I am an idiot!!!!


Senior Master
Last week was hollydays so I didn't went dojang and I was a liitle nervous cause I wanted to some workout so last night I went to dojang to train with the young studs (mostly kids), I came to dojang and didi my warm up and stretching alone and when I feel I was ready I incorporated to the class.

Sambonim asigned as a couple a 2o years old kid who is in great shape and is a very good competitor, the exercise was to deliver (touch the helmet) several high kicks so we went doing this, for me was a little dificult cause this kid is about 6 feet 2 inches tall but as I was gaining confiodence my kicks were good however at one point this fellow began trowing me kicks at full speed and very close to my face so I used a high guard but this not enden here, the young atlethe began doing some combos using feints and footwork as he was training for a match and his kicks were more and more quick and his moves were super fast SO I went chasing him with all my might trying to emulate a little this man and trying to tell him I have what it takes to measure him.... and then BANGGGG!!!! doing a spining hook kicks my suporting left (lefth) simply did not follow my body, it seems the sticky tkd mat do some traction on my suporting foot and something went wrong in my rear thigh, I felt a snap and alot of pain so I went to the ground.

It seems I've got a muscle pulled or something, I don't think I tore the back of my thight because I could walk with a lot of disconfort but at least I could walk.

Right now I am taking medicine and my leg feel unconfortable when walking and when >I am driving cause when I push the clutch I feel very incorfortable.

What do you thing happened to me?

I am an idiot!!! I had a ligament of the foot thorn and a broken finger before in the kiddie class this is the third time, I need to readjust my way of thinking and realize I am a 44 years and not a 20 years young man.

Ive seen something like that. Supporting Leg Heel goes to the floor, foot gets rooted whilst the leg tries to rotate, leg either on or above the knee gets sharply twisted, and it isnt fun for the person.

Best of luck recovering!
Most likely a pulled hamstring. Easy to do at our age. I am 46 and just yesterday I sparred with the youngens also and now my knee is killing me. It did not hurt during the sparring but today I really feel it. Walking with a limp today but with rest should be ok.

The same can be said for you. A pull or strain of a muscle is a tear and needs time to heal. How badly the tear is would be your question. Hamstrings can tear off the bone and would need surgery to be re-attached. Or simply the muscle tear itself. At this point you need to R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate) the leg. Also some Motrin or Aleeve to help with inflamation. Then after a few days of this start heat treatments. Don't stretch but streangthen the leg first. Once strong and no pain you can lightly stretch it again.

Hope you heal up fast. Good luck to you.
Most likely a pulled hamstring. Easy to do at our age. I am 46 and just yesterday I sparred with the youngens also and now my knee is killing me. It did not hurt during the sparring but today I really feel it. Walking with a limp today but with rest should be ok.

The same can be said for you. A pull or strain of a muscle is a tear and needs time to heal. How badly the tear is would be your question. Hamstrings can tear off the bone and would need surgery to be re-attached. Or simply the muscle tear itself. At this point you need to R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate) the leg. Also some Motrin or Aleeve to help with inflamation. Then after a few days of this start heat treatments. Don't stretch but streangthen the leg first. Once strong and no pain you can lightly stretch it again.

Hope you heal up fast. Good luck to you.

WellI hope is only a pull,nosomuch pain but unconfortable,for example if I bentmy waist trying toreach the floor I feel alittle pain,aslong as I read you recovery time is need itdon't you know how much I want to go to dojang to teach without doing any physicall thing but don't know if this is good,abou stretching again I ama little worried.

Maybe twoweeksof cero exercise and taking things easily like doing only poomsae will help me,how many timewithout doing exercise you recomend me?

Take it easy for the time being, on your leg and on yourself.

Nothing to call yourself names for. It happens.

Speedy recovery!
WellI hope is only a pull,nosomuch pain but unconfortable,for example if I bentmy waist trying toreach the floor I feel alittle pain,aslong as I read you recovery time is need itdon't you know how much I want to go to dojang to teach without doing any physicall thing but don't know if this is good,abou stretching again I ama little worried.

Maybe twoweeksof cero exercise and taking things easily like doing only poomsae will help me,how many timewithout doing exercise you recomend me?


Manny make sure you keep the injured leg moving. At our age, we need to keep moving, even if hurt. Ok so you don't move like you normally do, but keep it moving & keep it limber. If not, it will take much longer to get it back into the shape you're used to having it in.
Manny make sure you keep the injured leg moving. At our age, we need to keep moving, even if hurt. Ok so you don't move like you normally do, but keep it moving & keep it limber. If not, it will take much longer to get it back into the shape you're used to having it in.

That's what I want to do, keep teaching and movinmg aroun the mat, not doing high kicks for sure but al least some joging (if I can) and uper body exercises and if the lefth leg allow me to do some light kicks to mid section.

I can walk but maybe do't run mmmm well lets see how it goes tonight.

So sorry to hear this, Manny! Keep in mind that older practitioners generally take longer to heal than younger practitioners. So, be patient and careful and check in with a health care provider if ice and rest aren't helping. Different injuries require different handling, so knowing what you're dealing will help you make better choices about what you should and shouldn't do during your recovery. I hope you're on the mend soon!

Most likely a pulled hamstring. Easy to do at our age. I am 46 and just yesterday I sparred with the youngens also and now my knee is killing me. It did not hurt during the sparring but today I really feel it. Walking with a limp today but with rest should be ok.

The same can be said for you. A pull or strain of a muscle is a tear and needs time to heal. How badly the tear is would be your question. Hamstrings can tear off the bone and would need surgery to be re-attached. Or simply the muscle tear itself. At this point you need to R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate) the leg. Also some Motrin or Aleeve to help with inflamation. Then after a few days of this start heat treatments. Don't stretch but streangthen the leg first. Once strong and no pain you can lightly stretch it again.

Hope you heal up fast. Good luck to you.
Manny, ATC's advice is the advice to follow.


Good luck with your recovery. :asian:
Thank you all, tonight I am going to dojang to teach class, I will try to not exercise or just the upper body and put my legs on rest for a couple of weeks, I am taking my medicine and the ice teraphy will be tonight, also I am using arnica and right now I am using an elastic bandage for some compresion however I will buy a thigh strap to use instead the bandage.

Something I realice it's that taking away my injure my high kicks yesatarday were good it' a shame I injured myself but that was something I did not see coming, been almost at the same label that a young man about kicking encourages me more to try to teach another step of the ladder.


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