the load systematically? in weight training you can even use Micro plates for small adjustments taking your example of the bench press..there for it´s superior in my books.
Sat in an arm chair will not give you development like a standing barbell press or Deadlift.
How many Mr Olympia winners used a bullworker?
are you clampibg your feet under some thing, if so stop it immediatly and do them clean, when thats easy, put your feet on a box
i am doing a sit up..full sit up using my hip flexors too. I am doing this on purpose as i need these deeper muscles for my martial arts training.
problem with isometrics is are you pushing the same poundage every time can you increase the load systematically? in weight training you can even use Micro plates for small adjustments taking your example of the bench press..there for it´s superior in my books.
Sat in an arm chair will not give you development like a standing barbell press or Deadlift.
How many Mr Olympia winners used a bullworker?
well your not, take my door lift, exercise, my arms are fighting my quads, as my quads get stronger it loads my arms more, as my arms get stronglmer ir loads my quads and everything in between up more, there is no upper limit, untill i actualy pick the house up

or try and bend a( good quality) sweeping brush handle, it defects, the more it deflect the more the resistance, there is,
well your not, take my door lift, exercise, my arms are fighting my quads, as my quads get stronger it loads my arms more, as my arms get stronglmer ir loads my quads and everything in between up more,

or try and bend a( good quality) sweeping brush handle, it defects, the more it deflect the more the resistance, there is,
i am doing a sit up..full sit up using my hip flexors too. I am doing this on purpose as i need these deeper muscles for my martial arts training.
you mean your doing hip flexor exercises, that ok, just dont call them sit ups,

make it harder by doing it on an incline, then make it easy by clamping your feet,,, eeeer
you mean your doing hip flexor exercises, that ok, just dont call them sit ups,

make it harder by doing it on an incline, then make it easy by clamping your feet,,, eeeer
i will make a picture of my bench tomorrow. I can bang out sit ups on a floor mat or crunches or double crunches.(trust me i know it all)
you see hip flexors are important for many reasons.
i suggest you get this book. read about hip flexors & see the crunches they did as we did in the army. Double crunch legs straight never touching the floor coming up to elbows. Sit ups, leg raises. why train hip flexors? going over an assault course you need these muscles. If you want a beach body sure do "isolation crunches" & a lower back exercise. You will never, never hit the deeper muscles with simple crunches curling your rib cage to your pelvis or a reverse crunch, pelvis to rib cage.
The Royal Marines Circuit Training: Amazon.de: Eggar, Robin, Loraine, Dieter: Fremdsprachige Bücher
i will make a picture of my bench tomorrow. I can bang out sit ups on a floor mat or crunches or double crunches.(trust me i know it all)
you see hip flexors are important for many reasons.
mostly for flexibg you hips, what most people dont need are stronger hip flexers that dont eer flex
The Wong Jack Man fight in Oakland is shrouded in mystery, but clearly Bruce Lee was dissatisfied enough with the result that he started to move away from modified wing chun and more toward a converted southpaw
boxing style. Bruce watched films of Ali in a mirror to develop the right lead. Bruce also studied Robinson, Pep,
Louis, and Dempsey. Bruce studied books by Dempsey and others, including the United States Navy
boxing manual. What Bruce Lee did not do was swallow his pride and glove up in some Oakland boxing gym, putting his right lead boxing AGAINST BOXERS. I will grant that Lee could beat any of his own students and hold his own with the likes of Norris, Lewis, and stone. However, the fact remains that Bruce refused to put
headgear on and box boxers. Since JKD is right lead boxing with eye jabs, side kicks, and a few other techniques thrown in, it seems to me that it should be more reality based. MMA and the UFC are about as real
as one can get without athletes being killed or maimed. For decades I worshipped Bruce Lee, and Jeet Kune Do
was the martial arts. Now, I view wing chun as a mediocre Chinese style and JKD as part of a long chain of
developments leading to the first UFC in 1993
The problem with MMA and UFC is that it produces very one dimensional fighters. I mean that's why I can't get myself into it. Every fighter is virtually the same except some of them are better at specific elements, such as grappling, than others.

