I may have a little Aikidoka on my hands

Most sensei will allow you to stand if you have a medical condition so don't write it off especially if your daughter is asking. It might be worth asking the Sensei and telling him your condition and limitations.

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I might later, time will tell, have to get through these health issues first
This is the second detached retina in the same eye. First time they are fairly sure it was from getting hit in the eye training with some Wing Chun guys. This time however, they have no idea why it happened, there was no trauma, it just happened, and it started while on vacation in Norway.
Hope the treatment is working out.. you have had surgery to reattach?? Anyway, do heed what advice you are given.. do they preclude you doing more MA until all is fixed up??? wishes, Jx
Hope the treatment is working out.. you have had surgery to reattach?? Anyway, do heed what advice you are given.. do they preclude you doing more MA until all is fixed up??? wishes, Jx

Taiji is ok, but I am not supposed to lift anything heavier than 25 to 30 pounds for a month

2014 they froze the retina to reattach after a Wing Chun incident
2017 they reattached a different section with a laser and they do not know why it detached
I'm just now seeing this. Congrats to your little Akidoka. And best of luck on the retina issue. Sorry you're going through this bro.
Not sure what to do here.

My little Aikidoka'a sensei separated from his Sensei to start his own school, so we followed. Now he is training to get another promotion and he has shut down classes, for 3 months, on the only days we can make it. I like him and I really like his new school, but to have my little Aikidoka not train for 3 months I think is incredibly unfair to her. I am thinking about going back to the old school, even though there is no constant teaching staff, the seem to rotate. However I know at least 2 of the 4 that are rotating are highly skilled.

However there is an issue that has really annoyed the old school Dinosaur MAist in me. The Sensei of the original school promoted 2 of his grand kids to blue belt and they are no where near blue belt level nor have they trained that long. My little Aikidoka is getting ready for 5th Kyu I am told and a blue belt and the two I just mentioned can't even roll or fall correctly.

I currently see no 3rd choice, but I do know anther Aikidoka that goes to a different school, I just have to see if they will take someone as young as my little aikidoka.
If he is a really good teacher I would stay with him, perhaps your daughter can work on her basics. You can speak to him about the situation maybe he has private time on another day, maybe video if comes to that.
Another thing considering that will greatly improve her aikido is learning sword. Her timing and distancing will greatly improve because of sword and a lot of aikido and Daito Ryu is based on swordsmanship. I think going back to the old teacher for 3 months isn't a good idea.
If he is a really good teacher I would stay with him, perhaps your daughter can work on her basics. You can speak to him about the situation maybe he has private time on another day, maybe video if comes to that.
Another thing considering that will greatly improve her aikido is learning sword. Her timing and distancing will greatly improve because of sword and a lot of aikido and Daito Ryu is based on swordsmanship. I think going back to the old teacher for 3 months isn't a good idea.

He is good, he has no time to fit my our schedule and he has been teaching her jo and bokken. But she is at a point, per her sensei, where things are starting to come naturally and I hate putting that on hold for 3 months. Her old teacher is her current teacher, it would be going back to the old school for 3 months. But that might be counter-productive, depending on who ids teaching now. There is one gentleman who is incredibly good and actually better at Aikido than her current Sensei, but he does not teach all the time, The Sensei that is head of that school (How is her current sensei's sensei), I am told, fills in from time to time, but the rest are men who have kids in the kids class and they are not at the level of her current Sensei
A short break might actually be good for her. I would probably stay with here current Sensei if you have been happy to this point.
Not sure what to do here.

My little Aikidoka'a sensei separated from his Sensei to start his own school, so we followed. Now he is training to get another promotion and he has shut down classes, for 3 months, on the only days we can make it. I like him and I really like his new school, but to have my little Aikidoka not train for 3 months I think is incredibly unfair to her. I am thinking about going back to the old school, even though there is no constant teaching staff, the seem to rotate. However I know at least 2 of the 4 that are rotating are highly skilled.

However there is an issue that has really annoyed the old school Dinosaur MAist in me. The Sensei of the original school promoted 2 of his grand kids to blue belt and they are no where near blue belt level nor have they trained that long. My little Aikidoka is getting ready for 5th Kyu I am told and a blue belt and the two I just mentioned can't even roll or fall correctly.

