Human Weapon Show on History Channel

Some things are the same but TKD doesn't have the flat out negative view amongst people as Karate.

I like TKD and I even teach it, but come on. Just search on this very site and you'll find plenty of negative opinions about TKD. TKD like karate or any other MA has its good points and bad points. It's more than passing silly for a TKDist to look down on karate considering many of their common techniques.

Like I said I didn't have the highest opinion of it but after watching the show I was quite impressed and it gave me some information that I didn't know.

OK. I'm glad the show did something positive.
I see that as MA many of us will never be happy of what comes on tv about Martial Arts. No matter who did a show and how they did it no one would be happy. I think we should accept it for what it is and try to enjoy it. There are many non MA's in the world who find it interesting. I think too many people have too high expectations and therefore will only get let down. Any show putting your art in a "positive" light should be applauded.

The show gives you a brief view of the style that way you get to learn something and then after it goes off you can read up more online, visit a school, etc. Yes they are not including ALOT of other MA's but of course if it goes for a second season (which I see happening) they will use those other arts which folks think they should have shown this season (TKD, Ninjitsu, Akido, etc.)

Just think, would you rather have someone visit your school after watching the show and wanted to learn more and understand the art OR someone who watched a movie or saw something silly and would want to learn.

It is nothing different from a Doctor who watches a medical tv show and gates is b/c he feels that they are not showing everything. Of course you cant please everyone but if it brings u soemone to your school wanting to learn more, I see it as a good thing.

Only so much you can show in a 45 min show (minus the commercials)
I understand where you're coming from.
Exposure is exposure, in one sense.
But I have seen several shows on the martial arts that I thought were GREAT.
There was a documentary on the BBC about the martial arts called "The Way of the Warrior"....check U-tube with that title, it's GREAT. There's a few hours worth of installments of it there. It's very in depth and detailed with good interviews and history!!!!
Then the discovery channel did a bit on the science of karate strikes.
it was great....

It can be done! ....and done WAY better than this show has.
But in one sense,'re right.....their showing MA on the tv.
Your Brother
So the show had its flaws, it could have been a lot worse. (they could have let Bill win :eek:)

I bet that BB got quite a ribbing from his friends after that show aired.

I prefer a show on Fit TV called "Deadly Arts". They have this French woman MA going around the world training in various MA and it is more entertaining and shows a better historical and cultural look at the arts.

I've watched all three of the shows in the Human Weapon series thus far, and unfortunately the karate episode was the weakest up to this point. The show's producers picked some luminaries such as Shinjo Sensei from Uechi-ryu and Higaonna Sensei from Goju-ryu, but I really found the show's hosts annoying me more and more.

Why can't they make the series just about the martial arts? It's very contrived to send Jason and Bill through a series of 1 day seminars learning various techniques and training drills before an anticlimatic exhibition with a champion of some type. For this karate show, Bill faced a Kyokushin fighter, and the 'fight' was a total disgrace. Bill managed to foul his opponent with a punch to the jaw before running out of gas and clinching for survival. It was obvious his opponent could have mopped the floor with Bill and should have thanks to Bill's irritating bravado. Bill even had the nerve to be proud about the so-called 'draw' he earned.

I wonder what demographic the History Channel is trying to appeal to. Am I the only person who wishes Bill would go back to football?


I agree the "Fights" are not worthy of the History Channel.

I agree the "Hosts" are annoying and lacking in understanding. They try to explain something an instructor says in their own words, and while this helps some understand better, in this case it makes them try to sound like they are more educated than they are and are in the "KNOW". Why can they not just accept what is told them?
I find it amusing when make statements that obviously were misinterpreted... last show I swear they said that Higaonna sensei had them start with a technique he invented called mokuso... (ie. the simple meditation at the beginning of class). I didn't stop laughing for several minutes...

At least they had them wearing white belts throughout. I also thought the sparring match was a joke... no technique, just pummelling each other in the chest.
The thing I liked most about the karate episode was the pictures from Okinawa. It brought back fond memories of my first trip, and is helping me get pumped for my second trip at the end of the month. The two hosts are annoying and I am glad they are taking some sort of a beating at the end of the show.

In the spirit of bushido!

The thing I liked most about the karate episode was the pictures from Okinawa. It brought back fond memories of my first trip, and is helping me get pumped for my second trip at the end of the month. The two hosts are annoying and I am glad they are taking some sort of a beating at the end of the show.

In the spirit of bushido!


hay if they do kobujitsu maybe they can get really beaten by say kun ... or better yet kama? or other impliments? after the show last friday I doubt I will ever watch it again. I sent History channel an email telling them so and why. I think others should do the same.
I've enjoyed at least something from each episode. The excrima episode has been my favorite so far. I really enjoyed watching the smaller host get beat with a stick and dis-armed twice during the 'match' at the end of the show. I liked that they visited many schools with many different teaching techniques and styles or the same art.

