I am very exited and nervous


Senior Master
I am doing all the arregenmets for my second dan test, the test is on july 11th, feel I have little time to put all the things together and I am very nervous and exited. I am ready, my pommsae is ok, my kicks,blocks and punches are ok, my one steps are ok, my only problem are my jumping kicks because of my feet condition but well my sambonim has told me there is no problem with this and I hope my kyorugi will be fine, my board breaking will the same I've ben doing over the months, one side kick, one back kick and a knife hand or elbow trike, nothing fancy, no aerial and acorbatic kicks just basic techs but using all my power to go tru 3 or 4 one inch tick pine boards.

This test it's something new to me, I will go to Mexico City to test with at least 40 or 50 fellows from diferente dojangs, the high of Mexico City can be a factor cause I am used to do my TKD at sea level and Mexico City is about 2,400 metrs above sea level and you know the air is not as oxigenated and dense.

Nervous??? yes... a lot, exited?? ... you bet. Afraid?? hummm a little jejejeje.

So the clock is ticking and need to train but at the same time take care of my feet I am not so young anymore.

Good luck bro, I'm sure you'll do fine. How long before the test will you be arriving. A few days might help you adjust to the altitude. Not that you're body can adjust in a few days, but you can at least be familiar with the sensation of working at that altitude.
Good luck bro, I'm sure you'll do fine. How long before the test will you be arriving. A few days might help you adjust to the altitude. Not that you're body can adjust in a few days, but you can at least be familiar with the sensation of working at that altitude.

I arrive to mexico City saturday 10 at afthernoon and the examination is sunday 11th at 8:00 a.m., as you may see not so much time to adjust to altitude.

Manny, I am wishing you the best! You've trained long and hard and are ready for this test!
Manny, I am wishing you the best! You've trained long and hard and are ready for this test!

Thank you Miles, in fact a big-big circle is closing in, my last dan examination was on december 1987 and 23 years afther I am going to earn a second strip to my curriculum.

As you wrote, I've been training hard and yes I am ready.

I have no doubt that you're going to do great, Manny.

The altitude and pollution in Mexico City will both be factors. The biggest thing you will notice is that you'll get tired faster. The best thing you can do to protect yourself is extra hydration. During your periods of rest, force yourself to breath slowly and deeply, without letting yourself hyperventilate. And drink more water. Dehydration is the single biggest controlable factor in how you respond to the change in altitude.

You could always take an O2 tank with you. ;)
I have no doubt that you're going to do great, Manny.

The altitude and pollution in Mexico City will both be factors. The biggest thing you will notice is that you'll get tired faster. The best thing you can do to protect yourself is extra hydration. During your periods of rest, force yourself to breath slowly and deeply, without letting yourself hyperventilate. And drink more water. Dehydration is the single biggest controlable factor in how you respond to the change in altitude.

You could always take an O2 tank with you. ;)

Thank you sir, in fact I built an arnes to carry on my back a one gallon cilinder of oxigen for doing kyorugi jajajajaja ohh I almost forget I already bought a cane to help me to stay in my feet at the end of the examination too.


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