How to reverse the damage done to a point?


Purple Belt
Jan 20, 2008
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Out of curiosity, lets say if someone strikes a point on you, and disrupts the flow of qi, (perhaps even collapsing that point completely), what is the best method to reverse the damage?
Hopefully we hear from someone much more qualified than myself (which wouldn't take much) but. . . it's my understanding that you flat hand strike (slap) the point with half the force of damaging blow then rub it in the direction of the flow. If you are unsure of the direction, rub the point in circles.
Hopefully we hear from someone much more qualified than myself (which wouldn't take much) but. . . it's my understanding that you flat hand strike (slap) the point with half the force of damaging blow then rub it in the direction of the flow. If you are unsure of the direction, rub the point in circles.

Out of curiosity, what is the source of your information... studying TCM or medical book, or someone showed you?
Why can't you clear the channel?

You can use certain Acupuncture points and even ways of manipulating the needle to drain,supplement.

The best way depends on the point. Some points you can't needle point. Some points you can't use Moxbustion.
Out of curiosity, lets say if someone strikes a point on you, and disrupts the flow of qi, (perhaps even collapsing that point completely), what is the best method to reverse the damage?

I'm far from a pressure point expert, so I'm not going to comment on a way to restore the point, but I will say this. IMHO, I would not let anyone hit any point on me, unless they knew what they were doing. Stuff like that, I do not feel comfortable being the crash test dummy. I have however, worked with a few people, 1 being George Dillman and the other Will Higginbotham, both who have hit points, where I have felt the effects, but obviously they know what they're doing.

My with someone who is knowledgeable in this area. As I said, anyone who is a newbie to PP strikes, should not be hitting anyone.
Thanks for the information. I'm not letting some one do that on me, but if it happens by accident, it's good to know how to undo it.
Hopefully nobody minds me seguing into a related topic, but I was always taught that "internal" bodybuilding was a great way to help protect one's self on the chance that this could happen. What I've been trying to figure out is how to actually do this, or rather, what is the common thread amongst different martial arts that would allow for strengthening the different points and meridians?

I had a teacher who sort of "guided" us to be able to do this, but because physical aspects (breathing) of the lessons were more emphasized more than the verbal directions, none of ever really learned how to maintain this on our own.

Any thoughts?
strengthening the different points and meridians?

On a point you can supplement/drain.You can use a point in a combonation of points for treatment.

You can strengthen the body like in Iron body to resist the points being hit.

The meridians can be cleared meaning no blockage. You can "build up" Qi to fill the meridians like rivers which spill into the 8 extra vessels which are like reservoirs.
On a point you can supplement/drain.You can use a point in a combonation of points for treatment.

You can strengthen the body like in Iron body to resist the points being hit.

The meridians can be cleared meaning no blockage. You can "build up" Qi to fill the meridians like rivers which spill into the 8 extra vessels which are like reservoirs.
That I understand, but what I'm wondering about is the specifics. My teacher was very vague, and it seemed more like he trained our bodies to be able to do it, but didn't pass on any specific instructions. For instance, I've taken a solid shot to the throat without any affects, but how we got our bodies to do that was never detailed. The closest we got to instruction was a very casual lesson on breathing.