As for Jeet Kune Do, even Bruce Lee abandoned it, because it became the one thing that Bruce Lee was against. In his attempt at helping others "take what is useful, and leave the rest" he ended up only teaching techniques that were best suited for him. This led to the development of the Jeet Kune Do style when ironically, Bruce Lee was against the idea of "styles". In order to achieve what he wanted to do, you would have to teach every single technique you know (not just the ones you find useful) to your students - it's the fighters who decide what techniques are useful to them, not their coaches (though some may disagree with this, which I understand).

You're doing a good thing for yourself because limiting yourself to one perspective is not something to aspire towards.

EDIT: Also, another thing to keep in mind. Many of the stories about Bruce Lee could easily be fake. It's important to understand the difference between factual stories, and inflated stories that sprout from his legendary status among the masses.
i suggest you get this book. read about hip flexors & see the crunches they did as we did in the army. Double crunch legs straight never touching the floor coming up to elbows. Sit ups, leg raises. why train hip flexors? going over an assault course you need these muscles. If you want a beach body sure do "isolation crunches" & a lower back exercise. You will never, never hit the deeper muscles with simple crunches curling your rib cage to your pelvis or a reverse crunch, pelvis to rib cage.
The Royal Marines Circuit Training: Amazon.de: Eggar, Robin, Loraine, Dieter: Fremdsprachige Bücher
but your not in the royal marines and your 53, are you actually considering doibg an atmy assualt course in the foreable future, if not im not at all sure of the relevance
.if your usibg your hip flexers to do sit ups, your not usibg your abs much or at all really, if thats what your trying to do, fine, just dont make out its some secret army fitness program, when in fact your cheating yourself of fitness
i suggest you get this book. read about hip flexors & see the crunches they did as we did in the army. Double crunch legs straight never touching the floor coming up to elbows. Sit ups, leg raises. why train hip flexors? going over an assault course you need these muscles. If you want a beach body sure do "isolation crunches" & a lower back exercise. You will never, never hit the deeper muscles with simple crunches curling your rib cage to your pelvis or a reverse crunch, pelvis to rib cage.
The Royal Marines Circuit Training: Amazon.de: Eggar, Robin, Loraine, Dieter: Fremdsprachige Bücher
Strong and flexible hip flexors are also very helpful for many kicks and tricking techniques.
Depends on the individuell. like i wrote apples & oranges. what tastes better?
Segal was a very good aikidoka in Japan so no arguement there. If he was qualified to train these ufc guys is a matter of opinion. nothing to do with Bruce Lee or his training.

In your opinion that qualifies Steven Segal as talented. Just like Bruce Lee was talented because he trained famous people.

"If he was not so talented why would people like steve McQueen train with him or other hollywood greats at that time?"
The problem with MMA and UFC is that it produces very one dimensional fighters. I mean that's why I can't get myself into it. Every fighter is virtually the same except some of them are better at specific elements, such as grappling, than others.

I would love to hear how this one is supported.

it's the fighters who decide what techniques are useful to them, not their coaches (though some may disagree with this, which I understand)

I have mentioned this concept myself as a core principle of certain styles.
but your not in the royal marines and your 53, are you actually considering doibg an atmy assualt course in the foreable future, if not im not at all sure of the relevance
.if your usibg your hip flexers to do sit ups, your not usibg your abs much or at all really, if thats what your trying to do, fine, just dont make out its some secret army fitness program, when in fact your cheating yourself of fitness

Doing an army assault course at 53 isn't exactly the 1% activity it once was.

Spartans races are harder.
Doing an army assault course at 53 isn't exactly the 1% activity it once was.

Spartans races are harder.
  • really so what % of 50 odd year old have competed, an army assialt course,? i think 1% a bit high, i know dozens of them and non of them have, but clearly you have figures i

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