I can't jump!!!!


Senior Master
Last night showing a new student the fundamentals of the side kick I tried to show him how strong a jumping back kick can be and I performed it miserabily!!! I can't jump!!! I was ashame.

My side kicks and back kicks are good but if I try to do them jumping and/or spining/jumping I just can't do them good. That's why in Light sparring or full sparring I use only round house kick,side kick and a combo using roundhouse/spining (only) back kick.

I'm not aerial anymore? I remeber whan I was a teen I could jump/sping very well even delivering head kicks.

While jumping kicks can be a valuable tool, they are not always the best tool in your arsenal to use. If you aren't able to perform the jumping kicks, don't sweat it.

I'm 6'1", 285lbs..and my jump kicks are terrible. I don't let it bother me, though. I know I have strengths in other kicks, so I use those rather than attempt to use kicks I'm not good at.

In my spare time, I try to work on the jumping kicks, but I don't work on them as hard as I do my other techniques. I don't see jumping kicks as something I should train to make better in my arsenal as far as self defense applications go.

What I'm saying is try to work on them in your spare time to make them better, but don't worry if you have lost your ability to perform your jumping kicks well. It's not the most important kick in your arsenal, and losing those kicks aren't going to inhibit your ablity to defend yourself against an opponent.
Welcome to getting older. Us "ground pounders" do not get much respect from the "gazelles". As others have said, concentrate on the kicks you can do and stop worrying about the ones you cannot do anymore.
I thought all the answers given were awesome. I can jump and have no problem with that at 220 and 43y/o, but I prefer to stay grounded. All those answers are sound advice. Besides get one of those young folk to do all the flying for you.
Hi Manny, I don't know how you are built or how spry you are. If you like, I could give you some exersizes that I use. I'm 49 today and I can still do those jumping spinning hook kicks and the ones that you mentioned.

I don't think you really need to be able to do them perfectly anyway, to teach them to younger students. They still respect you.

Shiny side up!
Welcome to getting older. Us "ground pounders" do not get much respect from the "gazelles". As others have said, concentrate on the kicks you can do and stop worrying about the ones you cannot do anymore.

Jajajajajajajajaja!!!!! I've never was a gazelle, maybe a tiger or leopard but now...... Iam Kunfu Panda jajajajajajaja.

Now seriusly I will never be like I was at my teen years that's the fact of life, however I'm trying to improve my weight and health doing TKD, the only thing is lefth is some power so I try to use it.

I am 6.1" tall and around 260 punds and believe is not easy to jump/turn and kick.

Manny, think "Godzilla". Did he leap tall buildings in a single bound? Nope, he just went through them instead.
Manny, you need to concentrate on your strengths - not your weaknesses. Yes, you have identified an area in which you need to improve - but most people have difficulty with jump kicks, except those who are both young and athletic - and even some of those have difficulty with the coordination and strength needed to do jump kicks. Don't beat yourself up about. You're in class and you're training. Do the best you can with jumping techniques, and concentrate on working on your strengths - not beating yourself up about your weaknesses.

You see my avitar? That was when I was in my 30s. That kick is a jump back kick done high. I can't do that anymore (not to that hight at least.)

Oh well.... "to old to soon, to wise to late."

I consider myself fortunate. I just turned 40, and as long as I am warmed up, my jumping kicks are as good as ever. I credit that to proper practice and proper care of the body.
I consider myself fortunate. I just turned 40, and as long as I am warmed up, my jumping kicks are as good as ever. I credit that to proper practice and proper care of the body.

Good for you, believe me. I'm over weight and my joints are not so good, maybe when I drop some 70-75 punds can help a little jjejeje, in the mean time I will stay in my feet.


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