Hypothetical Situation

I would not separate it into five things. I plan to travel to 47 cities around the world, sprinkling the cash in $100K bundles off the top of city centre buildings. I would like to spread some happiness. I also like a little chaos ;) There would be no change, I would use the other $300K to fund the trip :)
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
I would not separate it into five things. I plan to travel to 47 cities around the world, sprinkling the cash in $100K bundles off the top of city centre buildings. I would like to spread some happiness. I also like a little chaos ;) There would be no change, I would use the other $300K to fund the trip :)
I hope Melbourne is on the list.
After I catch a few of your $s I'll buy you a cup of coffee.
(In fact come to Melbourne and I'll buy you a cup of coffee anyway!)
1.Create my organic/natural food fast food chain.

2. Finish school

3. Create The Unity program that teaches people(including children or anyone in need) on the street work living skills and helps them through life.

4. Donate money for Stem cell research

5. Create the U.N. Ambassador counseling centers. Where Ambassadors meet with a trained marriage PHD counselor in negotiations.
1) Invest the money and live off the interest.
2) Invest the money and live off the interest.
3) Invest the money and live off the interest.
4) Invest the money and live off the interest.
5) Invest the money and live off the interest.

Sorry, I guess I'm boring. But then I would have the money to do all those things I want long term!

I came in here to say this.
Little of both really. I think a trained marriage counselor could help in disputes and compromising thats pretty much what marriage counselors do. It is most likely unrealistic to put into practice.

I think the marriage counselor part is not-so-good, but the idea of an unbiased party present who is trained to settle disputes is brilliant!!!!!
Rep from me.
1) Start a library dedicated to preserving all the documents I've generated.
2) Get the sultan of Brunei to sit in the library to give talks to school children. (Assuming such a position exists.)
3) Hire Billy Mays to promote the library
4) ???
5) Profit.
Ooh, now this could be fun...

1) Well, let's see, there's a huge list of people I want to learn various things from, so let's just call that "seeking the next level of being" and leave it at that, for now... seek out teachers and learn.

2) You know, I have designs around here somewhere for my perfect house/garage/training hall, probably buy some land and get that built.

3) Now that I have the garage, it'd be nice to have a different car for each of the days of the week... I'm a pragmatist, so I'll narrow it down to a Mercedes SL600, Aston Martin DB9 Volante, Audi R8, BMW Z4 (Hardtop Convertible version), Alpha Romero Spider, Maserati Spider, and, for practicality, a Lotus Elise Convertible.

4) Sets of Yoroi and weaponry from every age and martial tradition I can find (I love my toys!).

5) Finally, let's write, direct, and star in a film about 1 man and the way all the women around him love him in every way possible with complete joy and lack of jealousy. Oh, and it would co-star Jessica Alba, Megan Fox, Scarlett Johannsen, Tiffany Amber Thiesen, Alyssa Milano, and anyone else I fall for at the time.

How much do you think that'll cost?

PS Jenna, seriously, come to Melbourne. I'll let you buy me a coffee.
Peter: What would you do if you had a million dollars?

Lawrence: I'll tell you what I'd do, man: two chicks at the same time, man.

Peter: That's it? If you had a million dollars, you'd do two chicks at the same time?

Lawrence: Damn straight. I always wanted to do that, man. And I think if I were a millionaire I could hook that up, too; 'cause chicks dig dudes with money.

Peter: Well, not all chicks.

Lawrence: Well, the type of chicks that'd double up on a dude like me do.

Peter: Good point.

Lawrence: Well, what about you now? what would you do?

Peter: Besides two chicks at the same time?

Lawrence: Well, yeah.

Peter: Nothing.

Lawrence:Nothing, huh?

Peter: I would relax... I would sit on my *** all day... I would do nothing.

Lawrence: Well, you don't need a million dollars to do nothing, man. Take a look at my cousin: he's broke, don't do ****.
1) Buy nice house on a lake somewhere I really want to live. Pay cash.
2) Build my dream dojo
3) World Tour... in style (not massively extravagant, but lots of fun along the way)
4) Invest the rest (can probably do the first 3 for under 2 million)
5) Get out of the rat race and do what I want and enjoy to earn future $$ (see #2)
Hmmm...I would probably use the money to accomplish three dreams:
1)do a leisurely road trip across the United States
2)do a walking tour through Great Britain and Europe
3)create my own personal dream community:

On this last, some friends and I had discussed buying 1,000 acres or so and creating a sustainable and self-efficient community, where we each had our own private acreage, and common area with things like a barn, tractor (and all fun related toys), kitchen for canning/etc., and general use meeting hall. It would have a large house on the main road, where we could rent space to artist and related business folks,as well as sell any produce, products, services that the owners would create. At the time of the original discussion we had a blacksmith, an shaman (who is also a black belt in Uechi Ryu), a weaver, and a few folks that wanted to start businesses such as organic fruit/herb business, a textile business (with alpacas and goats), and a skin care business.

So, I'd pretty much use the whole funds to do those two travels and set up the community, building houses, setting up the forge, setting up a small training dojo/gym....funding the first 2 years of the businesses.....

tis good to have dreams! This may sound goofy to some, but I plan to keep trying to make at least some of this a reality!
1. Invest $1 million, use interest to pay for continuous school.
2. Divvy up $1 million in a some nice rental properties and split the profits with my siblings... use some of that to invest in St. Louis Training Circle.
3.Open up a nice little bar whose profits will pay for me to travel abroad to:
surf, kite surf, snow board, skydive, rock climb, kayak... and learn from awesome MA instructors and travel to war zones to take pictures.
4. Buy a 1964 Lincoln Continental, hard top convertible, suicide doors, jet black w/ chrome and white wall tires... and a Ducati Streetfighter S motorcycle, and a fuel cell BMW.
5. Build a very eco-friendly home in St. Louis by retrofitting one of the historic homes here and create a sustainable garden on the rooftop.

6. Call up my ex, ask her out to a nice dinner, tell her about my sudden fortune, then excuse myself to the restroom... and leave her with the bill.
1. Buy/build my dream home with dojo (in Japan).
2. Build/buy my wife's dream home (in the states).
3. Set up college funds and nest eggs for our kids (and any future grandkids...and their kids kids etc...)
4. Pay off ours and our families debts/loans (Japanese loan system is NUTS).
5. For once in our lives, do something just for ourselves andtake a long overdue vacation (around the world) and spend!spend!spend, baby!

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