Earl, with respect, it is semantics. 'For defense only' or 'self defense' is the same thing as intended. But to offer a clarification, the martial arts (at least the civilian self-protection side of the arts) was meant for defensive purposes i.e. you're attacked and then you end the fight by putting the attacker in a position they can no longer sustain the attack. This might be by knocking him out, putting him in a lock so he can't move or disengaging after a good ole fashioned 'stun and run'.
What I'm saying here is that sporting competitions are not a necessary part of a martial art. And if we're honest for just a moment..it is a money maker and business method of keeping the student base (usually young) pumped up and coming back.
Little Johnny is told not to go to school and drop kick the teacher or his fellow students. Don't choke out your little brother either. Walk away from bullies and use your training only as a last resort when no other option is available....but....then we turn right around and face little Johnny off against little Billy for a plastic trinket. All the while the adults are yelling 'git em'. That is a contradiction. That is hypocritical. Where is the 'defense only/self defense' situation in this? And although this will likely chap the hide of a lot of people....it's wrong. It is the worst thing to have ever been implemented in the martial arts imo. I know that is a strong opinion. I know some may 'need' it to help keep the doors open and the kids happy. But that is only because this paradigm has been fostered. It is an add-on to TKD (and other arts) that weren't necessarily in the original design. So this is just my opinion and not meant as a slap to anyone.
And this isn't meant of take the thread in a different direction so my apologies to the OP
What I'm saying here is that sporting competitions are not a necessary part of a martial art. And if we're honest for just a moment..it is a money maker and business method of keeping the student base (usually young) pumped up and coming back.
Little Johnny is told not to go to school and drop kick the teacher or his fellow students. Don't choke out your little brother either. Walk away from bullies and use your training only as a last resort when no other option is available....but....then we turn right around and face little Johnny off against little Billy for a plastic trinket. All the while the adults are yelling 'git em'. That is a contradiction. That is hypocritical. Where is the 'defense only/self defense' situation in this? And although this will likely chap the hide of a lot of people....it's wrong. It is the worst thing to have ever been implemented in the martial arts imo. I know that is a strong opinion. I know some may 'need' it to help keep the doors open and the kids happy. But that is only because this paradigm has been fostered. It is an add-on to TKD (and other arts) that weren't necessarily in the original design. So this is just my opinion and not meant as a slap to anyone.
And this isn't meant of take the thread in a different direction so my apologies to the OP

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