Well, that's the whole point isn't it... the kids. Learning from their fathers/older brothers to "hate the race". Years of listening to the fixed opinions/beliefs of or a tirade of hatred against this or that people and the kid grows up believing that
I'm not so sure. The point that I was hinting at is that things have changed for the worse in the past twent years. There were those who were so deeply mired in one-dimensional 'race hatred' that they would never change but nearly everyone I knew, of whatever ethnicity, got along perfectly well. Indeed, the myth of White Boy Racism was just that; the worst racsm I ever saw was between Indians and Pakistani's. Now it is as if passions are being manoeuvered to pit each facet of the society against each other.
I still believe that change can come
There we sadly diverge; at least in terms of whether the change will be positive or negative.
Things will get worse before they get better, I feel. Much worse. Tho' I do hope that we can still gently coach people into not dividing along racial and religious lines, I don't think it's going to happen any time soon - the 'tide' has reversed somehow.
It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that soon this country will see the 'rivers of blood' that Enoch Powell spoke of all those years ago. The BNP is growing in underground influence. They are gaining members on the regional councils and speaking of things that, on the surface, make so much sense to the ordinary person who feels disadvantaged in their own country by those of different religion or nationality.
It is the classic tactics of division and diversion and it's very scary to see it at work. To my mind, Political Correctness plays right into the hands of such people. It is the scenario of the Road to Hell being paved with Good Intentions.
EDIT: Actually, reading through the above, I think I'm a bit too tired for a discussion of this depth
. Too emotional and Tin-Foil-Hat Conspiracy Theory I reckon
However, the circumstance that Gordon raised in his last paragraph is a true eye-widener