Purple Belt
tae kwon do grew, but not with respect. the philippine martial arts is today growing the same way. 30 years ago (i wasnt here, but i heard about it) people were nervous to go into a martial arts school. they were happy only to get a low belts in that system, and anything the teacher gives to him, he treasures it like it was jewlry or something. when a guy had a black belt, it means to everyone around him, “dont **** with this guy”. there use to be a lot of loyalty with students to there teachers, and when a guy was a phoney the other teachers know how to test him, and you dont see that many of them.
but today, you have a guy who wont study with you because he never read your name on a book or the internet. you have people who walk in your place and tell you “this is what i want to learn, but not that. i dont want to do this and i dont want to do that”. i saw guys who have a student who will negotiate a higher belt or he’s going to leave. if you have a full time training program they wont sign up in your place, because he can do 5 seminars with somebody else and get a black blet in a year (or know i see, become a “professor” in 5 years of training). when people will join a place only for a few techniques he can teach on video or in a seminar, and those couple of techniques is all he knows in that style, but he is certified to teach it. people make up lineages, they make up experience, but his name is everywhere, so he is a “reputable, world know teacher”. oh yeah, he taught 1,000 students, so he must be good. all this, and he cant fight. and nobody around him thinks he can fight, except for his students. even some of them will say “i dont care if he’s not a great fighter, hes an excellent technician.” what the hell does that mean.
my boxing friends look down on karate, my karate friends look down on jeet kune do and philippine martial arts (except me). do you know why? because philippine martial arts people dont fight. except the dog brothers and WEKAF. and guess what many of these non-fighters say the dog brothers and WEKAF people cant streetfight, they are sport. so i guess drills and sinawali is closer to a real fight than sparring. you can get rank to easy in the philippine martial arts. AND, you dont have to fight to get it. do you think the people who do fight will believe all that tap-tap patty cake stuff? you probably dint even test it to see if it works.
I have a good friend in the philippines who teach silat. after he got his computer, and he learned to use the internet, he gets some visitors from the US a couple times a year. we joke because he ask me one time “what is all this let me show you stuff? they like to demonstrate everything” if you didnt get it, whats so funny is, when philippine martial artists get together, they “cross sticks”, means fight, to see what the other guys knows. to seminar learners, cross sticks means “show you in slow motion what i can do”. i have a student here who likes me because i know how to “pull stuff off”. what he means is i can do my art when you are trying to stop me, and i still pull it off. while other guys have to have you put your stick out for him to do the same technique, theres a difference of showing off and pulling off. people respect you when they think you can kick some ***, and you have to do it if you want to prove that you can.
so how can you give respect to the philippine martial art? make fighters. become a fighter. dont be afraid to fight. if you want to convince a student your technique works, guess how your going to have to prove it. if you dont know how to train people full time, (and i am not talking about full time seminar style teaching) find out from somebody how to do it. and stop collecting certificates! my mom says about my friends, that the ones who know how to fight have no certificate or only one or two. it seems like the weaker a fighter they are, he has more certificates. thats how you can tell the weak guys, because they need a lot of certificates and a lot of black belters for students to make up for it.
do a lot of scrimmage. theres nothing like a guy who did a lot of fights. when he shows you something, you can tell he knows what heÂ’s doing. trust me, after your student gets around, he will know the difference between a fighting art and a martial art.
and dont give rank or titles to people who dont have the skill to back it up. because when i have people who did “FMA” before, they dont want it again and i have to convince him that i am different. he doesnt want the FMA because he dint believe in it. why, because probably his teacher did not prove that the fighting art works.
people look to the FMA when they are looking for another certificate to hang on the wall. last month a well known shaolin kempo came to me to learn the philippine martial arts. he has modern arnis and kombatan already. he has a school and he want to teach. “filipino empty hands” whatever that is. when i explain to him our program, he asked me, dont i have a short program for instructors. my answer, hell no. i dont care what you know, you dont know my art, and youre not going to know it in a few lessons. even when he offered me extra for “testing fee” ( i dont charge one) i refuse. i told him, if he can beat me with his kempo, then i will shorten his course to one year if we can exchange. I knew already he aint going to accept that one. people who want short courses dont fight. but you see thats disrespect. its almost like asking a man for his daughter for a short time. i know everybody here met a person like that. (i think he is on this form too). but see people dont respect the FMA that you dont need anything else, even though they say “oh we teach everything in FMA, grappling, knife, hands, feet”. they will show you the same leg kicks, takedown, and limb destruction, but if you want more, i also teach ____”.
