How much of an advantage is a knife?

Yup, it’s pretty bleak and he is honest about that.

When someone is coming at you and he is right up in your face going “stabstabstabstanstabstab” there are things that MIGHT work, but nothing can be relied upon to work with consistency, and then you are dead.

That does not mean you shouldn’t try to train them. But be honest with yourself. It is bleak.

what blew my mind is he literally said he'd rather have a gun to his forehead than someone coming at him with a knife
I have no idea how to disarm a knife if I don't have one myself. It's a serious weakness of mine. Worked on it, sure, but have no confidence in it. It's one of the reasons I usually carry a knife.

As for the video, sounds like a chump to me with all the swearing. Seems unprofessional to me.

As for advantages....sure comes in handy cutting cheese.
I used to carry one always. Post 9-11, I can’t manage it.
what blew my mind is he literally said he'd rather have a gun to his forehead than someone coming at him with a knife
I agree with him. Gun on the forehead, I probably have better odds of controlling than a knife (or gun) properly used. Put that gun 24” away, and I’ll change my mind pretty quick.
I agree with him. Gun on the forehead, I probably have better odds of controlling than a knife (or gun) properly used. Put that gun 24” away, and I’ll change my mind pretty quick.

yeah gun to the forehead is one thing, someone pointing a gun at you from 8 feet away... that is downright impossible to defend against
unless the gun holder has *really* bad aim :D
Statistically, many of them are - especially under stress (like the kind of situation where you might choose to shoot someone). The problem is that I don't have much opportunity to affect my own odds. Movement is my only tool at that range.
Statistically, many of them are - especially under stress (like the kind of situation where you might choose to shoot someone). The problem is that I don't have much opportunity to affect my own odds. Movement is my only tool at that range.

as someone who has been robbed at gunpoint from a distance i can say I at least was terrified. I just completely gave in and was like "take whatever you want, man" so in that terrified mind state kind of like what the guy in the video i posted was talking about i might just freeze up. at any rate nobody can move faster than a bullet
You should stay away from that place, loads of people get robbed there... :confused:

True, but you might be able to move fast enough to outrun someone's aim.

yeah but "that place" was my home. i have since moved to a much safer area. i was smoking a cigarette at the back of my house late at night and the dude just came out of nowhere with a gun... it was almost a surreal experience... having someone pointing a gun at you demanding money i was so in shock i didn't really assess my options... plus i was up against the wall
You lived at gunpoint?

It's always in the news, a shop was held up at gunpoint, someone got robbed at gunpoint, tourists were terrorised at gunpoint...

(Maybe you have to be of a 'certain' generation to get the reference...)

so when you said i should stay away from that place, the place you were referring to was gunpoint? not sure i understand. i used to live near a pretty hood part of Atlanta. also trying to outrun someone's aim is a dangerous game. (hey i rhymed)
You lived at gunpoint?

It's always in the news, a shop was held up at gunpoint, someone got robbed at gunpoint, tourists were terrorised at gunpoint...

(Maybe you have to be of a 'certain' generation to get the reference...)

I just reread your post i think i understand what you're referring to now
@sinthetik_mistik - sorry, yeah, if you didn't understand the stolen joke straight away it loses all funniness :(

(Guy says "for years I thought gunpoint was an actual place.....why do people keep going there?")
as someone who has been robbed at gunpoint from a distance i can say I at least was terrified. I just completely gave in and was like "take whatever you want, man" so in that terrified mind state kind of like what the guy in the video i posted was talking about i might just freeze up. at any rate nobody can move faster than a bullet
Giving away stuff is an easy decision when there's a knife or gun in play. They can have my car, if they want it.

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