I apologize if I offend but I have to askÂ….Is it just me?

I agree.

Question though, why do so many people not use their real names on these boards? Is it just to have the anonymity to be able to say what they want with no consequences? Or when you look at “about me”, there is no information about them, why? Are they that embarrassed about what they write? Are they that insecure? Do they fear someone coming to stalk them?

I'm amazed anybody puts their real name in these forums. I have had second thoughts about even putting down my primary art, as the founder doesn't like forums like this. There are a lot of strange people who websurf, I think anonymity helps keep everyone safe. Nobody I work with knows I've taken even a day of martial arts training, including a security job, and I like to keep it that way. It would be safer if absolutely nobody knew about it, but hey, my wife has to know, she sees me practice for one thing.

The reasons for this are many, but primarily martial artists have done very poorly in self defense situations in court. In other words, their martial arts training has worked against them. One black belt in one school I went to really hurt a guy (The black belt was a power lifter as well and worked as a bouncer) and a lot of attention was spent on his martial art training in court. I have been to court, seen people prosecuted for using force, its a good idea to keep your background private in these regards.

But I agree its not good to take potshots at people anonymously, like the posts about Bruce Tegner awhile ago. Many did give their real names, still its not good to use your anonymity to help you abuse your first amendment rights. I wouldn't post here at all if I had to reveal my real name.
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Nope it fits just lovely so stop complaining mister!! I am not giving you no more excuses to bugger off again you are staying right here and I am going to lock this door on you until you have posted something truly momentous from your vault of wisdom.. so! The clock is ticking! There is only enough air in this little rooom of this here forum for another 12 hours.. 11:59, 11:58.. mwah..
Better hurry. The canary just bit the dust.
I think maybe if the site were a little more condensed it would give the illusion of more activity and would not seem as repetitive, also maybe if people were to get to know each other more it would create a reason for you to get on the forums and post more.
I am hesitant to post this but I will jump in with both feet and post it just the same, wouldnÂ’t be the first time I jumped into the pit, but I suppose it could be the lastÂ… I am not exactly sure if this is against the rules...

I am truly sorry MT but I just have to ask

I have been wondering about this for a while and I even took a sabbatical in hopes that it was just me needing a break but the feeling came back rather quickly and of late due in part to the number of “good” and “knowledgeable” poster that use to post on MT that no longer appear to be posting (there are still some good people here by the way) or good and knowledgeable posters that have been banned (not that all banned posters are good and knowledgeable some most certainly were not either and banning was to good fer em’ :D), and in part to the number of repeat topics I see popping up (mainly MMA for or against in its copious incarnations some veiled…some not, but there are other that seem to make the rounds way to often) and of course the never ending argument known as the study (some of which IMO is just arguing for the sake of arguing :D. But then avoiding the study is easy, all that need be said (or thought) every time one thinks about going to the study when one does not truly wish to jump into the arena is “On second thought, let's not go there. It's a silly place” :D And it simply could be that my last sabbatical was not long enough too but….

Is it just me or is MT becoming repetitive, predictable and somewhat boring?

Could it be my chosen style that is the reason I feel this way?
There is not a whole lot going on in the CMA area these days and to be honest I am tired of posting in CMA for various reasons I do not plan on going into.

Could it be I have just been here to long?

Could it be I am just a dinosaur and in need of facing that fact and moving on?

Could it be the newness of it wore off and I need to stop?

And if it is not just me, what is it and what can be done to change it?

Or is it all just that I am too old and longing for the good ole days of MA (which brought to MT in the first place by the way) that MT for a little bit seemed to, at least in part, help with? :idunno:

My sincere apologies to Bob and the crew but I just had to ask.

I think it is, perhaps, the way of the forum...

Especially one this vast, covering so many aspects and topics. Not bad to keep up to date, though. I do not always feel just the same about things years, or sometimes months, down the road. Sometimes good to catch up, huh?

Thank you,
Milt G.
I have had second thoughts about even putting down my primary art, as the founder doesn't like forums like this.

Actually posting here may have contributed to a fall out with a Sifu of mine. He never said anything and he never asked me about but there were a few comments that made me thing and he is rather web savvy and it would not be hard, if you know me, to figure out who I am, particularly if you are my sifu.
Actually posting here may have contributed to a fall out with a Sifu of mine. He never said anything and he never asked me about but there were a few comments that made me thing and he is rather web savvy and it would not be hard, if you know me, to figure out who I am, particularly if you are my sifu.

Apparently, when I put up an avatar of the Constitutional Distress symbol - which is, incidentally, the national flag displayed upside down - I drove my teacher (staunchly Republican and ex-military) off the site in protest. When a soldier displays this, it means he and/or his detail are in trouble and need extrication. When a citizen or a country displays this, it means they feel the constitution is no longer being upheld in their country.

He made no bones to me about why he left.

