I got dropped...yay! (Ramble)


2nd Black Belt
Apr 11, 2002
Reaction score
Missoula, Montana
Well kiddies, I got dropped. I'm standing in class, working on my in-to-out axe kick, when Mstr. Taylor comes in, drops a load of stuff on the floor, and says "However this belongs to, you owe me 25" So I hit the deck off the bat, as some of it is mine. I do 'em fast, do 'em well (Back straight, nose to the ground, on my knuckles, feet together) stand back up, and continue class. Others follow in my example only after I am finished. Fast forward to the end of class. MT come's in and ask's who it belongs to. First to reply, me, loud. (Well I'm always loud, but this time on porpoise). He explains his reasoning as to why that stuff shouldn't be strewn hither and yon, gives us ten more on the concrete and leaves it at that. Got my ten done changed and went home. The fact is, that is disipline. To many think disipline is a one way street. But I understand what I did wrong, and it won't happen again. That is martial disipline and I've never felt better! The fact is I screwed up. I was in a hurry and in my haste..oh what the heck I'll Kwai Chang Caine it: In the haste for the big picture, small details are lost. That carries over everywhere and I'm just glad it happend in the locker room. Another bit of wisdom for me. Well sorry for rambling, but had to put it somewhere.
I have to agree, Hollywood1340's post is kind of vague about what was actually wrong. As far as I can tell, it had something to do with leaving things around the classroom or other training area. Perhaps Hollywood will clarify things for us though.
Sorry bout that kiddies! In my haste to get to class, I had left some of my stuff on the floor of the locker room. Normaly I'm good about keeping the floor clean, but ya know! When looking at the tiger, you may forget the claws!
Yes I too was going to say I really don't get the big picture?

I am not sure about the punishment, how much stuff was around the locker room? I mean surely you didn't leave that big of a mess?
I'm with ya now. Let me ask a honest question. Why do you refer to all of us as "kiddies" in all of your posts if you're only 21?

Just wondering. :confused: :)
Thanks & take care
It was easy to figure out, they left the changing room like a pig stye and his instructor got ticked and made them do push-ups.

I've had to do that before, chew people out that is. They treat it like it's their bedroom or something....wheew what a mess!

Yup that's about it! It was a ramble, nothing more. Hence the name. And the "kiddies©" is now a trademark of mine. It's my phrase. Much like "Marshmallow Geoduck ©" is when I jump into any body of water.
P.S. I'm only 20

Originally posted by Hollywood1340

Yup that's about it! It was a ramble, nothing more. Hence the name. And the "kiddies©" is now a trademark of mine. It's my phrase. P.S. I'm only 20


To be serious, if I were you, I would think of a new trademark. It seems condescending knowing your 20. You might want to be careful using that, especiallly in the martial art world.

Including that your profile says you were born in 1921, it gives off the impression that you're trying to mislead people as to you are older. (I assume it was a typo or just a joke)

I wish you good luck with your acting career, James. :)

On a side note what does TWIMC mean?

Take care, James. :asian:
Originally posted by Hollywood1340

Well kiddies, I got dropped. I'm standing in class, working on my in-to-out axe kick, when Mstr. Taylor comes in, drops a load of stuff on the floor, and says "However this belongs to, you owe me 25" So I hit the deck off the bat, as some of it is mine. I do 'em fast, do 'em well (Back straight, nose to the ground, on my knuckles, feet together) stand back up, and continue class. Others follow in my example only after I am finished. Fast forward to the end of class. MT come's in and ask's who it belongs to. First to reply, me, loud. (Well I'm always loud, but this time on porpoise). He explains his reasoning as to why that stuff shouldn't be strewn hither and yon, gives us ten more on the concrete and leaves it at that. Got my ten done changed and went home. The fact is, that is disipline. To many think disipline is a one way street. But I understand what I did wrong, and it won't happen again. That is martial disipline and I've never felt better! The fact is I screwed up. I was in a hurry and in my haste..oh what the heck I'll Kwai Chang Caine it: In the haste for the big picture, small details are lost. That carries over everywhere and I'm just glad it happend in the locker room. Another bit of wisdom for me. Well sorry for rambling, but had to put it somewhere.

I think has nothing to do with disipline. If you can understand by thinking about it. Then there is probably no need to do pushups, and the rest of the class shouldn't at all.

Now if you every time you come into the locker leave your smelly socks around, and have been told to take care of them. It's OK to "give " you push ups, or worse (carrying the socks inside your gi while working out.).

But what happend here sound for me like a sensei you lets his anger out the wrong way.

Displine all the way I'm afraid kiddies© . We'd been told not to previoulsy. No anger really at all. Just to say, "Please don't do this again. It's a saftey issue." I was happy to comply. And it hasn't happened agin. On other news, I've updated my site, so take a look!