Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
6- Regarding "subs". Equip the coast guard with depth charges, etc. Crack the shells of any unauthorized submersibles in US coastal waters.
(Former Coastie here)
Depth charges are a really archaic method of dealing with Submarines. I don't believe the U.S. even uses them anymore. When they were the current technology of the time, nearly all coast guard cutters carried them though. The U.S. Coast Guard actually did a good bit of depth charging against german U-Boats in WW2. The Coast Guard Cutter "Icarus" sank a U-Boat 35 miles of the North Carolina coast in 1942.
Depth charges are ancient technology though. The U.S. Already has a nearly inpenetrable sonar net surrounding the coasts. A submarine approaching either coast of the USA undetected would be a feat of technology that I don't believe any country posseses.
Rest easy in the fact that the United States posseses the most powerful submersible naval force that the human race has ever known. In the event of a nuclear war with the Soviets, we knew it would be waged primarily from ballistic missle subs, and our government planned on that fact. We known how to locate and track subs, and we're pretty darn good at it

It's not widely known, but some of the larger U.S. Coast Guard cutters are armed with Tomahawk cruise missles. I was out of the USCG before the 9/11 stuff happened, and before the Coast Guard was transferred from the Dept. of Transportation to the Dept. of Homeland security, so I'm sure in addition to the forementioned handful of cutters with cruise missles, they have gotten new "toys" that I don't know of. Being that their role has been converted more into a Maritime security force rather than a Maritime Law Enforcement agency.
I always joking suggested that the Coast Guard be given subs (Painted white, with the large orange stripe down the side of course).
Could you imagine being a drug runner, and seeing a big white sub pop out of the water, looking in your direction?