I am trying to start learning a martial art , please help :)


Yellow Belt
Dec 24, 2022
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I have been trying to learn some martial arts for at least an year now .

I just could not find a morning saturday and sunday class anywhere near my locality ...

After some research

martial arts.jpg

i really wanted to learn

Brazilian jiu jitsu or Judo or Muay Thai

But there are no schools near teaching that ...

There is a karate school and a taekwondo school nearby ...

And there is also one kung fu school nearby...

Which one should i choose ?

Please help :)
Whichever one you want to do most it’s nothing to do with some strangers online it’s down to you to make that choice
No i am not playing games here ,
I wake up in the morning , go to work .. Comes back home at 6.30 ... Then i am a bit tired after work ... Which is why i had to change plans many times ... I am from a south indian state ...i am also a 38 years old ... Not that young ... So i have to be careful about what i choose ... At this age , learning martial arts would not be that easy for me...

So that is why the starting troubles :)
I have been trying to learn some martial arts for at least an year now .

I just could not find a morning saturday and sunday class anywhere near my locality ...

After some research

View attachment 30698

i really wanted to learn

Brazilian jiu jitsu or Judo or Muay Thai

But there are no schools near teaching that ...

There is a karate school and a taekwondo school nearby ...

And there is also one kung fu school nearby...

Which one should i choose ?

Please help :)
See if you can take one free lesson.
Karate and Taekwondo are often used interchangeably, so keep that in mind.
Get a feel for the ambiance of the school. Is it a friendly environment that fits with your expectations.

Pick what you like best out of the three.

PS, a friend of mine was 60 when she started TKD with some severe physical limitations.
you train with those in mind, not against them. While she could never get linear kicks much past belt height, her Crescent kicks were a threat!
Thanks for all the replies ,

After reading this link

Tae Kwon Do vs. Kung Fu vs. Karate

I only want to learn karate :)
That's silly. Those are generic (inaccurate) stereotypes of each. I can't speak to the TKD or karate, but literally every sentence in the kung fu one is either wrong or comes with a huge caveat. Any one karate school could feel like what you think a kung fu or tkd school feels like, and vice versa. The only way to know if it's what you're expecting is to visit each.
Which one should i choose ?

Please help :)
A: Which MA style should I choose?
B: You should choose style X.
C: No! You should choose style Y.
B: No! Style X is better than style Y.
C: No! Style Y is better than style X.
B: @#$%^&
C: &^%$#@
A: Thanks for all the replies. I think I'll choose style Z.
B: ???
C: ???
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When did 38 become "not that young"?

I never thought that when I was 38.

I don't think i can do that much amount of leg stretching some martial arts require you to do ... that is why i said not that young ... but maybe even that can be done slowly slowly

i am someone who works out lightly .... i go to the beach and do brisk walking and some running every morning :)
I don't think i can do that much amount of leg stretching some martial arts require you to do ... that is why i said not that young ... but maybe even that can be done slowly slowly

i am someone who works out lightly .... i go to the beach and do brisk walking and some running every morning :)
If you do that every morning, that's probably more than 75% of people your age.
most schools allow a couple introductory lessons. Try each one, get a feel for the school, watch beginner and advanced students. Watch the way the instructor interacts with all levels. Choose one. 38 years old is nothing. Just go for it.
I think the best thing for you to do is go watch a few classes in each place. See what you think would be most comfortable for you.

Not just the style/art/work, but the people there, both the students and the instructors.
They’re who you’ll be working with and learning from

Watching once won’t do it for you. Classes are often very different under different instructors in any school. Take your time, check them out and try to enjoy the process.

Let us know how it goes.
No i am not playing games here ,
I wake up in the morning , go to work .. Comes back home at 6.30 ... Then i am a bit tired after work ... Which is why i had to change plans many times ... I am from a south indian state ...i am also a 38 years old ... Not that young ... So i have to be careful about what i choose ... At this age , learning martial arts would not be that easy for me...

So that is why the starting troubles :)
I did some JKD in my 50s and would still be at it if it were not for detached retina issues and a doctor who told me to stop training JKD.

38 is not old.
In addition to watching some classes, I also suggest watching a belt test for karate and TKD if you can. That's when you have the full picture of what you're in for.
Thanks for all the replies ,

After reading this link

Tae Kwon Do vs. Kung Fu vs. Karate

I only want to learn karate :)
Don't worry too much about the descriptions of the styles - schools can vary wildly within the same style name. Go to the three schools. Watch an adult class at each. If you don't like what you saw (bad atmosphere, etc.), no need to continue looking at it. If you didn't see anything that looked "off", ask if they offer a trial class (free class to see how you like it - those are common in some places, uncommon in others).

You should at least watch one class at each place. If possible, you should at least attend one trial class at each place. Even if you find one you think you like, still look at the others, because what you see/experience there may give you new thoughts about the others.

In the end, a school you enjoy and that has the intensity level you want will be much better than a style you select from a description (which may or may not accurately match the school).
I don't think i can do that much amount of leg stretching some martial arts require you to do ... that is why i said not that young ... but maybe even that can be done slowly slowly

i am someone who works out lightly .... i go to the beach and do brisk walking and some running every morning :)
How much stretching is required will depend what you're trying to do, and where you start from. You won't know that until you go talk to the instructors of the schools and watch classes.
No i am not playing games here ,
I wake up in the morning , go to work .. Comes back home at 6.30 ... Then i am a bit tired after work ... Which is why i had to change plans many times ... I am from a south indian state ...i am also a 38 years old ... Not that young ... So i have to be careful about what i choose ... At this age , learning martial arts would not be that easy for me...

So that is why the starting troubles :)
I started training at age 46. I'm 63 now.