Feds under pressure to open US skies to drones
WASHINGTON – Unmanned aircraft have proved their usefulness and reliability in the war zones of Afghanistan and Iraq. Now the pressure's on to allow them in the skies over the United States.
The [COLOR=#366388 ! important][COLOR=#366388 ! important]Federal [COLOR=#366388 ! important]Aviation [/COLOR][COLOR=#366388 ! important]Administration[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] has been asked to issue flying rights for a range of pilotless planes to carry out civilian and law-enforcement functions but has been hesitant to act. Officials are worried that they might plow into airliners, cargo planes and corporate jets that zoom around at high altitudes, or helicopters and hot [COLOR=#366388 ! important][COLOR=#366388 ! important]air [COLOR=#366388 ! important]balloons[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] that fly as low as a few hundred feet off the ground.
On top of that, these pilotless aircraft come in a variety of sizes. Some are as big as a small airliner, others the size of a backpack. The tiniest are small enough to fly through a house window.
The obvious risks have not deterred the civilian demand for pilotless planes. Tornado researchers want to send them into storms to gather data. Energy companies want to use them to monitor pipelines. State police hope to send them up to capture images of speeding cars' license plates. Local police envision using them to track fleeing suspects.
Like many robots, the planes have advantages over humans for jobs that are dirty, dangerous or dull. And the planes often cost less than piloted aircraft and can stay aloft far longer.
"There is a tremendous pressure and need to fly unmanned aircraft in (civilian) airspace," Hank Krakowski, FAA's head of air traffic operations, told [COLOR=#366388 ! important][COLOR=#366388 ! important]European [COLOR=#366388 ! important]aviation[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] officials recently. "We are having constant conversations and discussions, particularly with the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security, to figure out how we can do this safely with all these different sizes of vehicles."
There are two types of unmanned planes: Drones, which are automated planes programmed to fly a particular mission, and aircraft that are remotely controlled by someone on the ground, sometimes from thousands of miles away.
Full Story Here: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100614/ap_on_bi_ge/us_drones_over_america
I'm sorry but I got a BIG problem with this idea. To allow Predators and other Surveillance craft to fly around our own home skies for WHATEVER reason is just going above and beyond our freedoms. Yes I know (some) Predators are the armed versions of these planes but don't think for a minute that they won't be allowed to eventually cruise over our houses or places of businesses... or where-ever we may be.
All those intended purposes are well and good okay... but excuse me for being parrynoid but I just don't like the idea at all. No, I don't have anything to hide but I don't need to be watched over either. Do they have a REASON to watch over me... prolly not I try to keep a low profile and my nose clean... still... the thought of it... just gets me shaking with deep concerned that within 5-10 years these things will have OTHER uses.The Predator B, already in use for border patrol, can fly for 20 hours without refueling, compared with a helicopter's average flight time of just over two hours. Homeland Security wants to expand their use along the borders of Mexico and Canada, and along coastlines for spotting smugglers of drugs and illegal aliens. The Coast Guard wants to use them for search and rescue.
The kind they won't tell us about.