How safe do you feel in your neighborhood?

I feel pretty safe. nothing really happens here. like TKDGIRL there is a mexician gang moving in from DC thats a little scary but other then that
I live in the boonies. I have two neighbors who have keys to my house (and I have keys to theirs) so we can take of each others pets or check on the house when each other are gone. The next nearest household beyond my immediate neighbor is 17 miles away as the crow flies (probably 25 driving). As a result I feel VERY safe.

nothing has ever happened to me or at my house that should make me scared and fearful but my grandmothers house was broken into once and she was beat severely by the attackers...that scared me...when walking after dark i do get scared...ill admit always looking over my shoulder and aware of everything and everyone that i see...that means no iPod but sometimes i will talk on my phone cause it seems that if i do get attacked i can tell someone right away...sometimes when i get really scared i call up bignick
I also live in the boonies. Our closest neighbor (friends of ours) is 1/4 mile away, and the other is 1/2 mile away. Plus we have a furry four-legged guard on duty at all times. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body, but if you knock on the door, or he hears a car come up the drive way (if he doesn't know you), he turnes into phyco dog LOL. He won't bite anybody, but strangers don't know that when he's barking and snarling at you LOL.

Anyways, I came from a rough area before I moved here. I got in the habbit of locking my car and house and, being "alert" at all times. I just haven't dropped that habbit (which isn't a bad thing), eventhough I feel safe here for the most part.

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