I don't want to be a competitive fighter, I want to be a human killing machine. Which arts ?

All of you guys that are dissing my post clearly don't understand. I have years of training in competitive Muay Thai and also BJJ. I have competed in 4 Mma contests.
I want realistic self defence to protect myself against weapons.
Human Killing Machine was a description I used to explain the level of training i am looking for.
To all of you idiots assuming I am a Psychopath, I have 2 children and a wife.
I would never kill someone unless my life of my families life were threatened.

I think I understand. Welcome to MT. Now go away.
All of you guys that are dissing my post clearly don't understand. I have years of training in competitive Muay Thai and also BJJ. I have competed in 4 Mma contests.
I want realistic self defence to protect myself against weapons.
Human Killing Machine was a description I used to explain the level of training i am looking for.
To all of you idiots assuming I am a Psychopath, I have 2 children and a wife.
I would never kill someone unless my life of my families life were threatened.
Thanks for the clarification.

For the record, no amount of training in weapons defense will lead to you being known as a "human killing machine."

The best formulation I've encountered for describing the goal of training defense against weapons comes from Marc Denny - "Die Less Often." No martial art will make you into the movie hero who effortlessly dispatches multiple armed attackers with your lethal technique. The best you can hope for is to improve your odds so that in multiple alternate universes where you are attacked by someone trying to kill you with a knife you end up dying in fewer of them. (Actually, that's the best you can hope for in those timelines where you are actually attacked by someone trying to kill you with a knife. In real life the better and more likely outcome is that this never happens.)

In general, the best arts for learning how to defend against weapons are weapons-based arts, such as Kali. This is for two reasons. First - fighting unarmed against weapons is always a serious disadvantage, no matter how good your technique is. Secondly - weapons-based systems generally have a more realistic concept of how someone might actually use a weapon against you.

Even weapons-based systems can have their drawbacks. Often they are taught in a context which implies a weapons duel rather than an assault. (One key difference - someone who is trying to murder you with a knife will do their best to do so before you have a chance to deploy your own weapon ... or even see them coming for that matter.) Still, a good FMA school might be a good place to start.
Have you tried Fujitsu?
no, im a bad man when i drink, i just cant seem to stop when I've had enough.

That's really where that whole "mixing them" thing comes from: it's not like a beer and a shot, or a beer and a glass of wine, or even champagne and a shot are going to make you sick- each of them is just two drinks. By the time most people get to the "mixing them" stage, though, they've had too much to drink.

And beer is beer. Mixing them shouldn't do a goddam thing.

Except for $h!t like Budweiser, Coors, and PBR, which will make anyone sick.....just like sex in a canoe!

(They're all f@cking near water!!
That's really where that whole "mixing them" thing comes from: it's not like a beer and a shot, or a beer and a glass of wine, or even champagne and a shot are going to make you sick- each of them is just two drinks. By the time most people get to the "mixing them" stage, though, they've had too much to drink.

And beer is beer. Mixing them shouldn't do a goddam thing.

Except for $h!t like Budweiser, Coors, and PBR, which will make anyone sick.....just like sex in a canoe!

(They're all f@cking near water!!
Props for the Monty Python joke. Warning, they don't censor the joke on YouTube. Funny bit, but I don't like fosters much better than I like coors. :)

And beer is beer. Mixing them shouldn't do a goddam thing.

Except for $h!t like Budweiser, Coors, and PBR, which will make anyone sick.....just like sex in a canoe!

We make some of the most god awful mass produced beer here in the US. I think in microbrew though, we're kings. Sam Adams is about the only exception to this... mass produced but still pretty good.
We make some of the most god awful mass produced beer here in the US. I think in microbrew though, we're kings. Sam Adams is about the only exception to this... mass produced but still pretty good.
Like so many products, Sam Adams quality diminished greatly when they increased production. Sam is fine when there's nothing better,. but here's usually something better.....even that stuff that they call "Guinness" with the rocket in the bottle.....
Hey guys. I do not have an interest i becoming a competitive fighter. I want to become one of the most lethal human beings walking the earth. Able to protect my family and others.
I want one day to be known as a walking killing machine.
Based on this info, What are the right arts for me to study ?
Thank you very much.

