How to get rid of bruises?


Senior Master
Jan 15, 2006
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Airstrip One
A female friend of mine figured that since I was into martial arts that I would know remedies for fading bruises.

I explained to her that we actually view them as "trophies" where I train and the last thing we want is to fade them! LOL....yeah....we're a sick bunch.

Seriously though, I told her about making sure she was eating enough fruits and veggies, to make sure she was getting enough vitamin C, K, and E. She's dieting (aren't most women most of the time?) and a lack of vitamins could make her more prone to bruising.

Anyway....does anyone know of a balm, cream, or whatever that would help her fade the bruises? I told her I'd throw the question out there to my peers and see what came back.

I've always heard that an ice pack applied early will help prevent a bruise from forming, but I've never tried it. It's not that I cherish my bruises, just don't care whether they form or not. They'll go away eventually.
Arnica works, either the tablets or the cream. It'll be wherever you get homeopathic medicines. I use it for my martial arts bruises, my daughter got body slammed against a wall a few weeks ago by a half ton racehorse and had the most almighty bruise on her arm which they had thought was broken at first but arnica sorted the bruising out. It's good to take the tablets before an operation or dental treatment too.
Another method is to invest in some Jow. There are different kinds. Some are for body conditioning and some are designed for bruising.

I have also heard that DSMO will take care of bruises.
If I recall correctly,

bruises are the result of bleeding beneath the skin.

Ice might help initially by slowing blood flow to that area so there is less blood released before clotting.

Once the bleeding has stopped? Wait. It will go away eventually :D
A female friend of mine figured that since I was into martial arts that I would know remedies for fading bruises.

She wants to make them go away :eek: :xtrmshock

I explained to her that we actually view them as "trophies" where I train and the last thing we want is to fade them! LOL....yeah....we're a sick bunch.

Well...yeah :EG:
Ok, since I have a rather painful bruise on my hand (making self defense a bit over painful), I'll chime in. Ice only works initially, as I found out. Epsom salt is supposed to be good for sprains, strains, bruising, etc. Just dissolve roughly a tablespoon full (depending on size of area) with hot water. You can either soak the affected area, or apply it to a compress. I haven't used anything else, except icy hot when I couldn't find the epsom salt. It's found in the pharmacy, not the grocery section. Don't get concerned when it says it's a laxative, which I wouldn't reccomend it be used for...
Ice works well. My teacher like to use heat his theory fight fire with fire.

Jow works really well some of the herbs in it are used to move the blood that stagnates among other things.

When I was a little kid my Mom use to use a special formula that got rid of all bruises she would kiss the bruise.:lfao:
On the other end of the scale note that with sufficient bruising a hematoma forms which is a sack of blood to limit the amount of bruising. They feel like a bump or ridge under the bruise. These usually go away on their own too but occasionally need 'help' or even surgery.

Ice to reduce the swelling at first and later on heat to help it loosen up may aid in bruise reduction but really your body has to reabsorb the blood. Not getting hit is good prevention ;-)
My wife bruises quite easily. We use jow, rub it in REALLY well, and the bruises are gone in a day or so (compared to several days if left untreated). Rubbing it in well plays a big part in breaking up the blood accumulation but the jow is necessary too (we tried just massaging the bruise out and it doesn't work nearly as well as when we use jow). The trick is finding a good jow.
A good jow will do the trick. I have no personal gain in the Martial Arts Supply link in my signature, they do have the best jows I have ever used.
Jow is the word & way for bruise removal with some massaging the bruise.

Basically... what everybody else said!
Jow is the word & way for bruise removal with some massaging the bruise.

Basically... what everybody else said!

I don't think I've ever see Jow here, where would I be likely to get some to try do you think? it's likely to be too expensive to get it outside the UK I think?
I remember reading/hearing/seeing/experiencing somewhere something about how vinegar can help bruises heal faster... sigh... ok... had to look it up to remind myself that I wasn't as full of it as I thought I sounded. Ah! Here it is... some other helpful methods as well, including those already mentioned :uhyeah:

Bruises home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers
Use of Comfrey tea
Apply buchu or Comfrey tea on the bruise. This will prevent discoloration of skin and reduce the pain.

Ice pack
Apply ice pack to the bruise. This will reduce pain and inflammation. Please do not try this remedy on broken skin.

Heating pads

A day after using ice packs, apply heating pads to the affected area, this will dilate blood vessels and improve circulation.

Application of apple cider vinegar

Apply apple cider vinegar and cold water on the bruise.

Heinz vinegar

Apply Heinz vinegar to the bruise using a cotton ball. This will speed up the healing process.

Help of herbal flowers

Steep mullein flowers into olive oil and apply it on the bruise.

Raw egg

Break a raw egg and apply the content on the bruise.

Arnica benefits

Leaves of Arnica plant may be used in an ointment and can be applied to skin to treat bruises.

Be more careful
Avoid accidental situations and places. (yeah right as martial artists? heh nice one)

Be cool
Avoid activities that might increase swelling such as taking hot showers, using hot tubs, hot packs, and drinking alcohol. During the first 48 hours, these things may actually increase bruising and swelling
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In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), bruises are considered "Blood stagnation." Even from a western viewpoint it's logical. The "treatment principle" would be to move the blood and clear stagnation. One way to accomplish that is to use a "7-Star Hammer." A 7-Star hammer is a tiny hammer with a long flexible handle which has 7 tiny needles on it. The 7-Star hammer would be used to lightly tap on and around the bruise to help disperse it. I would recommend seeing a Licensed Acupuncturist to show you how to use one properly. They work like a charm!

I have a lot of stories about 7-Star hammers...
#1. One of my students pulled his groin and had a HUGE dark purple bruise on his inner thigh. He is the skeptical type so he had me do only half of the bruise to see if there was any difference from not treating it at all.

The next day he called me up and said "Oh My God!?" He couldn't believe that the part I treated was practically gone and the other area was the same as the day before.

#2. I was teaching at a martial arts festival up in Rochester, NY and there was this kid I knew for a few years. He's a good kid, a knucklehead, but a good kid. :) He comes into the festival with this hickey on his neck. Later on he says how "it's a little embarrassing training with all these people with this thing screaming on my neck." So I told him, "let's get rid of it." So I pulled out the 7-Star hammer and sure enough, next day... no more hickey.

Once again, have someone qualified show you how to use it and it's a great tool to have in the toolbox.

Take care.
A good jow will do the trick. I have no personal gain in the Martial Arts Supply link in my signature, they do have the best jows I have ever used.

Yeah, Ive used their Jow for brusing. I agree it is good stuff.
Works great, tastes terrible!

LOL! We need to talk. :p

Yeah, Ive used their Jow for brusing. I agree it is good stuff.

It really is. A few months ago I got a HUGE bruise on my outer thigh. It was one of those things where you don't know how you got it, but it's there. It might have been from my dog jumping up on me. (He was over 100 lbs. and thought he weighed 10).

For days it wasn't going away or even looking a whole lot better. I don't know why I didn't think of using jow sooner, probably because I associate it with training. But it finally dawned on me to put jow on it. I swear, I rubbed some jow into it real good and I kid you not, several hours later it was much better and it was actually gone the next morning.
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