Everything I say is based soley on the street fights Ive seen, which are many. I also take onboard the info given to me by the many high ranking police officers I train with who see first hand all sorts of violence day to day in their job. Im obviosly watching the wrong streetfights though, because Ive never seen a head kick in a street fight,
Ooh, I have! But it was a 6"3 guy foot-punting some 5"6 or so gent, in some kind of drunken arguement. It wasnt terribly effective, and it clearly wasnt a trained hit, but its been done.
and the most consistent thing I see is punches to the head, that is most people's first attack, usually a right hook. You are entitled to your opinions but when it comes to subjects like these I prefer to take the advice of police officers and bouncers who see altercations everyday. You only have to look at "reality" based self defence systems and they arent teaching head kicks. There is a reason for this.
Or a Grab. Though to be fair, said Grab is often followed by a Right Hook.
I have also said countless times on martial talk that I have no doubt at all that an elite tkdoin will easily defend themself in a real situation, they are a finely tuned athlete at the peak of their powers. The average black belt training a couple of nights a week at the local dojo throwing headkicks in a real situation is a vastly different story. A very small % of all tkdoin are elite. The bottom line is anything 'could' work in a real fight, its just that different things have different chances of actually working on a regular basis, and anyone who thinks head kicks are a high percentage technique for the real world really needs to go and talk with some people who deal with 'real' altercations on a daily basis.
I think Head Kicks are amazing, and should always be taught! ...For when the Opponent has been brought down, either onto their knees, or to the ground, or slouched over, or something. Otherwise, being able to is important, just incase some situation somehow calls for it, but otherwise, Midsection and Below for Me.