Well, here's me....Is this close enough?


Senior Master
Jan 27, 2007
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Here's an overview of my work from post #68 in this thread: http://www.martialtalk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=54008 Don't know if this counts as 'crowd control' and/or security in other people's minds, so I'll go out on a limb and just ask. If I'm off base, let me know. :D No harm, no foul, won't hurt my feelings if others see it differently.

In my real job I haven't had to physically fight (yet), although I teach a room full of felons--well, they would be if California didn't charge them under the Child Welfare code, which doesn't assign felonies to 'children' (the only way to charge a minor with an adult crime is to try them as an adult). So, for example, last week I went round after round (verbally and emotionally) over who would be the big dog and run the class--him or me, with a 17-year old who had just gotten out of lockup for holding a gun to someone's head. I would have preferred a physical fight, but these street savvy kids know I can't touch them so they can talk tough and not have to back it up. Still, every day could be the day when one of them decides to get sent to prison where he can be with the homies, and uses an attack against me as the means--or just goes berserk over something that happened at home--or maybe ten years ago.
By the way, it's a stand-alone class in a shopping mall miles from any other of our 'schools', no security but me, no principal's office or dean of students, no other male staff at all, PD at best 5-8 minutes away (and they're good, but that's the reality). So I've got to always be aware of crowd control and how I might isolate the one or two inciters before it gets ugly. Or possibly, which wall I would put my back to at any given moment to fend off multiple attackers. ;)

Also over the past 18 years at several of our sites, have experienced quite a few 'live' violence situations, not directed at me, but at students around, in front of, or behind me. Many included weapons, including gunfire. So, where does a thread for people like me belong?

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
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North American Tectonic Plate
). So I've got to always be aware of crowd control and how I might isolate the one or two inciters before it gets ugly. Or possibly, which wall I would put my back to at any given moment to fend off multiple attackers. ;)

Good point, in my past career in security working for the wonderful :rolleyes: state in which I live I had to wade into the middle of a couple of crowds I would have rather not walked into but, luckily, I was always able to pick out the main trouble makers and get into a verbal match instead of a physical one. It seems to work if you occupy the brain of the crowd with other things, basically acting completely unimpressed with his macho posturing the crowd looses its leader and it focus and things calm down. But then again I was not confined, I was generally in the open, except for the crowd of people and help was a radio call away.

At the hospitals and the college I worked at the most I got into was 1 to 4 people which can be a very different thing but in some cases, and I was lucky enough to have those cases, get rid of or control the leader and the rest go to.


Senior Master
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
get into a verbal match instead of a physical one... seems to work if you occupy the brain of the crowd with other things, basically acting completely unimpressed with his macho posturing the crowd looses its leader and it focus and things calm down.
I see similarities. :)

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