I am a special man.


Senior Master
Last tuesday sambonim put us in a kicking circuit, it was tought for me, very tought, the circuit consisted of doing several kicks on the run with a lot of double kicks at the same time and high kicks (someting like tornado kicks), I tried to do my best believe me, but I failed some times, my high kicks are not what they used to be. I finish the circuit (we did it several times) almost breathless and seeing the young studs working so good I felt terrible.

At some point of my toughts I did a deep thinking... I am an adult with a little time to train, I have to earn the money to put bread on the table, I have to take care of the family, run a bussiness (in this world wide financial crissis)... the other guys in the class are youung, full of testorterone,they are students they don't have a full job or have to take care of a family so. How many male adults are in the class??? none but me!!!!!

Sambunim and I invited the fathers of the kids to join us in a full parents training nights sessions but no one responded.

The kicks the yopung studs do are the kicks I did so well in the past, today is not possible but I am givin it all so there is no way why I have to feel shame about my performance, let's see how this young guys can do in 20 or 25 years more.

I am a proud adult TKD student that really enjoys MA who tries to give it all, there is no shame about this, so I can walk pretty tall and try to do things better every day.

We grown men must feel outstanding when working out at the dojang, we are examples of life to the others.

I'm with you Manny! I'm 47 and the next oldest member of the team at my school is 17. The conditioning is tough but it feels good to show kids that they can do TKD for many years and that adults can be athletic too. When I try to invite other parents they just laugh.

The kids will remember your example and will respect you more as an instructor because they see your strong effort.

I hope you are taking time to heal. That patience is tough for me. I got a spasm in my lower back from overuse and then broke my toe too, so I am having to take a few days off. It takes more time to get my body working right so it's hard to let myself rest.

Yes manny you are special. I at 45 going on 46 have the honor to be one of the oldest students in my school. I would say the average age is approximately 17 to 20. Fortunately we have a strong adult base that often trains together. One of my best moments is when I see a young person thats energy is flagging or loosing focus and look over with an evil twinkle in my eye and say "what , you can't keep up with an old woman" it usually gets them going again!!!! I started TKD late in life (38) so most of the things that I can not do well now I would not even attempted prior to TKD. As long as you are having fun, learning living a healthier life then who cares what others think.
Same here: at 48 I'm the oldest student in my school. However, I did see a few 30 something white belts start last week, so I have my fingers crossed they will stay with it. It keeps you fit, and keeps you young. :)
Nice replies of all of you, there are some times when stamina began to fade that the young guys (two red belts of 25 and 27) keep pushing me and cherish me at the same time to not give up, this pumps the rest I have to finish the circuit, AND..... when I see some of these guys to fade away and they can't go on... as KELLY G wrote... I challengin them saying something like this.... Oh c'mon you can beat an old man can't you? c'mon give it all boy!!! show me your stuff!!! are you tired boy??? can't you keep with me?? and this usually turns on the guys and do their best. So they callenge me and I challenge them to do our best.

Last friday I keep my guard high and never let Arturo get me in the face, and blocked almost all his high kicks, yes I finished without air but I defend myself the best I could and I caught him pretty good in short distance with counter kicks and punches.

Maybe I am an old fa......t, but I can kick not to high but I can kick so I will kick some a...... for a long time... till bones allow me.

At 42, I'm also older than most of my classmates. However, we had a 44 year old woman receive her black belt a few months ago, and in 2008 we had a 60 year old man pass the (grueling) black belt test.

Here's to all of us old donkey-kickers!

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