Just posted that so you don't feel alone, I guess. :idunno:
I've had people leave because they felt I was too critical of Bush, not critical enough of Clinton, and too stupid to see the brilliance of Palin. *shrug*
Also had people tell me they left because I was too soft on Bush, too hard on Clinton, and too blind to see how dumb Palin is. *shrug*

Can't please everyone.
Apparently, when I put up an avatar of the Constitutional Distress symbol - which is, incidentally, the national flag displayed upside down - I drove my teacher (staunchly Republican and ex-military) off the site in protest. When a soldier displays this, it means he and/or his detail are in trouble and need extrication. When a citizen or a country displays this, it means they feel the constitution is no longer being upheld in their country.

He made no bones to me about why he left.

Just posted that so you don't feel alone, I guess. :idunno:

Off Topic but ...,

There was a local school a couple of years ago where the local police department drove through the parking lot and noticed that no lawn crews were outside and that the Flag was upside down. So, he called in back up and they "stormed" the school in riot gear. All staff not involved with direct education of the children were in a meeting and boy was everyone surprised including the police when nothing was wrong. Someone had just hung the flag upside down and did not look at it after they raised it.
Apparently, when I put up an avatar of the Constitutional Distress symbol - which is, incidentally, the national flag displayed upside down - I drove my teacher (staunchly Republican and ex-military) off the site in protest. When a soldier displays this, it means he and/or his detail are in trouble and need extrication. When a citizen or a country displays this, it means they feel the constitution is no longer being upheld in their country.

He made no bones to me about why he left.

Just posted that so you don't feel alone, I guess. :idunno:

OMG, a real live person who GETS this! More obscure (sadly so) American trivia: Do you also know the difference between the American flag of war and flag of peace?
OMG, a real live person who GETS this! More obscure (sadly so) American trivia: Do you also know the difference between the American flag of war and flag of peace?

Yes! The Civil Flag! I thought I was the only one who knew about that! LOL!

The Civil Flag or Peacetime Flag actually had a blue eagle and an arc of stars on a white field where most people are familiar with the Blue field with white stars is. The stripes are red on a white field and are VERTICAL rather than horizontal.

Here's some info on that.

Wartime display is how our flag is currently hung as standard. Sad, but true.
Yes! The Civil Flag! I thought I was the only one who knew about that! LOL!

The Civil Flag or Peacetime Flag actually had a blue eagle and an arc of stars on a white field where most people are familiar with the Blue field with white stars is. The stripes are red on a white field and are VERTICAL rather than horizontal.

Here's some info on that.

Wartime display is how our flag is currently hung as standard. Sad, but true.

We have a winner folks! :ultracool

And I must say, I'm impressed. I know 2 people now other than myself that know that!
I've had people leave because they felt I was too critical of Bush, not critical enough of Clinton, and too stupid to see the brilliance of Palin. *shrug*
Also had people tell me they left because I was too soft on Bush, too hard on Clinton, and too blind to see how dumb Palin is. *shrug*

Can't please everyone.
So go play a garden party... :D

There's an ebb and flow in every site. As my time on MT picked up, my time on another site dropped off.

But, as I've said, the site's only as good as the members. We've got mostly good to great members here, I think. But we need you all to post up!
I am hesitant to post this but I will jump in with both feet and post it just the same, wouldnÂ’t be the first time I jumped into the pit, but I suppose it could be the lastÂ… I am not exactly sure if this is against the rules...

I am truly sorry MT but I just have to ask

I have been wondering about this for a while and I even took a sabbatical in hopes that it was just me needing a break but the feeling came back rather quickly and of late due in part to the number of “good” and “knowledgeable” poster that use to post on MT that no longer appear to be posting (there are still some good people here by the way) or good and knowledgeable posters that have been banned (not that all banned posters are good and knowledgeable some most certainly were not either and banning was to good fer em’ :D), and in part to the number of repeat topics I see popping up (mainly MMA for or against in its copious incarnations some veiled…some not, but there are other that seem to make the rounds way to often) and of course the never ending argument known as the study (some of which IMO is just arguing for the sake of arguing :D. But then avoiding the study is easy, all that need be said (or thought) every time one thinks about going to the study when one does not truly wish to jump into the arena is “On second thought, let's not go there. It's a silly place” :D And it simply could be that my last sabbatical was not long enough too but….

Is it just me or is MT becoming repetitive, predictable and somewhat boring?

Could it be my chosen style that is the reason I feel this way?
There is not a whole lot going on in the CMA area these days and to be honest I am tired of posting in CMA for various reasons I do not plan on going into.

Could it be I have just been here to long?

Could it be I am just a dinosaur and in need of facing that fact and moving on?

Could it be the newness of it wore off and I need to stop?

And if it is not just me, what is it and what can be done to change it?

