Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
Just a brief comment to say how cool I think it is that you are so supportive of your daughters choice of martial arts and go out of your way to train with her. The updates are fun and interesting. Have you ever read the book "Strong Fathers Strong Daughters" by Dr. Meg Meeker? A summery PDF is available on line- just google Strong fathers strong daughters. That PDF has the gist and is a good read BUT I strongly support and recommend buying the book. I do not have any kids but have probably given away 15 of these books so far. You are doing a wonderful job. Do you work on all the Japanese terms with her?
Warmest Regards
Brian King
I have not yet but I downloaded the terminology this morning. But, to be honest, I really do not need to she is very interested in getting the terminology right all by herself. She made sure she could count to ten in Japanese right after the first class and she has learned what is said for bowing as well. Also the teacher for her class (children’s class) is not pushing terminology to much yet.