On face value, nothing. You should be kept completely away from anything close to it, if your aim is as stated. But frankly, I don't think you have even begun to think about what you've actually asked… and is full of simple movie-influenced delusion and fantasy.

This question comes up, from time to time, and-while I favor Sinanju in some ways, my answer is always this:

(As many times as I've posted this, have any of you ever watched it?

Ha, every time…

JKD with a Glock 27 in an ankle holster.

Not in Australia.

Reality check ? isn't this the place to ask questions and discuss things ?
Yet you feel the need to jump on and be arrogant and rude.

You asked a frankly ludicrous question, phrased it as fantasy warrior as you could, and you're surprised by the responses? Dude. Grow up.

I would direct any sociopath to a martial arts school. It is a good place to start paying attention to yourself in a more constructive way. :)

I wouldn't. At all. It's the last thing I'd direct them to, as it's simply not a "cure" in the slightest… in fact, one line of thought has it that martial arts are more of an amplifier than anything else… good becomes better, bad becomes worse… so no, it's the last thing I'd recommend. Of course, the problem is identifying a sociopath when they walk in the door in the first place…

Any martial art teacher with such deadly skills wouldn't teach you. Martial arts is like having a gun.:
. The only people you want to have a gun are the ones who don't want to be a killing machine.

Lovely fantasy, but again, not realistic in the slightest. Again, the issue is identifying the sociopath in the first place… for that matter, how do you accurately recognise the wife-beater when they turn up in a suit and tie? The abusive parent when they walk in the door? The fact is that you can't. Obviously, should you become aware of it, it's a good idea to remove that person from your school… but you won't be able to stop them going somewhere else, for the record.

Oh, and "martial arts is like having a gun"? Ha! Not overtly…

All of you guys that are dissing my post clearly don't understand.

Frankly son, you clearly don't understand how lunatic you came across (and, honestly, continue to).

I have years of training in competitive Muay Thai and also BJJ. I have competed in 4 Mma contests.

Great. So what?

I want realistic self defence to protect myself against weapons.

Okay… that's a fear you have… tell me, are you commonly associating with people who carry weapons and assault you? How much do you realistically expect to need such a specialised defensive skill? And what weapons do you think you'll need to defend against? What will be the most likely scenario? Is it an attack, or a threat? Do you understand the differences?

Human Killing Machine was a description I used to explain the level of training i am looking for.

Then you really should have chosen better, as it implies a result, not a level of training… and a fantasy based one at that.

To all of you idiots assuming I am a Psychopath, I have 2 children and a wife.

For one thing, no-one mentioned the term "psychopath"… they said "sociopath"… a bit different… for another, do you want a list of psychopaths (and sociopaths) who have families? Do you really think one precludes the other?

I would never kill someone unless my life of my families life were threatened.

So… you want to be a "Human Killing Machine" (incidentally, that can be read two ways… a person who is a human embodiment of a killing machine, and someone who is a machine at killing humans… hmm), you want to be "known as the most lethal person on the planet"… but you would "never kill someone"???

Dude, can you see the issue here?

Lose the fantasy based rhetoric, you just look like a fool.

I have Krav near me that I attended the other night and I really enjoyed it.
It was only a basic class. Apart from that, Just your normal BJJ, Karate, Taekwondo, Boxing, Wrestling ect.

You're in Sydney, and you think this is all that's around you? Dude… I could point you in the direction of some arts that are far more seriously in line with what you've asked for… but frankly, you've failed completely at being even close to being suitable to be offered an introduction…

No need to be rude. I am on MT to avoid keyboard heros -.-

You really might want to look at your own posts, then.

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