I don't want to be a competitive fighter, I want to be a human killing machine. Which arts ?

This question comes up, from time to time, and-while I favor Sinanju in some ways, my answer is always this:

(As many times as I've posted this, have any of you ever watched it?

This looks very effective....the only downside I can see is your dry cleaning bill....
I remember seeing something about the Viking berserker arts, online. Something about maximum violence and whatnot. And something about a carrot. Might be worth checking into...HAIL THOR!!! HAIL ODIN!!!
I remember seeing something about the Viking berserker arts, online. Something about maximum violence and whatnot. And something about a carrot. Might be worth checking into...HAIL THOR!!! HAIL ODIN!!!

I was at a Viking festival yesterday in Jorvik ( it's now called York, Ebor in Roman times incidentally) and it was great fun. Viking food, games, animals, ships and or course weapons! Loads of Vikings dressed up ( NO horns on helmets btw) demonstrating their weapons. I loved them but have to say I also loved the jewellery and silverwork, very sophisticated. Very sadly York was flooded badly earlier this year and the Jorvik Museum was badly damaged but the festival is still going ahead. Meet the Experts | Bioarchaeology | Events | JORVIK Viking Festival

For the kids starting them young lol Have-a-go Sword Combat | Events | JORVIK Viking Festival
The venue for this was also flooded but has reopened, it's 650 years old (same owners now as then) so is used to the caprices of the Rivers Ouse and Foss.
Things written on-line never go away. (They are like vindictive ex-wives) Years down the line, should you have the unfortunate experience of defending yourself and your assailant gets seriously hurt, the prosecutor will most likely have your OP printed out and shown on a big board in court. You might not even remember it by then, but trust me, they'll find it. He will address you as Mister Human Killing Machine.

That would be bad.
I want one day to be known as a walking killing machine.
The only way I can imagine this happening is for you to .. well ... kill a lot of people.

About the only socially accepted avenue for this would be in the military. Even if you do join the military, odds are pretty good you won't ever kill anyone. If you did end up in a role that lead to killing a lot of people, odds are it wouldn't actually make you particularly happy to have done so, unless you happen to be a sociopath.

If you are a sociopath, you might check into the Australian market for serial killers. You don't need any particular martial arts training, just access to weapons, isolated victims, and a disregard for human life.

There are several flavors of krav maga.One or two of them really are sophisticated H2H combat methods developed for combat.

Most of the commercially available ones? Some of those are fine, but "H2H combat?"

Not so much

Seriously,though, "a killing machine?"

As someone who knows a little about "killing machines," -again-not so much.
The only way I can imagine this happening is for you to .. well ... kill a lot of people.

About the only socially accepted avenue for this would be in the military. Even if you do join the military, odds are pretty good you won't ever kill anyone. If you did end up in a role that lead to killing a lot of people, odds are it wouldn't actually make you particularly happy to have done so, unless you happen to be a sociopath.

If you are a sociopath, you might check into the Australian market for serial killers. You don't need any particular martial arts training, just access to weapons, isolated victims, and a disregard for human life.

The chances are too that if you go around killing a bunch of people even in the military you will end up in court facing charges of murder and/or crimes against humanity.
Makes me wonder how many sociopaths work in the meat processing industry.
Maybe all that's needed is a change in employment.
Makes me wonder how many sociopaths work in the meat processing industry.
Maybe all that's needed is a change in employment.

Far less than there are in politics, I'd wager......or the police....

.......or science
If the OP wishes to disgust and to be reviled by people perhaps he might want to think again. This is a murder case that is going on at the moment, everyone who reads or hears the details feels sick and cannot believe two human beings let alone children could do this to a helpless woman, this actually goes beyond being sociopaths, it's downright evil. Many blame parents although the girls were in care, many blame modern life but the truth here is that these girls have something in them that no amount of discipline, love even or having a decent upbringing could help. They aren't mentally ill, just wicked to the core. If the OP is of a similar mindset then karma will come for him...because there is always, always someone bigger, harder and nastier out there how tough you think you are.

Warning this makes upsetting reading. House where schoolgirls allegedly killed woman was like a 'bombsite', court told
Has anyone ever put an email address into the bottom to see if there is some sort of automated message involved?
The form you submitted has not been processed. Reason as follows:
Sioux(TM) 3.4 Web server CGI script exception:
0104d Service revoked
0188E* Client account suspended (id=agv name="Arthur Gannet (Violence) Ltd")
0188E- Finance department note :-
0188E- We have been unable to contact Mr Gannet for over two months .
0188E- If anyone knows the whereabouts of Mr Gannet please contact
0188E- the SlaterNet accounts department urgently as his account is
0188E- overdue for payment --tjs
yo people on here might be getting a good laugh about this bt did it ever occur to you that this guy MIGHT be serious, and yeah might be a sociopath? and your giving him ideas! Honestly the first thought that came to me was, does this guy have access to guns? and yet someone says gee go get a gun...maybe the moderators should just remove his post all together, id hate to watch the news and see yet another moron do some thing stupid for 15 minutes of fame...BTW im new to this site, love it, except for this thread. :wtf:
yo people on here might be getting a good laugh about this but did it ever occur to you that this guy MIGHT be serious, and yeah might be a sociopath? and your giving him ideas! Honestly the first thought that came to me was, does this guy have access to guns? and yet someone says gee go get a gun...maybe the moderators should just remove his post all together, id hate to watch the news and see yet another moron do some thing stupid for 15 minutes of fame...BTW im new to this site, love it, except for this thread. :wtf:
Has anyone ever put an email address into the bottom to see if there is some sort of automated message involved?

It might say it's a Welsh art but the address on the bottom is from the opposite side of the country, Lowestoft. The name 'Gannet' coming from a seaside town is suspect lol. However if you do put anything in you get this. Funnily enough the website hosting service comes not far from Lowestoft :)

The form you submitted has not been processed. Reason as follows:
Sioux(TM) 3.4 Web server CGI script exception:
0104d Service revoked
0188E* Client account suspended (id=agv name="Arthur Gannet (Violence) Ltd")
0188E- Finance department note :-
0188E- We have been unable to contact Mr Gannet for over two months .
0188E- If anyone knows the whereabouts of Mr Gannet please contact
0188E- the SlaterNet accounts department urgently as his account is
0188E- overdue for payment --tjs

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