but today, you have a guy who wont study with you because he never read your name on a book or the internet. you have people who walk in your place and tell you “this is what i want to learn, but not that. i dont want to do this and i dont want to do that”. i saw guys who have a student who will negotiate a higher belt or he’s going to leave. if you have a full time training program they wont sign up in your place, because he can do 5 seminars with somebody else and get a black blet in a year (or know i see, become a “professor” in 5 years of training). when people will join a place only for a few techniques he can teach on video or in a seminar, and those couple of techniques is all he knows in that style, but he is certified to teach it. people make up lineages, they make up experience, but his name is everywhere, so he is a “reputable, world know teacher”. oh yeah, he taught 1,000 students, so he must be good. all this, and he cant fight. and nobody around him thinks he can fight, except for his students. even some of them will say “i dont care if he’s not a great fighter, hes an excellent technician.” what the hell does that mean.
my boxing friends look down on karate, my karate friends look down on jeet kune do and philippine martial arts (except me). do you know why? because philippine martial arts people dont fight. except the dog brothers and WEKAF. and guess what many of these non-fighters say the dog brothers and WEKAF people cant streetfight, they are sport. so i guess drills and sinawali is closer to a real fight than sparring. you can get rank to easy in the philippine martial arts. AND, you dont have to fight to get it. do you think the people who do fight will believe all that tap-tap patty cake stuff? you probably dint even test it to see if it works.
I have a good friend in the philippines who teach silat. after he got his computer, and he learned to use the internet, he gets some visitors from the US a couple times a year. we joke because he ask me one time “what is all this let me show you stuff? they like to demonstrate everything” if you didnt get it, whats so funny is, when philippine martial artists get together, they “cross sticks”, means fight, to see what the other guys knows. to seminar learners, cross sticks means “show you in slow motion what i can do”. i have a student here who likes me because i know how to “pull stuff off”. what he means is i can do my art when you are trying to stop me, and i still pull it off. while other guys have to have you put your stick out for him to do the same technique, theres a difference of showing off and pulling off. people respect you when they think you can kick some ***, and you have to do it if you want to prove that you can.
so how can you give respect to the philippine martial art? make fighters. become a fighter. dont be afraid to fight. if you want to convince a student your technique works, guess how your going to have to prove it. if you dont know how to train people full time, (and i am not talking about full time seminar style teaching) find out from somebody how to do it. and stop collecting certificates! my mom says about my friends, that the ones who know how to fight have no certificate or only one or two. it seems like the weaker a fighter they are, he has more certificates. thats how you can tell the weak guys, because they need a lot of certificates and a lot of black belters for students to make up for it.
do a lot of scrimmage. theres nothing like a guy who did a lot of fights. when he shows you something, you can tell he knows what heÂ’s doing. trust me, after your student gets around, he will know the difference between a fighting art and a martial art.
and dont give rank or titles to people who dont have the skill to back it up. because when i have people who did “FMA” before, they dont want it again and i have to convince him that i am different. he doesnt want the FMA because he dint believe in it. why, because probably his teacher did not prove that the fighting art works.
people look to the FMA when they are looking for another certificate to hang on the wall. last month a well known shaolin kempo came to me to learn the philippine martial arts. he has modern arnis and kombatan already. he has a school and he want to teach. “filipino empty hands” whatever that is. when i explain to him our program, he asked me, dont i have a short program for instructors. my answer, hell no. i dont care what you know, you dont know my art, and youre not going to know it in a few lessons. even when he offered me extra for “testing fee” ( i dont charge one) i refuse. i told him, if he can beat me with his kempo, then i will shorten his course to one year if we can exchange. I knew already he aint going to accept that one. people who want short courses dont fight. but you see thats disrespect. its almost like asking a man for his daughter for a short time. i know everybody here met a person like that. (i think he is on this form too). but see people dont respect the FMA that you dont need anything else, even though they say “oh we teach everything in FMA, grappling, knife, hands, feet”. they will show you the same leg kicks, takedown, and limb destruction, but if you want more, i also teach ____”.