DF: Myths about Pressure Points

Clark Kent

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Myths about Pressure Points
By kingoftheforest - Tue, 24 Jun 2008 21:56:05 GMT
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums


Recently someone in a group I spend time with asked about pressure point striking and no touch knockout. While I have never seen a no touch knockout, and personally don't believe you can drop someone without contact outside of T.V. land.
There are some regularly targeted points on the body that also happen to correspond to pressure points taught in TCMA's.

Let me first put forth that as above stated these are regularly hit points and if you hit someone hard enough in these places there is a clear medical reason they cause knockouts, pain or organ damage. There is nothing mystical or magical about them and I am not claiming there is. In fact if a proper review of TCMA's is done you will notice the monks and fighters found these out by accident after the fact. Saying pressure points came first is putting the cart before the horse.

So I will use some common Karate "pressure points" or Kyusho to illustrate. Remember it is not only where you hit a person but how you hit a person. The direction and what part of the body you hit with has shown, in studies to cause greater or lesser damage. For instance an elbow to the temple usually causes more damage than a straight jab. Just as a kick to someone's head while they are in a kneeling position tends to do more damage than if you lean down and punch them. Plus it makes more sense.

Here are the points that correlate to the locations named above (Kyusho) and a short explanation medically not mystically on why they work.

Chin: Conceptor Vessel 24 or CV 24.

Medical cause of K.O.: This drops the opponent due to the shock the brain absorbs from the strike.

Temple: Gall Bladder GB1

Medical cause of K.O.: Once again shock to the brain from the impact. Also there is the obvious chance of damage to the eye as well.

Back of Head: Gall Bladder 20

Medical Cause: Once again shock to brain from strike. Which is pretty common with any strike to the head as I'm sure everyone is aware.

Side of Jaw: Stomach ST5

Medical Cause: Same as above, as well as the possible dislocation or damage to jaw, as well as damage to teeth.

Top of Nose: Governing Vessel 25 or GV 25

Medical Cause: Well it makes your eyes water because it's sensitive and hurts like hell due to the soft tissue. ( I know obvious one)

Inner Bicep: Heart 1 HT 1

This hurts because it is not only on top of a nerve but also the axillary artery. Striking here hard will pinch off the artery for a second causing a pause in blood flow. However short that is never a good thing.

Inner Elbow: Heart 3 HT3

This is right on you Ulnar nerve which controls your 4th and 5th finger as well as some movement in the hand. Or as we better know it your funny bone.

Inner wrist: Heart 7 HT 7

This is were your tendons and muscles meet you hand. Several nerves here.

Under sternum: Conceptor Vessel 15 CV 15

The xiphoid process, or breast bone is located directly under this point, when this is depressed or broken off it drives into the heart muscles.

Inner Thigh: Spleen 11 SP11

This falls right on the femoral artery. 'Nuff said

Outer thigh: Gall Bladder 31 GB 31

The Lateral cutaneous nerve sits right under this point and extends to the spinal column.

Floating Rib: Gall Bladder 25 GB 25

I believe this covers all if not most of the important points aimed for in Kyusho as well as in most arts. These are all western medical explanation for why they work no magick no mumbo jumbo just regular things you can verify with any doctor of medicine. I hope this clears up some of the stigma for people who believe everyone who studies pressure point thinks they are a super hero or some mystic. A lot of this just boils down to good ole common sense and application of 100's of years of fighting and studying the human body.

Although people are a bit larger, live longer, and have gotten somewhat taller, according to historians, we still have the basic 2 arms 2 legs a head and a torso. Mind you since these points are relatively close together (about 2 finger widths apart) Depending on the striking implement you may hit more than one point. These just cover the points closest to the target area.



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