I Just Bought a New Computer - But NOT at "Best Buy".

Jonathan Randall

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Ad in hand, I went to the "Best Buy" near me prepared to buy a new computer system. My monitor (6 years old) had become a fire hazzard due to overheating and my old Celeron, a great deal at the time for about $400.00, was too slow to do the graphics work I needed so I was prepared to spend about $1500.00 on a new system. I spent nearly twenty minutes at my local "Best Buy" browsing the systems and waiting for assistance, but no one would help me. After nearly half an hour I asked someone in another dept. if they could help me. They said they'd go get someone. They didn't. After half an hour, I went upfront and asked to speak to a mgr. The first one said "they'd be with me in a moment" then walked off and did something else. After ten minutes, I asked someone else. This mgr. completely blew me off. His attitude came across as "Who gives a fig what you want". After this I left in disgust and on my way home passed a CompUSA and decided to stop in and BROWSE. No salesperson was in their computer dept. either so I went up front and asked for assistance. The cashier immediately apologized and called for assistance in the PC Dept. and a very helpful and knowlegeable young Latino named Tony answered ALL of my questions. He even steared me AWAY from one system I was strongly considering to another less expensive model that he explained had a better chip and design. I left his store with a brand new PC, Monitor, etc. and a $1350.00 bill - despite having had NO intentions whatsoever of even shopping there, let alone buying a computer and monitor there.

Moral of this story: if you own a business DON'T treat potential buyers as "troublesome bothers" and assume that, because of the tremendous buying power of your chain, that DEALS alone will get and keep business without proper customer service. Also, young go-getters such as Tony are worth more than a dozen mgrs. who look professional but honestly don't give a crap.
How right you are that people make the difference in sales. I used to drive 65 miles one way to go to a motorcycle shop and pick up what I needed, not because there were none closer either. We had a shop right in town 5 miles from home that had a bigger selection, but the attitude was so bad that it was a pleasure to drive right on by and spend my cash at the other place. Sure, I could have saved money buying local, but couldn't bring myself to support foul service and attitude with the cash I worked hard earning while keeping our customers happy with the service we provided. Good for you!

Just hope you were a bit more mature than I was at the time, I used to stop by the local shop after every trip just to show the owner I spent a few hundred bucks at the other place and not his. I can't imagine why he didn't like me. Yes I have grown up a bit and wouldn't do that now, but the temptation woould still be there though.
Yep. Customer service is becoming atrocious. I am continually blown away by the lack of service from everything from retail stores to telephone assistance that has gone so far downhill it's astonishing.

Customer service is not dead. I will drive out of my way, and even spend more than I have to, to give my business to companies who value my patronage.
I wouldn't shop at "Best" Buy if you put a gun to my head. Much of my shopping now is at a local Compusa, and I'm for the most part happy with the service.
Some entertainment for those who don't like Best Buy (myself included):


Now, I realize that a lot of the comments there should be taken with several grains of salt (both customer and employee statements), but even if but a small percentage of those comments are true, then watch out...

I can certainly attest to the "extended warranty" nonsense, having been screwed on two separate occasions with Best Buy, which is why I refuse to shop there.
As a former "Best Buy" employee I've seen this first hand. I tell everyone I know to never shop there, not even under duress. The company treats its employees just as bad as their customers. The price mark-up on many products (like computer cables) is insane (2.80 cost being sold for 28.00). On top of all this best buy abuses their merchandise. At least the store I worked at they dropped 27 inch TVÂ’s without even blinking, I can only imagine what they do to computers. Don't even get me started on best buys in house computer service 'geek squad' or best buy's house brand. Geek squad is a joke; my 13 yr old nephew knows more about computer repair than the half wit pimple faced morons behind that counter, if you value your computer never place it under their care. Best Buy's house brand Insignia *shudder* I have never seen so many products returned before in my life.
Bob Hubbard said:
I wouldn't shop at "Best" Buy if you put a gun to my head. Much of my shopping now is at a local Compusa, and I'm for the most part happy with the service.

