Pablo I think you need to rewatch it. Bruce lost a very close contested match against Bill on the last point in the last round when
either could have won. As for Doug he handled Jason easily with the sword. (
Easily) Did he make a mistake going H2H well absolutely and Jason capitalized on it but that was just one moment in a two round match that Doug decisively won.
Both Bill and Jason are athletes at the highest level. Bill played professional football and this should tell you something that
professional athletes that get paid lots of money are extremely dangerous if confronted as they have
great attributes. (ie. size, strength, speed, etc.) Jason also is a professional athelte and though smaller he has good attributes as well. It is not enough just to train technique you also need to work your attributes. While I did not think the show was well done it was because they could have done so much better and they had access to the Bujinkan. Still Bruce lost and Doug won. Do not diminish Doug's excellent sword work on one moment in the match when it went H2H. (which could have turned out differently in another moment though we will never know) In either situation Doug and Bruce struck first scored the first point and with real swords that would have been it. It was after all a game of tag!
(which is enjoyable and fun to do)
no excuses Bruce lost and Doug won. Enough said!!! Plus overall the show was just not that good and could have been
so much more.