Green Belt
What type of sparring do you use? I ask because you said you try to keep sparring as realistic as possible. In my opinion if you were to design a ruleset for sparring which looks as far from a realistic altercation as is humanly possible you would come up with wtf ruleset. Rarely in a realistic fight will you see kicks (particularly above waist height), rarely in a real fight will there not be at least 1 head punch within 2 seconds of the fight starting, rarely will you see two guys standing 4 feet from each other, rarely will a spin kick work in a real situation (even less likely will it be 'rewarded') etc. Dont get me wrong, where I train we use many different types of sparring and I find the olympic ruleset a lot of fun, but realistic, no way.
ummmm we don't spar WTF style...where did I say I did? our sparring is akin to any other sparring you would see in a martial arts class. Head gear and gloves, Free sparring for one - two minutes. Use whatever techniques except for elbows, knees, and grappling. Most of the students use more punches than kicks, and most don't use the spin kicks. I know one that does a lot, and It never works very well. Everyone in our class keeps their hands up and actively has to block both punches and kicks. My master will even get angry at us when she sees someone not fighting with their hands up or not applying proper footwork.
I said I treat it In I usually only throw moves that I would use on the street, so in sparring that mainly equates to front kicks to the gut ( to simulate groin ) Round kicks ( no higher than waist, but I'll sometimes throw a headkick just for fun ) and side kicks. Otherwise just punches, hammer fists, palm strikes, etc etc. I stand like I would on the street, I'm aggressive, I put power into my blows and I don't make any unnecessary movements. I parry blows into my own strikes, and quite often I've been complimented on my ability to slip right throw my opponent's guard.
The only rules we have are the ones I have mentioned and obviously don't flat our fight each other.
However I do see your point in the rules. Sparring can only go so far. That's why I said i treat is as realistic as POSSIBLE. I didn't say it would ever be realistic. If it were up to me, I'd have full contact sparring with everything ( literally everything except maybe elbows ) available to be used as long as they are with control ( so a light tap to the groin etc ) but most arts will not do that. The only one's I know that do are Jeet Kune Do and Krav Maga.