I have to agree it could be better but it could also be much, much worse and as far as TV goes today I don't think it's half bad. Besides it reairs right after my favorite show ICE ROAD TRUCKERS!!!
I've enjoyed at least something from each episode. The excrima episode has been my favorite so far. I really enjoyed watching the smaller host get beat with a stick and dis-armed twice during the 'match' at the end of the show. I liked that they visited many schools with many different teaching techniques and styles or the same art.

I have to agree it could be better but it could also be much, much worse and as far as TV goes today I don't think it's half bad. Besides it reairs right after my favorite show ICE ROAD TRUCKERS!!!

ya I guess it could be worse, but it could also be much much much better. I have to say ice road truckers is not really a favorite of mine. but then I like Dirty Jobs quite a bit myself.... so to each his own.
What I feel should be taken away from the show is the information on different arts that you may not have had before watching the show. View the hosts as being simply a slight annoyance along the path to knowledge. (Quote)

Ditto. I think that after watching all 3 shows, in general, I enjoyed it. Yes, the hosts are an annoyance but I have learned something I did not know from each show. That is the fun of it for me.

Unfortunately, the episode on karate did portray kumite in a bad light. It was emberassing. The other sections though were enjoyable and informative. I hold a nidan in Uechi Ryu and it was great to see it on TV. Shinjo sensei is amazing. I'm told by those I know who have trained with him that he is powerful, fast, and that his technique is flawless.

We as folks who train in and study the arts want more from the show. That is to be expected. The producers job is to make the show appealing to a broader audience than us unfortunately. This very fact causes a natural dicotomy between what we want to see and what they are going to show.

On the whole I look forward to watching on Friday nights.


I agree the "Fights" are not worthy of the History Channel.

I agree the "Hosts" are annoying and lacking in understanding. They try to explain something an instructor says in their own words, and while this helps some understand better, in this case it makes them try to sound like they are more educated than they are and are in the "KNOW". Why can they not just accept what is told them?

Especially on the first line.
They are trying to capitalize/piggy-back on the 'ratings' success of MMA events.

Your Brother
I've said it before, I'll say it again:


Better this show should disappear entirely than continue in its current pathetic state.
I found the episode with the mud run of Kali kinda funny. Tuhon Gaje puts his people thru a bunch of stuff. Wrestling a water buffalo? C'mon. He he
Some of the stick work was interesting- I do think they could have done a better job of the whole thing. Just think, what would you do if you were in their shoes in front of all those illuminaries?
I have to agree with most on here. Like the idea of learning the history and training methods of the various arts. Dislike Bill the host. Getting tried of him saying "I am big and strong". Maybe he should add "I move like a slug too".
I wonder what demographic the History Channel is trying to appeal to. Am I the only person who wishes Bill would go back to football?

I agree stoneheart, I've been following the series for the last 3 weeks - I'm actually waiting for it to come on in the next 50 minutes :ultracool

I do however think the series is aimed toward Americans with MMA being the only window they have into martial arts :( . It's a shallow show for the most part in my opinion but I do enjoy it

I have found myself shaking my head alot at the comments Bill made throughout the last few episodes. I'm surprised he and his partner were accepted into the various training grounds and dojo's they trudged through. Overall though it's interesting - I was very disappointed in the Karate episode. They did a terrible job over generalizing Karate. Gichen Funakoshi wasn't even mentioned once nor any of the other famous pillars of Okinawan karate.
Last night's episode (which will replay Sunday night after the escrima episode) showed those karate guys to be tough sons of guns who could all but punch through brick walls.

It was nice to see karate potrayed that way for the first time.


I was for the most part disappointed in the karate episode - there could have been so much more. I do however agree with being impressed by how hardcore they portrayed it. It was very powerful to see these guys (not the hosts) take full contact body shots and their body's not even rock. Even more impressive, in the end kumite the opponent takes that face shot and is barely even phased. THAT was tough!
The savate episode was not that bad and Bill Duff really took some shots in the ring. Having said that I am not a savate person only experiencing a few Salem Assi seminars back in the day.
The savate episode was not that bad and Bill Duff really took some shots in the ring. Having said that I am not a savate person only experiencing a few Salem Assi seminars back in the day.
Yeah, he took some good shots and kept going. Added a little to his part on the show. There were a couple comments made during the show that really disappointed me. 1) "It only takes a few hundred pounds of pressure to the temple to knock you out." I'm pretty sure a few hundred pounds would kill you. 2) "It will drive the nose bone up into the brain". Haven't we already discussed this particular myth ad nauseum on the boards?

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