I see that as MA many of us will never be happy of what comes on tv about Martial Arts. No matter who did a show and how they did it no one would be happy. I think we should accept it for what it is and try to enjoy it. There are many non MA's in the world who find it interesting. I think too many people have too high expectations and therefore will only get let down. Any show putting your art in a "positive" light should be applauded.
The show gives you a brief view of the style that way you get to learn something and then after it goes off you can read up more online, visit a school, etc. Yes they are not including ALOT of other MA's but of course if it goes for a second season (which I see happening) they will use those other arts which folks think they should have shown this season (TKD, Ninjitsu, Akido, etc.)
Just think, would you rather have someone visit your school after watching the show and wanted to learn more and understand the art OR someone who watched a movie or saw something silly and would want to learn.
It is nothing different from a Doctor who watches a medical tv show and gates is b/c he feels that they are not showing everything. Of course you cant please everyone but if it brings u soemone to your school wanting to learn more, I see it as a good thing.
Only so much you can show in a 45 min show (minus the commercials)