I'm good with meeting in person too, but I'm not going to take someone seriously if they won't engage with me.
This gets to another issue, maybe I don't blame this one on age demographics, but just the times. I want dedicated students. It's a small group, everyone is counting on everyone else to show up and train. If they don't, we all miss out on the training opportunity. People work, people get sick, there are birthdays and anniversaries, that's all good. But, I don't want people paying their dues and then disappearing and showing back up at random, like it's a well-intentioned, but poorly-used gym membership. I used to manage gyms and I know that people who sign up and pay, but don't ever come are a winfall. No one is ever waiting for them to finish with a bench or machine, but they're helping us pay our rent and salaries! But, that's not what I'm doing. That conversation is meant to help them understand that.
So, I'm looking to be convinced that they're going to be a good reliable training partner. They MUST HAVE questions about us to other than "how much?" Call me or let's meet and get it all out in the open, I'm almost always open in that conversation about our (very modest) monthly dues as well...but that can't be your only question and it certainly isn't the only thing that I want to know about them.