Master Black Belt

The average black belt training a couple of nights a week at the local dojo throwing headkicks in a real situation is a vastly different story. A very small % of all tkdoin are elite. The bottom line is anything 'could' work in a real fight, its just that different things have different chances of actually working on a regular basis, and anyone who thinks head kicks are a high percentage technique for the real world really needs to go and talk with some people who deal with 'real' altercations on a daily basis.
Yes you've seen tons of street fights and have numerous sources of altercation data, but you didn' t answer my basic question. How many taekwondoin, even your average blackbelt who trains twice a week, have you seen in a street fight? Of all the altercations that your police buddies talk about in your dojang, how many involved experienced blackbelts from any martial art?
Amazing. Historical. I don't think such a study have ever been conducted before. How would one go about such a study? Maybe pre-street fight interview and post street fight interview? I mean you have to find out somehow what their martial art style was, or what their skill level is. Or maybe they had on their uniform with Taekwondo written on the back, and big gold bars on their belts. That would make it much easier I think. Making out a statistical study sheet ahead of time and marking down all the intricacies of each street fight might be necessary? Of course one would have to live in a place, or travel to a place where street fights between brawlers and Taekwondoin took place almost daily. To find - or happen upon such a place must have been difficult, or maybe just sheer luck. To bad those witnessing the street fights between brawlers and Taekwondoin all forgot to bring their cell phones to each and every street fight, each and every time, or maybe only one person showed up to witness these tons of matches and did not own a cell phone. Otherwise we could all be watching ton's of these street fights on Youtube. It could have turn the Taekwondo world upside down