Originally posted by Carbon
I don't know if this is the right term for the kick.
But if someone did a side kick? Thats at side level I don't know the name of the kick that is above waist level, its at neck level but your side is facing the opponent.
I was wondering if someone wasn't paying attention and you kick them right in the neck that this too might be an effective way of severly injuring someone but ending a fight quickly.
Like say a drunk guy was attacking you and you take a step back and kick him in the throat.
I always thought it cheap to hit someone who is semi consious on the ground.
The reason I like to hold kicks or the reason I like to think I like to hold kicks, is so I can develop muscles in my legs to beable to do that, and to create good balance.
This brings up another question, does anyone know methods to avoid being pushed over and such?
I've read articles of a guy who was interviewing a master and tried pushing him over and couldn't while he was sitting down and things like this.
Like I'll be walking in the hall way and randomly get shoved by a friendly in a jokingly manner but since I"m walking I have to walk a couple steps to regain balance, I woudln't mind if I was able to just take the push without moving and not have to regain balance.
This would work if someone in a threatening situation shoved you, you could recover faster and be more ready to accept a blow or dodge it without getting knocked on your @$$ the first hit.