Hypothetical Situation


Senior Master
Jun 16, 2005
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I give you 5 million dollars, and tell you can do any 5 things you want with it. When you're done, I want the left-over cash back.

What 5 things are you going to do?
First, buy twenty houses. Pay cash. That's 4 Million down at $200K per house
buy a new Mercury Grand Marquis (don't judge me! They're comfortable)
Sky diving!
Ride every roller coaster in the US
Spend two weeks sightseeing in D.C.
Haven't you got any more? :lol:.

More seriously, the things that I would like to 'make happen' would cost vast sums of cash so, for the purposes of this 'thought experiment' I shall limit myself to purely selfish goals.

1) Put aside enough to pay for a full time carer for my mum and dad in their last years.
2) Pay for my dad to have a 'proper' prosthetic leg to give him his mobility back
3) Pay off my mortgage and those of my sisters
4) Buy my missus a Mustang GT500 and me an Aston Martin DB9
5) This might break the budget but get a bypass constructed around our town so the A34 no longer cuts it in two.
I give you 5 million dollars, and tell you can do any 5 things you want with it. When you're done, I want the left-over cash back.

What 5 things are you going to do?

Give $4,999,998 to four charities, buy a Snickers bar, and give you back a buck. :lol:

(Don't really need $5 million. Make it $25 million, though, and I'd build my submarine...:lol: )
Give $4,999,998 to four charities, buy a Snickers bar, and give you back a buck. :lol:

(Don't really need $5 million. Make it $25 million, though, and I'd build my submarine...:lol: )
Couldn't you just buy one from Russia?
1) Invest the money and live off the interest.
2) Invest the money and live off the interest.
3) Invest the money and live off the interest.
4) Invest the money and live off the interest.
5) Invest the money and live off the interest.

Sorry, I guess I'm boring. But then I would have the money to do all those things I want long term!
:lol: That might be the sensible thing to do, EH and. as I have some skill in that area, is probably what I would do if the situation were real {be scary to do it wih my own money tho' :eek:}.

However, I read this as a 'one shot' deal (Brewsters Millions style), hence, what I chose to do.
Since you gave no time limit, then I want to do just one thing.

Live well. And that will take all 5 million!


1) Invest the money and live off the interest.
2) Invest the money and live off the interest.
3) Invest the money and live off the interest.
4) Invest the money and live off the interest.
5) Invest the money and live off the interest.

Sorry, I guess I'm boring. But then I would have the money to do all those things I want long term!

Yah, that's about what I would do too.

But I'm a fair person. I'd share the interest with the person that gave me the money.
for the purposes of this 'thought experiment' I shall limit myself to purely selfish goals.

That was what I was going for. Maybe my next Thought Experiment will be 'I give you a blank check and tell you to do anything you want, so long as it improves the world'.

Hey Bob, we should have a Thought Experiment Section!

Give $4,999,998 to four charities, buy a Snickers bar, and give you back a buck. :lol:

Somehow, I'm not surprised it was Elder.

Hire Van Halen to play my birthday party. On the moon.


1) Invest the money and live off the interest.
2) Invest the money and live off the interest.
3) Invest the money and live off the interest.
4) Invest the money and live off the interest.
5) Invest the money and live off the interest.

I thought about saying 'no buying stock' because I thought that would kinda be cheating (like asking a genne for more wishes)

EDIT: I was kind of hopping someone would say something like: Go to Europe (country X, Y, and Z), go see my fav football team live, get a hooker, you know, things you don't actually care about, but jst to be able to say 'yah, I've done that'

EDIT EDIT: I apologise if you are offended by me saying hooker
EDIT: I was kind of hopping someone would say something like: Go to Europe (country X, Y, and Z), go see my fav football team live, get a hooker, you know, things you don't actually care about, but jst to be able to say 'yah, I've done that'

EDIT EDIT: I apologise if you are offended by me saying hooker
I had skydiving and sightseeing...
I was kind of hopping someone would say something like: Go to Europe (country X, Y, and Z), go see my fav football team live, get a hooker, you know, things you don't actually care about, but jst to be able to say 'yah, I've done that'

Getting it for free is more fun. :D

OK, OK....1) Buy my own observatory.
2) Fund a research lab with the stipulation they name it after me.
3) Go on an Antarctic expedition.
4) Become a marine biologist (Hey, you almost do have to be already wealthy to be one! At least if you like eating.).
5) Pet shark. Frickin' laser beams.
1. Build Myself a new house and barn.
2. Take care of a few friends, pay off their houses, cars, send them to Fiji for a month, pay for a few years of college.
3. Set up trust funds for several charities so there is a steady source of income to pay for food and vet bills.
4. Walk through Europe and England to view as many pre-1900 churches still standing.
5. Go back to University and take every course offered. Just be a student forever.

OK Now I need more money.

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