Same here, I have had more than one bad experience in more than one Best Buy. I walked in to the store in Mesquite TX with a 4,000 gift card (it’s not like I have this kind of cash to waste; it was given to me when I bought my house). I knew I was there to pick up a 52” DLP TV. So I push one of their flatbed carts over to the TV area and asked about 10 different sales people to assist me with a TV. By the time I was able to round up a sales person another member of their sales force took my cart and used it to carry a 20” TV. Now here I am going back to get a cart and I lost the person I was able to round up for help with the TV. This was not a good day before I left more than one of their sales people got an ear full. And I made it painfully obvious that if it had not been that I was forced to use the gift card at the store and was unable to trade this card in for cash I would have been looking else ware.

One thing that made me feel a little better was that I signed up for Best Buys my points program. Well when you spend close to 6K in the store you get a LOT of points. I was able to get a real nice free digital camera on their dime.

As for computer systems or parts I like www.newegg.com or FryÂ’s (if you donÂ’t live in the Dallas area they have a website www.outpost.com Both are real easy to work with and have good prices. My .02
2004hemi said:
As for computer systems or parts I like www.newegg.com or FryÂ’s (if you donÂ’t live in the Dallas area they have a website www.outpost.com Both are real easy to work with and have good prices. My .02

I love newegg! Everything is shipped so fast, and the are sooo nice when you talk to someone on the phone. I used to go into Frys when I lived in a little podunk town just outside of Dallas (Seagoville). I didn't know they had a website to order from, I'll have to check them out tonight.
Jade Tigress said:
Yep. Customer service is becoming atrocious. I am continually blown away by the lack of service from everything from retail stores to telephone assistance that has gone so far downhill it's astonishing.

Customer service is not dead. I will drive out of my way, and even spend more than I have to, to give my business to companies who value my patronage.

I agree! I have vowed to never get (or attempt to get) a prescription from Wal- Mart pharmacy again. Two years ago I had gotten strep throat and an inner ear infection, so I really felt like **** that day. When I'm sick, I'm not a nice person (well I am, but basically stay away). I went in, and was told it'll be about an hour, and I waited 2- because I really didn't want to go all over God's green earth for something- just to be told (when I reached the counter at the time it should be ready), "I'm sorry, but we didn't have the med's to fill your prescription." Oh, I was heated! I felt like jumping over the counter and choking the lady! I asked her, "and you waited until NOW to tell me this????" The head pharmacist was kind enough to call it in at another pharmacy, though.
bydand said:
I used to go into Frys when I lived in a little podunk town just outside of Dallas (Seagoville). I didn't know they had a website to order from, I'll have to check them out tonight.

Small world I grew up in Kaufman about 15 min from Seagoville and where I live now the small town of Forney is only 10 min from Seagoville.
dubljay said:
As a former "Best Buy" employee I've seen this first hand. I tell everyone I know to never shop there, not even under duress. The company treats its employees just as bad as their customers. The price mark-up on many products (like computer cables) is insane (2.80 cost being sold for 28.00). On top of all this best buy abuses their merchandise. At least the store I worked at they dropped 27 inch TVÂ’s without even blinking, I can only imagine what they do to computers. Don't even get me started on best buys in house computer service 'geek squad' or best buy's house brand. Geek squad is a joke; my 13 yr old nephew knows more about computer repair than the half wit pimple faced morons behind that counter, if you value your computer never place it under their care. Best Buy's house brand Insignia *shudder* I have never seen so many products returned before in my life.

I wonder if the Best Buy I went to is the one that you worked at? Arden Faire Mall in Sacramento. The CompUSA down the street got the sale.
Jonathan Randall said:
I wonder if the Best Buy I went to is the one that you worked at? Arden Faire Mall in Sacramento. The CompUSA down the street got the sale.

That's the one. I worked there during the holidays. *shudder*

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