How Much Alcohol

Martial Tucker

Black Belt
May 31, 2004
Reaction score
Sweet Home, Chicago
I'm hoping most MT'ers have seen this before, but because it's New Years Eve here is a link

to a quick and easy calculator for estimating your blood alcohol content after you've had a few drinks.

If you're not familiar with how the various factors (# drinks, body size, time) combine to determine your B.A.C., then I beg you to take a quick look at this and play around with various scenarios for you, or the person who would likely be driving for you before you go out tonite.:drinkbeer
In college, I participated in a BarLab, where I had the opportunity to drink for free and have my reactions monitored by the police while I drove on a course. (So everything was safe and legal) I worked my way up to a BAC of 1.5 and I was ****ed up. I had to crawl to the car and I couldn't even get it started. The cops just laughed. The legal limit up here used to be .12. I couldn't imagine driving at its .08 and still that seems high after experiencing what I experienced. At .08, I was still swerving over the course on the curves and my reaction times were very exaggerated.
upnorthkyosa said:
In college, I participated in a BarLab, where I had the opportunity to drink for free and have my reactions monitored by the police while I drove on a course. (So everything was safe and legal) I worked my way up to a BAC of 1.5 and I was ****ed up. I had to crawl to the car and I couldn't even get it started. The cops just laughed. The legal limit up here used to be .12. I couldn't imagine driving at its .08 and still that seems high after experiencing what I experienced. At .08, I was still swerving over the course on the curves and my reaction times were very exaggerated.
My personal drinking habits/rules typically keep me at .04 or less. Even then, given how I feel around .04, I would be concerned about driving.