How to win in wrestling by points


Senior Master
From what I remember about how to win in wrestling from the days I wrestled here's how you win. The preferred and most obvious way to win is by pinning your opponent. If you don't win by pinning you can win by points. If the match ends and nobody is pinned than the wrestler with the most points wins. Now, as I remember its 2 points for a takedown, 2 points for an escape, and 3 points for a reversal. Im not sure if that is right or if it has changed or if there's other ways you can get points.
Folk style/scholastic wrestling:
Escape/neutral = 1 point
Takedown = 2 points
Reversal = 2 points
Near fall (putting someone on their back) = 1 or 3 points, depending on the amount of time. Near fall aka back points aren't awarded if you pin someone; they're only awarded if the person gets off their back or time runs out before they're pinned.

Locked hands = 1 point penalty without prior caution. All other infractions are given a warning (or DQ) before penalty points.

Collegiate wrestling awards points for riding time (having control)

I haven't been around freestyle nor Greco-Roman in quite some time, so I don't remember the differences in points.
I see, so as I remembered and as you confirmed you do get points from escaping. If somebody takes you down and you manage to escape from them its 1 point as you said.

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