Or is it all just that I am too old and longing for the good ole days of MA (which brought to MT in the first place by the way) that MT for a little bit seemed to, at least in part, help with? :idunno:

My sincere apologies to Bob and the crew but I just had to ask.
Be the change you want to see.
XS I missed this thread until now because I have seen a reduction in interesting posts for a while( I had chalked it up to summer vactions) and so just skimmed through mostly. I have told you several times of how much I value you input here and others as well. This place has made me a better martial artist and teacher as thinking is required to excel at either and not just blind practice. I have tried to start thread lately that must seem boring because they are .... quiet. I certanly ask less questions as I am full of them and seem impatient to some, which I truly understand so I patiently wait for intersting topics and read books. Honestly though, I kind of expect the site to be quiet from time to time and I like the newbie rehashing of questions bcause in teaching I learn a great deal from beginners questions and can look at my development through the responses I give. Have you found an art that is prefect and is taught perfectly by perfect instructors? Probably not, certanly many of my intersting questions come from a place of wanting to be better in my chosen art through contact with others such as yourself. Although I love my art it is not perfect and my nderstanding of it is muh much less than perfect so I have many questions. Anoher point for repetition and predictablility is that unless you are posting specfically technical thoughts then what is true in practice is true here... most answers are n the basics. Cool flashy comments on technque X572 are cute but less fruitful in terms of advancng knowledge. I am babbling a bit but I will start some more threads just for fun and maybe you could also and see what happens. Perhaps the old Danjo will show up and flame us and the fun can begin again:) perhaps some seniors will step up and test us with a question we can be put on the spot to respond instead of them! Like a pop quiz. I lime MT and the people here are exceptional or on there way to being exceptional, hopefully I can learn from the examples here
be well
um...er...Bruce. :)
Apparently, when I put up an avatar of the Constitutional Distress symbol - which is, incidentally, the national flag displayed upside down - I drove my teacher (staunchly Republican and ex-military) off the site in protest. When a soldier displays this, it means he and/or his detail are in trouble and need extrication. When a citizen or a country displays this, it means they feel the constitution is no longer being upheld in their country.

He made no bones to me about why he left.

Just posted that so you don't feel alone, I guess.

Actually in my case it is a Mainland Chinese Sifu who has rather traditional thinking (as I do to off of MT) and he does not tell anyone what he does and teaches only those he feels he can trust and me talking about it (or mentioning it) on MT would not have made him happy and from my POV this is my bad, I knew better but still yakked when I should not have.

Off Topic but ...,

There was a local school a couple of years ago where the local police department drove through the parking lot and noticed that no lawn crews were outside and that the Flag was upside down. So, he called in back up and they "stormed" the school in riot gear. All staff not involved with direct education of the children were in a meeting and boy was everyone surprised including the police when nothing was wrong. Someone had just hung the flag upside down and did not look at it after they raised it.

At a hospital I worked at a very sleepy security guard put up the flag one morning and did not realize that he put it up upside down until 3 Local LEO cars, 2 County Sheriff’s cars and 2 State Police cars showed up……and…. there was nothing wrong other than the 3rd shift guy (ex-military by the way) was working a double shift and incredibly tired and not paying attention. After that he was MUCH more awake, very apologetic and incredibly embarrassed

I've had people leave because they felt I was too critical of Bush, not critical enough of Clinton, and too stupid to see the brilliance of Palin. *shrug*
Also had people tell me they left because I was too soft on Bush, too hard on Clinton, and too blind to see how dumb Palin is. *shrug*

Can't please everyone.

Well I’m considering leaving due to your complete LACK of acknowledgment of the Republicrat and Democan parties :D

Be the change you want to see.

Actually that is a thought but still equates to, in my mind, to posting much less.

XS I missed this thread until now because I have seen a reduction in interesting posts for a while( I had chalked it up to summer vactions) and so just skimmed through mostly. I have told you several times of how much I value you input here and others as well. This place has made me a better martial artist and teacher as thinking is required to excel at either and not just blind practice. I have tried to start thread lately that must seem boring because they are .... quiet. I certanly ask less questions as I am full of them and seem impatient to some, which I truly understand so I patiently wait for intersting topics and read books. Honestly though, I kind of expect the site to be quiet from time to time and I like the newbie rehashing of questions bcause in teaching I learn a great deal from beginners questions and can look at my development through the responses I give. Have you found an art that is prefect and is taught perfectly by perfect instructors? Probably not, certanly many of my intersting questions come from a place of wanting to be better in my chosen art through contact with others such as yourself. Although I love my art it is not perfect and my nderstanding of it is muh much less than perfect so I have many questions. Anoher point for repetition and predictablility is that unless you are posting specfically technical thoughts then what is true in practice is true here... most answers are n the basics. Cool flashy comments on technque X572 are cute but less fruitful in terms of advancng knowledge. I am babbling a bit but I will start some more threads just for fun and maybe you could also and see what happens. Perhaps the old Danjo will show up and flame us and the fun can begin again perhaps some seniors will step up and test us with a question we can be put on the spot to respond instead of them! Like a pop quiz. I lime MT and the people here are exceptional or on there way to being exceptional, hopefully I can learn from the examples here
be well

FINALLY…. At least now I know who I’m talking to…well you see Bruce :D

Thank You

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