Burmese boxing? where can i find it?

  • Thread starter Thread starter J-kid
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I was just curious where you can study Burmese boxing?

Since i have done mostly grappling i wouldnt mind doing some more striking and something about Burmese boxing intrestes me.
If i cant find a school i will just go with MT kickboxing.
You can find it in Puyallup, right next to the Yiliquan group...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Isn't Burmese boxing considered a relatively traditional art, teaching forms and everything? :D

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
You can find it in Puyallup, right next to the Yiliquan group...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Isn't Burmese boxing considered a relatively traditional art, teaching forms and everything? :D

I found that funny somehow
Lemme break it down fer ya...

1) Judo-kid used to criticize traditional martial arts and forms practice;

2) An offer was made to Judo-kid to come out to Puyallup to train with the Yiliquan folks out there so he could see the value of traditional martial arts training and forms practice - but he never came out;

3) Now Judo-kid is looking for training in a traditional martial art that makes use of forms practice;

4) So I said that he could find the school he is looking for right next to the other traditional martial art that teaches forms that he was offered to train with previously...

Try and keep up, JK, okay? :lol:

In order to get info on the nearest Burmese Boxing (Bando) instructor you might try contacting Dr. Maung Gyi. He's the grandmaster of Bando in the US, and any instructor would trace his lineage back to the good doctor.

Address and Phone #: Dr. Maung Gyi
23 Strathmore Blvd.
Athens, OH 45701
(740) 592-2027

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh
Well any how its not that i didnt want to look at your school just i cant get a ride up there.

Soon i will be able to drive and will go over there myself intil then well i guess we will just have to talk over Martialtalk.

As far as Bando, This is like a older style of MT kickboxing and dos not have much in commen with other arts other then MT kickboxing.

See how i have trained In MT kickboxing i just wanted to see if they had Bando in washington and wanted to compare the diffrences for my self.

Also my offer stands to come meet me at one of my gyms seeing how i cant drive my self to yours.

Also I like Bando kickboxing there fights seem more hard core.

What we should do Yiliquan is have a Martialtalk meeting in washington seeing how alot of the posters are from washington.
I take Burmese (kick)boxing as a subset of Bando--Lethwhei?--not the more general Bando that includes weapons and such. Does Lethwhei have forms?

See also this thread.
Originally posted by Judo-kid
Well any how its not that i didnt want to look at your school just i cant get a ride up there.

I offered to pick you up once before...

Soon i will be able to drive and will go over there myself intil then well i guess we will just have to talk over Martialtalk.

You are welcome to train with us anytime...

As far as Bando, This is like a older style of MT kickboxing and dos not have much in commen with other arts other then MT kickboxing.

Except, as I understand it from magazine articles and such, they rely on forms for a good portion of their training... Wouldn't that prove to be counter-productive to your training? ;)

Also my offer stands to come meet me at one of my gyms seeing how i cant drive my self to yours.

The difference between my offer and yours is that I am in a position to invite you, but because of your position in your dojo, you are likely not in a position to invite me to yours... :idunno:

Also I like Bando kickboxing there fights seem more hard core.

Ask Chufeng what Saturday was like for us... He spent the better part of what seemed like forever introducing me to new levels of pain, nausea and "carpet intimacy."

What we should do Yiliquan is have a Martialtalk meeting in washington seeing how alot of the posters are from washington.

I posted once upon a time trying to do just that... No takers, it seems. Maybe you should try...?

I was talking with kaith or someone else for perhaps doing a paintball/martial art deal. We could have food paintball martial arts all three sound fun.

Also i didnt know you would pick me up.

Yeah and like i said i just wanted to check out Bando, I still love MT kickboxing but formost i am a grappler by trade.
Also Very soon i will be able to drive

Not a light armored vehicle, I hope;)

and as far as paintball goes...I'm not chasin' your junior *** all over the country side to shoot you with a paint-ball...I'm arthritic and slow.

Come into my range, grappler distance is just fine by me, been there, done that...

I'm up for a barbecue, though...

:asian: chufeng
Originally posted by Judo-kid
Grappling and paintballing dont mix.

:anic: :shock:

Well, they do mix, just not well... :lol:

We play paintball on Fort Lewis about every two months with folks from our office. I am hoping to buy a gun and gear this summer...

I like paintball... I get to crawl in the mud, hiding in places other folks won't go, waiting for that one sweet shot...

The last two times our office has gone out, I racked up about a half dozen head shots, several totally unexpected and outflanked back shots, and numerous chances for the other team to use me for target practice! :D :lol

If it is helpful, burmese boxing has offensive and defensive side. Offensive is Lethwei and defensive is Bando.

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