I currently see no 3rd choice, but I do know anther Aikidoka that goes to a different school, I just have to see if they will take someone as young as my little aikidoka.
Did you ask your little one what option she would choose? x
My Little Aikidoka is back at the old school and today she said she liked working with a new kid because he actually threw harder than the rest. Meaning when he threw her, he was not just going through the motions. She tends to like working with adults more than kids because they actually throw her and she does not feel bad when she throws them. The only other kid that throws harder, according to her, is a kid that goes there that is a brown belt in the kids class.

The new kid, come to find out he is a Yellow belt in BJJ who decided he wanted to try aikido too.
When sitting in seiza doesn't hurt my knees....:D

I love Aikido. My Sifu/Guro studied Aikido in a way similar to me (a sensei that leaned towards the old Daito Ryu origins. That said, while there are still Aikido techniques I practice, I am glad I went further afield after because any single martial art only covers so many "angles" so to speak.

Your comment made me laugh though, as we both study CMA. There is a Tien Shan Pei school in town that when I am on patrol I stop in during the kid's class to watch them have fun and then between that class and the adult class chat with the Sifu. The other day they were doing a 24 count form and I said "and that is why in my mid 40's I study a short-fist Southern style." The Sifu laughed and said "yeah, I can't do that picture perfect either. getting old sucks" ;)
Update...old school, new school, old school, original Sempai/Sensei, new Sempai.

We are staying at the old school and at this point not returning to her original sensei's new school. He was not able to go for the promotion, his sensei did not think he was ready so he will be training for another 3 months and there will be no Saturday classes at his new school for an additional 3 months. So if I had taken the hiatus she would have been at least 6 months without Aikido and per her original sensei said, before this break in training, things are starting to become natural for her. Based on that I felt any break would have been detrimental, that and she did not want to stop.

The current sempai (of my little Aikidoka's class) at the old school is higher ranking than her original Sempai/Sensei and is one of the people helping him train for his next test. It is just that he does not understand my little Aikidoka's view of Aikido. But now that we are staying I will talk to him about it. Basically it is that she has great interest in reality, break falls, Ukemi and Randori and I have been told that is not common in a child her age.
my little aikidoka was talking to a boy at school. She had her hands full, holding her notebook.

As they talked a bit of spittle came out of her mouth and landed on his coat, She said sorry. He got angry and attacked her by trying to trip her, She automatically stepped backwards into the aikido triangle stance. He came forward to push her, she hit him in the face, twice, with her note book, He stopped, backed up and walked away.

She told me about this last night and was a bit upset and concerned that she should not have done that. I told her if she was unhurt and safe and he left her alone, she did just fine.
My little kickboxer does pretty well too :)

He trains twice a week and making big steps since his instructor gave him some private lessons.

Main thing is that he is enjoying himself.
my little aikidoka was talking to a boy at school. She had her hands full, holding her notebook.

As they talked a bit of spittle came out of her mouth and landed on his coat, She said sorry. He got angry and attacked her by trying to trip her, She automatically stepped backwards into the aikido triangle stance. He came forward to push her, she hit him in the face, twice, with her note book, He stopped, backed up and walked away.

She told me about this last night and was a bit upset and concerned that she should not have done that. I told her if she was unhurt and safe and he left her alone, she did just fine.
Glad to see the training paid off.

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I'm glad your kid has continued training and is finding some challenge at the school. I quit aikido because I grew very young then stopped young as well. I was larger than most of the children my age but not old enough to go into teen/high belt classes. I felt like it was too easy to throw my peers in my own age group as I had a size advantage and a lot of experience from fighting in the neighborhood and playing with my family and friends who were also martial artists. After I quit they called and offered to up me a belt rank but still not let me practice with people closer to my size and skill - I declined the school's offer and my friend's older sister who was a 3rd dan in judo by 18 started teaching me stuff.
My little Aikidoka came home upset this week. She asked if she was in trouble and if she had done something wrong

She was having some trouble with a bully and he started poking her and grabbed her.
She got him in an arm lock and told him to apologize. He refused so she pushed him away and he left. He has not bothered her since

I told her she did fine, Mrs. Xue, being upset at someone picking on her little aikidoka, said she didn't do enough... Mom was angry.. the little Aikidoka was fine

Also she had another test and got another stripe, she is a blue belt 1 stripe now